
Author Topic: Mario's Murder Mystery on the Excess Express  (Read 21232 times)

« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2005, 10:59:35 PM »
Uhhhh...That should say Chapter 31 on the last chapter  Oh well. 

Chapter 32:  Strange Callings ~ Mario finally made it out of the bustling crowd where he could breath the fresh, open air.  It was much quieter next to the tall hotel sitting next to him.  It looked so elegant, and majestic. 
Mario straightened his rather annoying red bow tie.  It was quite tight around his neck, and provided him discomfort.  He grabbed the bow and pulled off his tie, feeling his neck beginning to breath easier. 
Mario shoved the bow tie in his breast pocket as he pulled at the collar of his white undershirt.  He walked to the hotel, his shoes shining in the bright light of the moon.  As he walked up the stairs to the double doors of the hotel, he suddenly heard something.  Mario turned his head toward the sound, in this case, to the left. 
He saw nothing but fresh, green bushed by the hotel's side.  Mario stood still for a moment, having that certain dreadful feeling that someone was watching him.  His blood went rather cold, and felt very much alone even though there were 20 dozen impatient people not too far off.  He quickly shook off the eerie feeling, and reached out a white gloved hand to open the door.
There it was again.  Louder, and clearer it sounded out in the night.  Mario quickly turned his head once more, his hand still placed on the doorknob.  Was his mind playing tricks on him, or was someone in those shadowed green bushes nearby? 
"Hello?" Mario said in a shaky voice.  There was no reply.
Mario took his hand off the doorknob and walked back down the steps to the hotel.  He looked along the side of the hotel where a row of windows lined the building.  Mario could see that none of them were open, and the sound had to have been coming from outside, obviously right next to him.  He looked into the bushes once more, now closer than he used to be.
"Hello?" he said again.  Once more, the utter silence of the night was his only guest.  Mario shrugged it off.  It must have been a stray cat, or even just his mind playing tricks on him.  Then:
*MMMMMMM-MMMMMMMMPH!!* Mario jumped, his heart thumping.  Without thinking he began searching the thick, bushily bushes.  He felt through nothing but soft leaves as he continued deeper behind the hotel, into shadow.  His adrenaline flowed at the thought of suddenly stumbling upon someone stranded in the bushes.  Mario tossed up a few leaves, searching every nook and cranny.  Mario spotted a very large green bush positioned right next to the brick wall of the hotel.  He doved his hand through it, only to bring it back in a great singe of pain.  He had jammed his fingers into something hard inside the soft bush.  Could he have simply hit the brick wall behind the bush, or was something hidden in there?  The pounding of his heart echoed into Mario's bruised hand as he rubbed it with the other.  Again, slower this time, Mario reached his hand inside the bush until his numb fingers landed upon a hard, yet very smooth, surface.  Mario dug through the bush using his other arm until he revealed to himself what was hidden inside this particular bush.
It was a short, green pipe.  Down this pipe, it was filled with a blinding darkness.  Mario's heart began to thump as he stared down the dark, green pipe, his hands resting on the rim. 
"H-Hello?" Mario called down, his voice echoing.  Almost instantly came a horse reply:
*MMMmmmph!  Mmmm...mmm!*  It sounded throughout the pipe and into Mario's round ears. 
Taking a deep breath, Mario plunged himself into the depths of the tube, not sure of what he would find at the bottom. 
He felt a mysterious wind on his face as his hair lifted up, and then the solid ground suddenly appeared underneath his feet.  Mario stumbled a little, being in uncomfortable fancy shoes, and stared into the darkness surrounding him.  He looked up, happy to see the light of the moon could be seen through a circular opening at the top, which was in his jumping range so that Mario could leave this dark place at any time. 
Mario slowly guided himself over to a wall.  It was cold down here, and rather frightening.  Was someone in here?
"Hello?" Mario said into the room.  A voice responded to him, no longer echoing, but sounding as though someone was directly next to him.
"Mmmmm.  Dahh-lighhhed!" said a very muffled voice.  Mario jumped that the voice sounded so close to him.  He took a deep, steady breath as his stomach began to churn.
"W-What?" Mario asked.
"Dahh-lighhed!" the voice repeated.  Whoever was speaking sounded very horse, and sick.  Mario repeated the muffled phrase through his head.  What could he be asking for? 
"...Dah-lighed......the light?" asked Mario.
"Mmmmmm," said the voice, which sounded like an approval.  Mario blindly moved away from the wall, searching for some sort of chain that he could pull from the ceiling to light up the room.  He couldn't see his own hands in front of his face as he searched through the somewhat empty room.  He was afraid that he would run into this person he had been contacting.  What if they were dangerous?  Mario felt a large mount of anxiety on his shoulders.  Why would someone be down here?  The only thing MArio could come up with is that they were of victim of some sort of crime, and were thrown down here?  Was Mario going to turn on the light to see some sort of disfigured person who had been beaten and tied up?  He shivered at the thought.
Finally, Mario felt a cool, thin chain of beaded metal against his faced.  He grabbed hold of it, and closing his eyes, pulled.  There was a click at the room was dimly lit by a single lightbulb that hung on the ceiling.  Mario opened his eyes to find he was facing a gray, stone wall. 
"Mmmmph," the person said behind Mario, causing his to jump slightly.  Mario clenched his teeth as he turned around to see who it was.
And there, sitting in a chair tightly tied up in thick ropes was Lord Crump, looking as though he had been in this stone room for days.  Mario gasped. 
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #61 on: December 16, 2005, 11:23:58 PM »
Chapter 33:  Trouble in the Elevator ~ Mario felt sweat drip from his damp brow as his fingers shook with effort as he tried to untie the extremely tight knot around Lord Crump.  After much stuggle, Mario finally pulled on the knot so hard that it slipped undone, the rope ravaling to the floor.  Lord Crump raised his weary hands and untied a thick cloth that had been tied over his mouth.  He gasped for air, his hands shaking as they sank back down to his knees, whitch were wet with sweat. 
"Thank you," he said in a very horse voice.  Mario was still very shocked.  The Lord Crump he had just seen a while ago was full of good health, as he had seen the plump X-Naut running from Sir Grodus after being asked to give his master a head masage. 
"How long have you been down here?" asked Mario, quite astonished. 
"I don't know," said Lord Crump in a voice that was barely a whisper, "it feels like I've been in the mole hole for a week...maybe two...I lost count of the days." 
Mario watched in awe as his former enemy panted, staring at the floor.  The craving to ask Lord Crump many questions was itching terribly, as he had never found himself more curious than at that moment.  But Lord Crump obviously didn't look up to speaking, not to mention answering question after question.  He needed to calm down first, replenish his strength. 
" you need anything?" asked Mario awkwardly.
"Water," panted Lord Crump almost instantly.  Mario hesitated at first and said.
"Okay...I'm going to get water and come right back down here.  Stay put."  With that Mario walked towards the circle of light that shone on the floor, think of how stupid it was to telling Lord Crump to stay when clearly he was in no physical condition to get out.  Mario looked back at Lord Crump to find him closing his eyes in his chair, and slowly stretching his limbs.  "I'll be right back," said Mario as he leapt into the air, heading straight through the vertical pipe that lead back outside on the left side of the hotel.   As Mario looked back at the short green pipe, he pushed a few of the bushes over that spot, just making sure no one else discovered him. 
Mario sprinted into the hotel, past the desk clerk, and into the elevator.  He quickly punched the button, stubbing his finger.  The door slowly closed to his frustration and hesitated a bit before beginning it's slow-paced descent to the top floor.  Mario fiddled with his gloved hands which now felt rather wet and uncomfortable.  He threw off his gloves, leaving them to lie on the floor beside him.
This could be it.  This is the evidence he needed to proove who the real murderer was!  Professor Bom-Bers couldn't have possibly tied Lord Crump up considering that he is locked in the train, and whoever would have done such a thing was most likely the same person who put Professor Frankly's murderer into practice. 


The door finally opened as Mario rushed out into the hall, his trampling feet pacing past the other doors on either wall until he arrived at door number 42.  His quivering hand grabbed the door knob and twisted it in a single movement as the door swung open with ease.  Mario rushed into his room making towards the sink. 
Mario could see his pale face in the bathroom mirror as he took a rather small plastic cup and filled it up with water from the marbel sink until it was completely full.  Mario hastily shut off the water, and made his way back to the door, spilling water here and there. 
He stepped into the elevator once more, his heart pounding, and jammed his finger into the button that was labeled FL, for 'floor level'.  After the same brief hesitation as before, the door closed and the elevator slowly began to go downward. 
Mario was breathing quite hard as the elevator began quickening it's speed slightly.  What if he was too late?  How was he going to get this cup of water down the pipe without spilling?  Mario clenched his teeth in frustration for not thinking this over well enough.  He was too impatient to wait for answers.  His stomach was churning with anger, when suddenly he heard a heart-stopping sound.  The elevator was making a loud screeching sound.  Mario dropped the cup of water in fright.  It splashed to the floor, soaking his right pant leg.  Mario cursed in anger, stompping his foot on the little plastic cup. 
Suddenly, the lights began to flicker.  Mario stopped and looked up. 
The elevator was slowly slowing down and it was only on the 24th floor.  Mario gasped as the lights suddenly all shut off and the elevator came to a halt. 
Mario was left in a pitch black elevator that could plummet to the ground at any second.  His heart churned, his heart pumpped, and his breathing began to shorten.  Silence filled the air, except for the occasional sound of a squeak or a hum.  Mario dared not move at fear of triggering the elevator into an endless fall. 
Sweat dripped from his head as he continued to stand in the hame exact position.  He was cramping up, and his mind was bursting with frustration and anger.  Would this elevator ever move? 
The elevator suddenly jerked downwards.  Mario's eyes widened and his clenched teeth tightened along with the rest of the muscles in his body.  But then, the lights suddenly began to flicker a bit.  Mario looked up to see a small light bulb near the top of the door.  It was in a glass orb that was labeled EMERGENCY LIGHT.  Mario sighed.  It wasn't much help, but at least it was a start. 
He looked towards the button on the right side of the door and scanned through them.  He skipped the many, many buttons that displayed numbers and looked towards the bottom wear there was a button that he saw to read:  EMERGENCY - OPEN DOOR.  This was certainly an emergency, and Mario desperately needed to get out of the confounded elevator. 
His eyes remained on the button for quite a while, expected a sudden jerk in the elevator at any moment.  Mario saw no other choice he had but to walk across the elevator to reach the button.  He swallowed loudly as he listened the the utter silence of the fragile elevator.  Being very causious, he moved his left foot slowing across the elevator floor, sliding it across it's green carpeting until he slowy let it rest. 
Mario sighed, relieved that nothing had happened on his first step.  With his stomach tight, MArio slowly moved his right foot, shuffling it along the floor until it was again even with his left foot.  Mario repeated this process twice more, each one more nerve-racking than the one before. 
Finally Mario appeared at reach with the button.  Mario's arm slowly reached across the elevator, his hand shaking, until his index finger could finally rest upon the emergency escape button.  He slowly applied pressure to the button, feeling it sink in to the wall behind it...
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #62 on: December 18, 2005, 09:16:51 PM »
Chapter 34:  Black Out ~ Mario was relieved when he heard a hum coming from the elevator doors, as they slowly began to open.  The elevator had come to an abrupt halt at the very top of door number 23.  There was a rather small opening at the bottom of th eelevator door, that MArio assumed he would be able to crawl under. 
Taking a deep breath he slowly got onto his hands and knees.  his arms were quivering under the suddenly heavy mass of the rest of his body.  He slowly inched his way through the narrow passage way, crawling into the dark hallway beyond the opening.  He turned around so that his legs went through first, and slowly began pushing his body through the opening, inch by inch.  He was half way through when he began to feel that he was getting rather stuck.  The unpleasant thought of what were to happen if the elevator suddenly plunged to the bottom at that very moment linger in his mind as he gently tried to nudge his way out.
As Mario tried to gain control of his coat to fit through the crevice, he heard a heart-stopping sound.


It was the elevator.  Mario stood very still for a moment as another loud screech sounded.  Suddenly, Mario felt as though there was some sort of weight suddenly being forced on his back, as if a Thwomp was slowly falling on him.  In a swift movement,  Mario yanked his body out of the elevator, banging his head on the top of the door. 
Mario fell to the ground below him, just in time to hear the ear-splitting sound of the elevator plummeting to the bottom of the hotel, ending in a loud crash.
Mario's heart was racing as he felt the back of his throbbing head.  It was fairly numb for now, but there was still a stinging tinge of pain that ran through his body whenever he touched it. 
Instead of standing up Mario inched is way over to the wall behind him where he sat for a while, trying to recover his strength, and ease his heart rate. 
He was panting heavily as he looked up into the pitch black hallway, and then at the empty vertical tunnel in front of him, in which the elevator ran.  It seemed rather foolish to think that this black-out simply occured naturally, considering what had been going on lately.  But it would certainly reasure MArio if he knew that it was a simple accident, that the desk clerk would let him stay in the hotel for free for the inconvinience, and that the new Theatre seemed to have absorbed most of the town's electricity, thus causing a black-out.  But that wasn't true.  Poshley Heights had enough energy stored to last through any type of power surge, or sudden black-out. 
Someone must have seen Mario come in, and shut off the power.  The only for that would be if that person had seen Mario jump into that warp pipe to discover Lord Crump.  Whoever it was obviosuly didn't want Mario alive, and was more than likely the real murderer.  Either that or Professor Bom-Bers made some sort of random break-out. 
Either way, Mario was a sitting duck right now.  If the murderer finds out that Mario wasn't in the elevator at the time of the black-out (which he most likely planned) than he will most likely be searching for Mario at the very moment. 
Mario's stomach churned at the thought.  If he could just get out of this hotel, maybe he would be safe.  If only I had stayed to wait for the opening with Goombella, Mario thought to himself as his throbbing head began to slowing ease down.  None of this would have happened if he just stayed back with his friends.  Mario could be seated in the Theatre at the very moment, enjoying a high-class play with his friends, enjoying the sweet victory of solving a murder mystery.
But then again, the case never really seemed solved at all, in Mario's point of view.  It simply didn't feel right to him to accuse Bom-Bers, and he was convinced it wasn't him.  Perhaps if he had waited with Goombella he wouldn't have to deal with the stinging pain in the back of his head, but if he hadn't gone to rest in the hotel MArio never would have found Lord Crump, and the mystery would remain unsolved.
Professor Frankly would forever be nothing but a ghost with a prophecy unfilled because Mario decided to take the easy way out.
There was absolutely no way Mario was going to allow that to happen.  Never has he let justice slip by, and this certainly wasn't going to be the first. 
Mario slowly rose to his feet, feeling a bit of blood rush to his head.  His knees were crouched as he listened for any oncoming predators.  He had a simple plan.  For now he would try to find his way out of this cursed place, but if he was to be found by the murderer he wasn't sure what he would do. 
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2005, 01:00:49 AM »
Gah!!!  I really want this story to be done with so I can start a better one!  I still have a LONG way to go on the X'Nauts Strike Back, so I'll just tamper with that one while I write another story that I have in mind.... After I finish this one, that is. we go, anonymous reader of mine.

Chapter 35:  Mysterious Encounters ~ Mario stood up inside the dark hallway, listening to the eerie echo of the elevator that now lay upon the floor.  He put his hand on the wall next to him, preparing to make his way out through touch, apparently.  He began going left for no apparernt reason, hoping that it would eventually lead him to a flight of stairs.  If he could only make it outside, he would be safe!  He would just have to ask to borrow water from someone else nearby.  What would he do with Lord Crump anyways?  Well, after handing him the water for him to drink up, he would ask Lord Crump to stay put until he came back.  He would tell Pennington about it, and then he would know what to do from there.  Yes, it sounded like a fair plan. 
He knew one thing.  The so-called "Lord Crump" that was on the train today is in for a lot of questioning.  For the X-Naut residing at the bottom of that warp pipe has obviously been there for days, not a few minutes. 
But then again, Mario hadn't seen Lord Crump in a long time since they arrived at Poshley Heights, perhaps he was someone banished into that pipe.  But how would that explain his terrible need for water, filthiness, sweat-stained clothes, and awful smell? 
Perhaps the X-Naut on the train was an imposter, and when he got to Poshley Heights he quickly got out of his disguise!  Yes, than that means that the imposter had tied up the real Lord Crump before getting on the train, and throwing him down there!.....  Wait a second.  Why would the murderer need a disguise if he wasn't going to be caught anyways?  Perhaps it was to create a perfectly clean alabi.  Mario's head was spinning.  This was truly confusing business.  All he knew, was that when they had reached Poshley Heights, the normal-looking and acting Lord Crump was seen walking off with Sir Grodus.  Then, MArio talked with Sir Grodus a little while later to find that Lord Crump was missing.  After that, Mario finds Lord Crump in a warp-pipe, looking as though he had been down there for days!  It was truly a mind-puzzler, and Mario was glad to know that he wasn't the only detective on this case.

Finally, Mario felt a gap in the wall.  Sure enough, it was an opening that lead to a flight of stair going downwards, exactly where he needed to go.  If he could just stay on these stairs the whole way down, he would be in the clear.  But suddenly, before Mario could make even his first step, he heard someone suddenly running down the hallway towards him.  Mario's heart leapt and his stomach churned as he looked down the hall to see a black figure charging towards him.  Mario's adrenaline pumped, his hands and legs shaking as he watched the figure come ever closer.  He felt it would be scarier to flee than to stay and fight.  Mario faced the stranger, gathering up his courage.
"HEY!" Mario cried, trying to intimidate whoever it was charging at him.  The figure did end up slowing down a bit until the mysterious person came to a halt.  There was an eerie silence between Mario and the shadow.  Mario's senses were keen and the shape of the shadow seemed almost familiar.  Mario saw the mysterious stranger lift up his arm, and before he knew it, something was thrown into Mario's head.  It felt cool like metal, and rounded smooth.  It hit Mario right in between the eyes.  He had become instantly dizzy as he dropped to his knees.  The more-than-likely murderer could be heard running over to Mario, picking up his/her throwing device.  Suddenly, Mario was clubbed in the back of the head by something that seemed to have a small, hard, round end to it.  It felt like the metal as the rounded object that had hit him in the face. 
Mario's hands fell to the ground beside him, and he collapsed to the ground, passed out.....

Mario was surprised to find himself waking up under the night sky.  His head was still blurry, and his mind felt blank.  His head was terribly bruised.  Mario groaned in pain as he looked about to see where he was located.  To his utter most surprise he found himself positioned in front of the gallant fountain that resided in front of the Grande Theatre.  There wasn't a soul outside, and the sprouting water of the fountain was the only murmuring sound that could be heard.  Mario saw that the doors to the Grande THeatre were closed.  It was clear that everyone had already made it inside, including his friends.  Mario stood up, feeling a strange tingle at the back of his head.  He felt it, to find a large bump.  He suddenly recalled everything that had happened inside the hotel.
Where was that mysterious shadow now? 
Mario's heart pumped and his stomach churned as he expected that the man/woman that had knocked him out would run out of the neatly trimmed green headges, ready to fight.  But there was no one.  There was nothing but the soft trickling sound of water splashing in the elegant fountain in front of him. 
He still needed to check on Lord Crump.  He was still down at the bottom of the warp pipe, waiting for Mario to return with water.  But first he had to go get someone to help him.  He didn't feel very safe to wander alone anymore.  Or at least, he certainly didn't prefer to.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2005, 06:08:53 PM »
Okay, guys, it's winding on down.

Chapter 36:  Unwanted Discovery ~ Mario heaved open the two enormous doors that held the entryway into the Grande Theatre.  Inside was the main lobby, though there was no one to be seen.  The ticket booth was empty, and the place had a dark feeling to it.  The people who ran the Theatre clearly assumed that everyone in town had already paid their tickets and made it in.  How long had Mario been knocked out?
The echoing sound of voices could be heard in the distance.  The play was clearly going on, and it was utterly silent otherwise.  Mario made his way past the booths and binocular selling counters, to sudenly find Pennington walk out of the bathroom.  This was clearly a dream come true. 
"Pennington!" Mario said berathlessly.
Pennington gave Mario an odd look.  "MArio!  What are you doing out here?... And what on earth happened to you?" he asked.  Mario didn't have time for questions at the moment.
"PEnnington, I need to show you something important!" said Mario.
"Well, can it wait?  The show is still going on, afterall."
"No!  This is important!  It may change the whole outcome of this....this...murder mystery!" Mario sputtered. 
Pennington looked shocked.  "What do you mean, my boy?" he asked.
"Come on, I'll show you!" 
With that Mario guided Detective PEnnington back outside and over to the tall hotel.  Pennington looked confused as he grasped onto his magnified glass as tightly as he could, trying to keep up with Mario.  PEnnington noticed that the windows on the sides of the hotel were pitch black and his brow furrowed.
"What happened to all the lights at the inn?" he asked.
"I'll tell you about that later.  Right now I need to show you something... or rather.... someone..." Mario said as he began his way through the bushes, pushing them aside and looking for the warp pipe.  Pennington's interest had been sparked as he followed Mario through the brambles, stumbling over his feet.
 Finally Mario found it.  The short, green warp pipe that jutted out from the ground. 
"Down here," said Mario.  He jumped down into the dark warp pipe, only to be greeted by a dull light at the bottom.  Lord Crump sat in the chair that stood under the light bulb, looking exhausted.  His eyes were closed as he breathes heavily.  Mario heard Pennington flop down at his side.
"Look!" said Mario.  "Does this say anything to you?"  Mario gazed into Pennington's face, his heart fast and his breath heavy.  There seemed to be no hint of expression in Pennington's face.  It was as though he wouldn't have expected anything else.  And then the penguin detective slowly sighed. 
"You know my boy," he said, "you're a far better detective than I assumed............. And I really hate to do this." 
Slowly, Pennington raised his magnified glass at Mario.  In a swift movement the handle of the magnified glass came swooping down towards Mario's head!  Mario's heart raced as he dove out of the way just in time.
"What are you doing?!" he cried as Pennington gazed at him in a dull expression.
"You have discovered my secret, Mr. Mario," said Pennington, diving at Mario once more.  Mario may a quick jolt to the left as PEnnington ended up running into the wall. 
"What are you talking about?!" Mario asked loudly, backing up towards the wall.
"I think you can figure out what's going on here, Mario.  It isn't that hard..." said Pennington calmly.  Mario's blood became cold and his heart still.
"You.........You're the.....You're..."
Pennington charged at Mario top speed.  Acting quick, Mario leapt over PEnnington's head and landed with a thud to the floor.  Pennington halted and quickly spun around, now glaring at Mario, his feet apart and his arms outstretched.  Mario looked up to see the hole in the ceiling that lead back up outside.  In a quick movement he dove up the warp pipe, and hurridly crawled out.  He ran through the bushes on the side of the hotel, looking over his shoulder, ready to see that blue flightless bird come charging out after him. 
Mario ran into the center of the town square, and faced the hotel, ready to do whatever necassary.  Whatever was going on, the answers would be told.  Sooner or later, the truth of Detective Pennington would be out there.
Then Mario saw a dark figure coming out from the shadows of the tall hotel, magnified glass at hand. 
"Mario, I really had hoped it didn't come to this.  Honestly I didn't," said Pennington, truth being recognized in his voice.  "Though perhaps I was a fool to think that I could succeed at this without any punishment..."
"What did you.....How....?" asked Mario. 
"You'd like to know, wouldn't you?" said Pennington.  On his face MArio could sense a great sense of guilt and sorrow behind his pride.  "Unfortunately, this is one case that will not ever be solved..."
"What?" asked Mario, his stomach churned uneasily.
"The case of the missing plumber..."
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #65 on: December 30, 2005, 12:35:44 AM »
Chapter 37:  A True Friend Slipped Away ~ Pennington embraced Mario, trying to smack him in the head with the blunt end of his magnified glass handle.  Mario struggled to hold him back, his feet scraping against the gray pavement below his feet.  Pennington was surprisingly strong for a bird his age.  Mario was able to shove him backwards.
"Don't do this, Pennington," said Mario as they both glared at each other under the deep night sky.  "You can make things better, I swear!"
"It's far to late for that now, boy," said Pennington.  He looked down in grief for a moment, his eyes looking pififul.  In the next instance he charged towards Mario once more.  Mario quickly jumped over Pennington's head, landing behind him.  With a swift movement Mario lunged at Detective PEnnington, trying to pin him to the ground.  Pennington escaped, getting away from Mario's grasp.  Mario's heart pounded against his chest trying to get out, his hands were quivering.  He had hoped he was wrong when he found that first clue.  But no.  His suspisions had been right. 
On the train Goombella had discovered Frankly's new book that he had wrote about in the letter.  Goombella said that the book was something about penguins.  Mario could vividly remember walking in on Pennington once while he was asleep.  In his hands was a book.  Mario couldn't recall the title clearly in his mind.  It was something like, "The History of Penguins".  Mario had simply connected the two together, thinking that perhaps the entire time PEnnington was in possesion of Frankly's new discovery, and that he was the murderer.  And now, as it turns out, Mario appeared to have been right.  But the penguin also seemed to have a perfect alibi other than that.  When the murder took place, Pennington wasn't even on the train yet.  He must have had something up his sleeve...something clever and invisible to the naked eye. 
Mario dodged another attack by his former comrad.  Beads of sweat appeared on his plump face as he watched Pennington's every move, making sure that he wouldn't get taken advantage of while his mind was deep in thought.  Mario quickly decided in his mind that he would think over the status of the mystery later, for at the moment he simply needed to try and stay alive.
"Mario?!  PEnnington?!" said a familiar voice from the entrance between the hedges that lead out into the coldesac which held the Grande THeatre.  Standing there was Goombella, her face pale as she watched them both glaring at each other, in fighter's stances. 
"Goombella!" cried Mario.  PEnnington suddenly lunged forward, pinning Mario to the ground.  Mario gasped loudly as he watched the penguin raise his flipper, tightly holding a slightly shakey magnified glass in his hand, and holding Mario's throat with the other.  Goombella screamed.
"Farewell, old boy," said PEnnington.  "I'm sorry this had to happen, but-"
Pennington suddenly stopped in midsentence, he looked very drowsy.  Mario was losing oxygen because of PEnnington's tight hand around his throat, grateful that the konking noise wasn't produced due to PEnnington hitting him over the head.  No, instead it was because of Goombella.  She had snuck up behind PEnnington and gave him a swift headbonk.  Mario fell to the side, unconsious, as Mario stood up, brushing off his pants and shirt. 
"Wha-wha....What's going on here?" asked Goombella, her body shaking nervously as she looked about feeling paranoid.  Her face sensed fear and her complection was pale. 
"I'll have to figure that out later," said Mario.  "All I know so far, is that Pennington may have been the true murderer."
Goombella's heart raced as she gaped in amazement. 
"What?!  How is that even possible!  He helped us!  He-he was a friend of Franky's, he-"
"I know," said Mario.  "But he had just attacked me after I discovered..... I'll be right back," said Mario. 
"Discovered what?" asked Goombella.  But she was too late, MArio was already headed off towards the inn.
"Keep an eye on PEnnington!" cried Mario, "I'll be right back!"
"Mario!!!" cried Goombella as MArio stumbled through the bushes on the side of the inn.
He searched desperately for the warp pipe, until at last he found it.  He jumped down inside, his stomach lurching at the falling sensation.  At the bottom it seemed that Lord Crump had fallen asleep while sitting on his chair.  He had taken off his vikings helmet, to reveal a very sweat-covered head.  Mario quickly grabbed the ropes that once bounded the plump X-Naut to the chair he rested in.  Feeling guilty that Mario still hadn't any water to give, Mario raced back up the warp pipe, rope at hand. 
At the top, Mario tied the unconsious Pennington up tightly in rope, explaining to Goombella all he knew while he worked.  Mario knew how he would get the answers out of Pennington.  He could find all the information he wanted through a device that was back on the train.  It was a device that Pennington had lied about, and now it was going to be put to use.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2006, 10:25:41 AM »
I have a feeling that a superb story like this will never end.

« Reply #67 on: January 02, 2006, 09:25:54 PM »
Oh it'll end.....  or at least it better end because it's giving me a headache!

Okay, I was planning to write another chapter right now, but it's just plain too late.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #68 on: January 09, 2006, 05:29:13 PM »
Gah!  I need to bring this story back!  Stupid thing.  Always... there.  And I feel sort of bad since I'm not able to read anyone else's stories.  After this one is done, I'll probably try to focus on The X-Nauts Strike Back for a little while, and then create a new story.

Chapter 38:  The Truth is to be Told  ~  Mario slid open the door the lead into Pennington's room on the strain.  The air seemed thick and condensed inside, the open outdoors taunting him.  Mario quickly opened Pennington's drawer by his bedside, only to find there was nothing to be found.  He quickly searched underneath his bed to find a bag that looked as though it held something rather heavy inside.  Mario reached in and grabbed the bag handle, tugging it out from under the bed.  He peered inside to see a strange looking device.  It was the very same lie detecting helmet that Pennington had brought out to question Prof. Bom-Bers.  He claimed that the thing was broken, though Mario thought otherwise.  It was obvious just a clever cover-up to make him look professional. 
Mario quickly walked back into the Dining Hall, the bag at his side.  Goombella stood waiting for him next to Detective Pennington, who was now looking as though he was coming about.  Mario reached inside the brown bag and pulled out the lie-detector, carefully cradling it in his hands.  Goombella took off Pennington's detective's cap as Mario placed it upon his blue head. 
Mario found an 'Off' and 'On' switch at the back of the helmet.  He flicked the switch upwards as the machine began to greet him with a low humming sound.  Pennington was suddenly arroused as he suddenly flung his head up, looking about the room and coming to his senses. 
"Mario..." he said as he tried to get out from the chair.  "Get me out of this thing!" he said once he realised that he was tied down.
"Not until you answer a few questions for us, Pennington," said Mario.  Pennington glared at Mario as he stopped his struggle, afraid he might tip over. 
"...And what is this thing on my head?" he asked.
"You know very well what it is," replied Mario.  "It is the very same contraption that you yourself brought onto this train as a foolish attempt to look as though you had everything under control."
"Er... it's broken, though!" he said foolishly.  It was obvious he had not yet comletely come to his senses, for the helmet was still making the sound of a low hum and was obviously working well, for as soon as the statement left Pennington's beak the humming grew louder, and a soft beep resounded from the helmet. 
"A lie," said Mario.  "You see, detective, Goombella and I are determined to get all the answers out of you one way or another, and this is how we are going to do it."
"No!  You can't get anything out of me!" said Pennington, as the helmet began processing once more and let out yet another beep. 
"Come now, Pennington, don't be so stubborn," said Goombella, "just answer our questions and we won't have to get desperate."
"Bah!  See if I care," Pennington replied rudely.
"I don't think you want to see what we can do when we get desperate, Pennington," Goombella said, her eyebrows raised.
"Yeah," said Mario, "we can either do this the hard way, or the easy way.  Just answer the questions...... detective."
Pennington scowled deeply as he glared at the both of them.  He seemed as though he was feeling very out-numbered, and quite peeved at his sudden surroundment. 
"Very well...." said Pennington, his body filled deep with hatred, depression, and deep regret.  "I suppose my brilliant work must be told to someone... might as well be you."
"Good.... now lets start out from the very beggining.  Tell us what happened first.  And remember.  Ther is no lying allowed," Mario said as he and Goombella grabbbed two chairs from a table nearby and sat down to listen.
"...It all started out in a deep depression as you both could have guessed," Pennington began reluctantly.  "I lived in my large sanctum here in Poshley Heights, continuing my work as the mayor.  You know, that place has quite an eerie atmosphere to it, I tell you.  Not a very joyful place to live all the time..... I've always said to myself that I wanted a small home up north... where the winters were snow-covered, and the ice-fishing was-"
"Stick to the subject, detective," interjected Mario.
"Right, right..." Pennington replied as he continued on.  "I was the heir of a long line of great Penningtons.  They were all mayors, and all, ironically, detectives.  It's in our blood, sleuthing, you know.  Each one of them was more famous than the last, and they were greatly honored here in the town, and around many places of the world, as a matter of fact.  But I hadn't seen a single case in a year!  I was getting down their, Mario!  In fact... I believe the last case I solved was the case of the missing cat!  It was absolutely humiliating!  I didn't deserve such treatment as my father did, or my father's father, or my father's father's father, and so on.  I was rather pathetic.
But then there came that day.  I was sitting at home, moping about, when the mail arrived.  It was a letter from my dear old friend from college, Prof. Frankly.  Oh, we were always harsh rivals, and got in many a competition, but we became friends in the end.  In his letter he had stated that he had discovered something new regarding my own race.  He said that he wasn't completely sure what it was, and needed my help to complete the puzzle, regarding that I was of the race he was researching.  He told me that he would be arriving to Poshley Heights on the Excess Express in two weeks, for he still had other matters to attend to, and that he would bring along with him the work that he had so far.   
This deeply spoke to me.  I would finally have a bit of recognition once again!  But the thought came to me, would it be enough?  Would it be Prof. Frankly who ended up getting most of the credit on such a discovery.  The truth was, yes, probably.  Almost certainly.  I would play no more than a sidekick in this!  It was at that moment, a strange rage seemed to well up inside me.... I'm not even quite sure of what it was.  My deep depression of lack of recognization seemed to turn into a hot, blazing fire residing in the pit of my heart.  I simply couldn't take it!  It was my own race, after all, why shouldn't I be the one to discover this?  Why wouldn't that old Goomba consult me as soon as he found out about such a thing right away?  This discovery had to be mine!
I had come to the conclusion that I would not stop at anything to take claim for this discovery, and that is just what I would do.  But how would I do it, you ask?  Yes, I asked the very same question to myself.  But only one thought came to my mind.  It was the only possible way.  It was death.  Death to the Goomba and the reward to me.  That was how I would take credit for the discovery.  I had become crazy.  It was determined to the point of unhealthiness, and I had never wanted anything so badly in my life. 
Now, as you both know I am a detective.  And as such I have been around many tricky cases in my lifetime, and have learned from all of them.  I have been inspired by the actions of my victims, and influenced by the criminals that I catch.  I knew how to create the perfect alibi so that no one would expect that I, Detective Pennington, murdered Professor Frankly." 
The lie detector began to hum suddenly and a beep resounded from the helmet.  Mario was startled deeply.  That beep meant that Detective PEnnington didn't actually kill Professor Frankly.  Was this penguin simply crazy?
"Alright, saying that I killed him isn't exactly the truth, for I had someone else perform the action.  You see, I couldn't possibly face a man and kill him.  That's simply too hard for me to do.  No.  I needed a little help in this murder.... but I'll get to that later.  First I must explain to you how I got on to the train before Professor Frankly so that I could murder him the night he arrived.  You see, I simply needed a disguise to help me along and I would have this thing in the bag.  And who else better to dress up as than the man wearing so much clothing you can't even see his true form, none other than Lord Crump. 
So, this is how I did it.  I waited until night came, when most people were asleep, and knocked upon the door of the X-Nauts, who live quite close to me.  After I knocked I quickly ran into the bushes beside the door.  Once someone opened the door and I realised that it was indeed Lord Crump, I tackled him!  Yes, and the whole while muffling his alarmed cries so that he couldn't be heard.  I had disposed of this X-Naut into a warp pipe near the hotel where I had tied him to a chair and put a scarf around his mouth.  Hopefully, no one would discover him and I would be able to go through with my plan unnoticed.
Once he was down and tied up, and stuck into the X-Naut's house and stole a good helping of Lord Crump's clothes, being careful not to wake up the many slumbering X-Nauts nearby.  In the morning, the X-Nauts found the fake note I left them that Lord Crump needed to go on a vacation, and would be back sometime soon on the Excess Express. 
So now I had my disguise, but there was a problem.  Frankly had come on the train to see me, and if he was murdered, they would most certainly want someone such as me to be back at Poshley Heights to take care of that!  But how could I be Detective PEnnington if I was too busy being Lord Crump on the train?  Well, it's all thanks to a certain "friend" of mine.  You see, the Grande Theatre was opening soon, and many actors and actoresses were coming in, including a certain Duplighost that may prove helpful.  Yes, that's right.  I brived the actor, Doopliss, into helping me out with my plan of murder.  He obviously missed the life of crime and joined me. not to mention he would be paid handsomely for it.  So the next night I dressed up as Lord Crump, spectacles and all, and preapred to board.  In my suitcase were some extra clothes, and Doopliss.  Doopliss had transformed himself into another one of my helmets and was placed into the suitcase.  I paid extra for a ticket that took me to Rougeport and back again, so that I could dispose of Professor Frankly, and possibly create a suspicious looking alibi for Lord Crump. 
So, Doopliss and I stayed in room number 8 the whole ride to Rougeport.  I kept Doopliss hidden rather well so that no one would find him.  I had a plan all set out perfectly on how Frankly would be killed.  I had eavesdropped on the conductor talking to the chef to inform him where all the new guests coming on at Rougeport would be roomed.  This way, the chef would know what rooms to send his food service to.  It was room number 4, Frankly.  So I waited until the pitch of night, while everyone was asleep, and walked out into the box car of room number four with Doopliss.  I removed the vase of flowers on one of the tables, and replaced it with a fake vase.  That's right.  It was Doopliss.  He had shape-shifted himself into a vase of flowers and rested there while I gave him orders.  I said, on the night that Frankly comes aboard the Excess Express, transform back into yourself, murder him quickly, and run back to the table where he would turn back into a vase of flowers as though nothing had happened.  Once everything settled down, I told him to run back to room number 8 with me. 
So, Doopliss stayed transformed into a vase as stayed sitting there for the whole ride to Rougeport until we finally arrived, and Frankly got aboard.  Obviously, Doopliss was quite anxious, for not long after the old Goomba had come, Doopliss had transformed to his regular self, knocked upon Frankly's door, and done away with him.  He transformed back into a vase just in the knick of time, too. 
So, later that night, Doopliss came back to the room.  We were headed back to Poshley, and everyone that had boarded the train with Frankly were now suspects.
Next up was the tricky part, for you see, they were all headed back to Poshley Heights to retrieve me, so I could solve the murder, when I was actually the brains of the whole thing!  So, as soon as the train stopped at Poshley Heights, I snuck out the back when the Conductor left to talk to the engineer, and I rushed back to my sanctum, taking an unseen shortcut, obviously.  I had gotten out of my Lord Crump suit and everything.  I was now back to being the good old Detective PEnnington.  So, I luckily beat the Toad conductors to the sanctum so that it looked as though I had been there the whole time!  The perfect alibi!  So, I then got back on the train as Detective PEnnington.  As soon as I had left, Doopliss had transformed into Lord Crump, so that it seemed he was still on the train.  Do you not see my brilliance shining?  Not only would I take the credit for Frankly's discovery, but I would have solved one of the most difficult murder mysteries!  It was all going to plan!  Doopliss was now Lord Crump, the real Lord Crump was in the sewers, I had set up the whole murder and had the most perfect alibi!  It went without a flaw!  Or at least it did.... until that foolish chef made a suggestion to ask Mario for help..."
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #69 on: January 11, 2006, 06:29:25 PM »
Wow! What a story! I suspected that Pennington was in on the murder... Keep it coming! I love this story!

« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2006, 07:38:21 PM »
Alright!  This chapter won't be very long, but it's here anyways!  XD

Chapter 39:  A Mission at the Theatre ~ Mario was dumbstrick.  It all made sense now.  Everything seemed to connect together.  It was Doopliss who put the poison in Peach's muffin that one morning on the train.  Pennington must have ordered him to do so, scared that Mario may figure out the mystery.  It all made sense now... except for one thing that he still remembered.
"Pennington," he said bluntly, "how did you get your hands on Frankly's report?"
"Who ever said I have it?" asked Pennington.
"Don't play dumb," Mario shot back, "I saw you holding it!  The History of Penguins, or something like that.  You had the book!  That was Frankly's report!"
"Wh-when?  How?!" Pennington asked anxiously, feeling disappointed that his brilliant plan had, indeed, involved a small snag. 
"When I walked in on you while you were asleep with your book.  I just happened to glance at the cover, and I remeber specifically what it was about."
There was an eerie silence.  Absolutely nothing could be heard in the thick, still train.  Pennington's eyes burned right into Mario's.  Finally, he sighed and looked down.
"Yes, yes, alright.....  It was when the conductors of the train found me afterwards to talk to me about the murder...  I told them that I needed to examine Frankly's body alone.  Being the fools that they are, they left me alone.  I had searched in all of Frankly's bags until I discovered his report!  I then knew it was now mine, and all I had to do was falsely accuse someone of being the criminal.  I decided on Professor Bom-Bers, considering that he really seemed to annoy me."
"So, what is it then?" asked Goombella suddenly.
"What?" said PEnnington.
"Frankly's report.  What did it say?" she asked again.
"Oh.  I'm not really sure actually.  I didn't have much time at all to read it.  Though from the few pages I looked over, I realised it was brilliant writing... yes.."
There was another silence as Mario thought over all that Pennington had just said.
"So I suppose it was you who put the real flower vase in room number 7, wasn't it?" asked Mario.
"What?  Oh... that.  Yes, I suppose it was.  I should have disposed of it, but I thought of a better use for it.  It wasn't all that clever, but it was better than hiding it away in my room.  I simply tried to frame those Shadow Sirens, you see.  Perhaps I would decide on them to be the murderers.  But no, I went with Bom-Bers instead, which was a fine idea anyways...  You see, Mario, a true murder mystery involves the tiniest detail.  You just have to be aware of them," said Pennington. 
"I was aware of them," said Mario, not much emotion being sensed in his voice.  "Keep an eye on him, Goombella."  Mario suddenly began walking towards the door of the train.
"Where are you going this time?" asked Goombella anxiously. 
"To the Grande Theatre.  I won't be long.  I just have a ghost that I need to catch," Mario opened the door, the night air flowing inside the train.  "Feel free to ask Pennington any questions you'd like.  If I take any longer than an hour, come find me." 
Goombella nodded with a weak smile as Mario left into the night.  Once the door had been slided shut, she slowly turned back around to face Detective Pennington.  His eyes were shifty, and his face looked shadowed.  His head hung rather low, as if in some sort of sickness.  It was most likely from the great sense of pride weighed on his shoulders from after speaking out his brilliant plan.  All that pride had turned to guilt. 
Goombella looked him in the face.
"So," she said in a strong voice, "Detective........  How could you?"
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #71 on: January 15, 2006, 03:54:18 PM »
Chapter 40:  Stealthy in the Grande Theatre ~ Mario walked through the empty streets of Poshley Heights, his heart still racing from the events that had happened earlier.  He had just been explained the entire murder.  The whole time, Lord Crump had been Doopliss!  The the real Lord Crump was still in that filthy old street pipe.  Pennington's plan had been truly genius, though.  He had given himself the perfect alibi by making it look as though he was never on the train when the murder was committed.  Though he actually was.  Although Pennington dind't actually murder anyone, he still had planned out the entire thing.  He just bribed Doopliss to do his dirty work for him.
Mario looked up the street at the enormous, still Grande Theatre.  It would seem as though time had stopped if it wasn't for the gurgling fountain spewing crystal clear water ahead.  The air was calm, and the night was completely silent.  Inside the train, the air had been thick, and dusty.  It had seemed rather hard to breath inside, quite unlike how it normally was when the train was in motion. 
Mario walked up the thick marble steps to find himself standing in front of the enormous oak door.  He paused for a moment, and looked over his shoulder, half expecting to see Pennington running at him with Goombella at his heel.  Without thinking he budged open the door and stepped inside.  It was very silent inside the Grande Theatre, except for the murmured voices of the actors and actresses speaking or singing behind the next wall.  It was completely deserted as it had been before, and Mario slowly made his way through.  He walked past the ticket booths and binocular stands, and past the bathroom doors where Pennington had once emerged.  He made his way across the fancy hall and stopped in front of a large red door with golden handles.  The sound of a woman's voice could be heard on the other side of the door.  Slowly, Mario opened it, the sound of her voice suddenly much louder.  Inside, Mario was amazed.  It was the largest room he had ever seen!  He was apparenly on the first balcony from the floor.  He could see the seats in front of him were filled with people, and luckily, the door had opened and closed so quietly that no one had heard him come in. 
On stage Mario could see a curvy, purple woman, hovering about in a poofy red dress.  It was Madame Flurrie, the cloud spirit that had once joined Mario on his quest of the THousand-Year Door.  She was busy wasting away her breath on a awe-struck looking Yoshi beside her.  Mario thought it would be best if he found a seat for now, but it seemed as though everywhere was filled up, and he desperately didn't want to draw attention to himself at the moment.  And besides, he was here to look for Doopliss and bring him to the train, not to enjoy the show!  Mario needed someway to get backstage...
Hopefully Doopliss wouldn't be acting anytime soon, for he needed him desperately.  Mario exitted through the same door, closing it slowly.  He looked about the empty room, goosebumps rising through him at the sheer loneliness.  How was he to get backstage anyways? 
To answer this question he began searching the main lobby, looking for any kind of door that looked as though it may lead him in the right direction.  At the bottom floor of the Grande Theatre (which was down another floor from the lobby) Mario found a few more doors.  Though, he discovered, they all lead to the floor seats of the audience.  But then, he noticed a smaller door at the left side of the room.  It was the same color as the wall, and blended in well, if it wasn't foor a red doorknob that stuck out.  Mario allowed curiosity overcome him as he quickly walked over to it and turned the door knob.  The hidden door lead him into a hallway that was painted with white walls.  His stomach churned as he looked down the hall.  At the very end, there was a metal door with a sign on it that red:  "STAFF ONLY".  Mario ran down the hall (remembering that Goombella was still left alone with a murderer) and quickly opened the door.  This door was not a silent as the doors in the lobby, and Mario had to open it very slowly as to not have it creek to much.  He peered through the door to see that he was backstage!  He was next to the velvet red curtains that hung at each side of the stage.  He could look straight across at Flurries who was busy floating this way and that across the stage.  It was quite obvious that she had suddenly seen Mario, for she looked him right in the eye, though being such a good actress, she did not let it get in the way of her facial expressions nor her lines. 
Mario hated to be a distraction as he slowly closed the metal door once more.  Mario's stomach leapt as he discovered the door shut with a loud -CLUNK!-  He flinched at the sound, hoping it dind't disturb the play.  Suddenly, there came soft footsteps from back behind the stage set.  Mario quickly hid behind a model of a tree that was proped up against the wall next to him. 
A Doogan security guard walked by, looking around suspiciously.  Mario saw him shrug and walked back behind the stage set.  Mario heaved a heavy sigh of relief, staying behind the cardboard tree until his heart rate became normal once more.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #72 on: January 15, 2006, 09:39:08 PM »
This is so full of suspense. Keep it going!

« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2006, 05:27:23 PM »
Okay!  Man... these stories... these stories!!!  I'll be so glad when I don't have to feel the pressure to write one.

Chapter 41:  Doopliss the Doppleganger  ~  Mario slowly peered out from behind the prop, checking to see if the coast was clear.  To his relief, it all seemed very quiet once more.  He couldn't help but feel a little paranoid, though, even as he stood behind the giant cardboard tree.  Mario slowly stepped out into the open, and moved back behind the stage set where the security had gone.  Perring around the corner, he found that there were two security guards chatting with each other.  The hair on the back of his neck stood up.  Could he just ask for Doopliss, or would he simply be asked to leave?  The answer was completely obvious.  He needed to stay quiet and hidden.  He would have to find the dastardly duplighost by himself. 
Mario's heart began to pump heavily as he stared at the two doogan security guards.  On the walls next to them were doors, all with stars on them.  One star said Flurrie, while another said Hoshi, and one that read Doopliss.  Those door were clearly the actors' and actresses' dressing rooms.  Mario simply needed to make it to Doopliss's dressing room, snatch the ghost, and take him back to the Excess Express for capture. 
Mario was busy trying to think of some sort of plan that would allow him to sneak past security and make it to his door.  But how?  They were clearly not moving any time soon.  But suddenly, to Mario's pure joy, Doopliss suddenly stepped out of his dressing room.  He basically resembled a white ghost, perhaps something you'd dress up as for Halloween, and had great red eyes.  He wore a blue bow tie and had a pointed blue hat with red stars.  A crooked black smiled lined his face.  It was the freak in the sheet himself, Doopliss the Doppleganger.  He walked swiftly passed the security guards and slowly began making his way to Mario's side of the stage.  Mario's heart raced.  This was his chance!

Doopliss wiped the crumbs from his doughnut off of his bow tie.  It was his turn to go on.  He would transform into the maid of Ms. Scarlette, and do his acting.  It was most certainly not a very flattering role to play, but Doopliss took the offer anyways, not being on the stage in over three months.  Doopliss shook himself off a bit and looked onto the stage.  How he felt so different from any other time he was about to perform.  Perhaps he was still a tad shaken from the whole... incident... on the train. 
A chill ran up his spine as he was waiting for his cue.  He was actually very early yet, but felt extremely bored locked away in his dressing room.  He had finished down the entire bowl of fruit they had left him, and was begginning to get butterflies in his stomach.  Suddenly, without any expection, a gloved hand wrapped around Doopliss's mouth and another hand pushed him into a wall.  Doopliss gave a muffled cry that was hushed enough for no one to hear.  He looked into the familiar face of Mario, the man that ruined his career as the monster of Creepy Steeple. 
"You!" said Doopliss to the gloved hand held tightly around his jagged mouth. 
"You're coming with me, Doopliss!" said Mario. 
Sweat dropped down Doopliss's face as panic struck him.  He had been discovered!  Detective Pennington failed to keep the murder a secret!  Thinking fast, Doopliss transformed himself into a small, purple mouse, with a bandana wrapped around his eyes.  He was too small to remain in Mario's grasp and quickly ran between the plumber's legs.  Mario panicked.
"Not today, slick!" said Doopliss with a chuckle as he ran across the room and up a steel latter that resided next to the metal door Mario had entered.  MArio quickly chased Doopliss up the latter, being as quiet as he could as to not disturb the security guards.  Mario reached the top to see that he was on a long, narrow bridge that went across over the stage.  This was up where the staff could adjust the lighting and change the setting.  There were ropes that hung from a loop in the ceiling, held there by a sack of sand.  The lights were located next to the side bars of each narrow bridge (as there were four, each one next to the other). 
Mario could see the purple rat running along the bridge.  Once he was at the far end, he turned to face Mario and tranformed himself back into the duplighost he originally was.  Mario glared at him.
"Come get me, plumber boy!" said Doopliss.
Mario slowly began to take steps towards Doopliss.  Looking down, he could see the tops of the actor's heads, and the floor of the stage.  If he fell, the whole show would be ruined.  Doopliss continued to taunt Mario, laughing egomaniacally. 
Mario fell into a run as he charged at Doopliss.  The ghost's shining red eyes glared at Mario.  Mario could feel the wind in his face, and could here the singing sound of Flurrie's voice below him.  Once he got close enough to Doopliss, he dived into the air.  Doopliss floated there for a while, cackling cleverly.  He then fell back down to the bridge opposing the one he had been on.  Mario galred at him. 
"Come get me slick!" said Doopliss as he proceeded to laugh once more.
Acting quickly, Mario grabbed the sidebar of the bridge, and lunged over at Doopliss, kicking him straight in the face!  He landed safely down to the narrow platform as Doopliss rubbed his face. 
He brought his hands down and growled at Mario.  Suddenly, he transformed into an enormous Pirhana Plant!  Mario quickly leapt out of the way as the carniverous plant lunged at Mario, it's pointed, white teeth directed at him.  Mario grabbed the plant by the stem and held it near its head to stop it from bighting him.  The Pirhana Plant squirmed dangerously as it suddenly turned into a blood-sucking bat.  Mario fell to the floor as the bat flew high into the dark ceiling above him.  Mario quickly got up, staring into the black abyss.  Mario waited for Doopliss to show himself, whatever form he may have transformed.  But instead, Doopliss never came down.  Mario soon felt foolish stand there, and quickly ran towards the end of the bridge, looking down.  Sure enough, Doopliss was back on the ground, and he was leaving the stage through the metal door! 
Mario quickly jumped over to the bridge on his right and climbed back down the steel latter.  Mario quickly went through the door as well, leaving it open as to not disturb the play again.  Mario rushed down the empty white hallway, silence slowly begginning to enclose on him once more.  He opened the hidden door, finding himself back into the downstairs lobby of the Grande Theatre.  The dark red walls and carpet greeted him warmly, let gave Mario a very paranoid feeling.  Doopliss was nowhere in sight. 
The crimson walls only made Mario think of the blood that may be shed if he let that creepy ghost get the best of him.  As Mario walked through the eerie silence of the theatre, he suddenly heard the cruel laugh of Doopliss, coming from somewhere in the lobby.   
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2006, 10:52:32 AM »
Chapter 42:  Who You Gonna Call?  ~  Mario crept throughout the theatre, his eyes frisky and suspiciously jolting around the room.  He slowly began his way up the stairs to the ground floor, where Mario had entered in the first place.  The chandelires that hung at the ceiling were so still, and eeire as they gave off an elegant, yet very subtle, glow.  There was not but the sound of Flurrie's voice through the thick red walls that could be heard.  Mario suddenly heard footsteps from behind him.  A lump formed in his throat as his hairs stood on end.  He quickly spun around with a cry, only to see there was no one.  Mario felt his heart racing.
"Come out Doopliss!" said Mario loudly so that his voice echoed across the lobby, bouncing off of the red walls and then back to his own round ears.  Mario felt his heavy breath, and tried to calm himself.  The echo slowly faded away as it became silent once more.  Suddenly, on the other side of the wall, Flurrie's voice grew into singing as the orchestra began to play a lovely tune.  At that very moment, Mario felt something hard hit him in the back of the head.  Mario spun around once more, his head pounding, only to find there was nobody there.  He could have sworn that at that moment he could hear the shrill laugh of Doopliss once more. 
"Mario?" said a familiar voice from behind. 
Mario looked over his shoulder to see Goombella standing at the doorway. 
"Goombella?  What are you doing here?  I told you to look after Pennington!" said Mario.
"What?.... Oh!  I know!  I was just...... what are you doing?" said Goombella as MArio came charging at her.  Mario's fist shot straight into her head as she flew back and hit the wall.  Her eyes remained closed for a while as Mario glared at her.  Suddenly, Goombella transformed into an emormous monster that Mario had most certainly seen elsewhere.  It was Bowser!  Mario's heart began to pump as the Bowser turned Doopliss suddenly roared at the top of it's lungs.  Mario finally caught his voice once more, trying to say something that may intimidate him.
"Give it up Doopliss!" he said, "You'll never get away with what you've done!" 
It did not seem to have much affect on him as the gigantic koopa began charging at Mario, its sharp horns pointed at the plumber, like a bull charging at the matador.  Mario stood with his legs apart, watching Bowser under a knotted brow.  Bowser's enormous footsteps shook the chandelires and began to make a few of the audience members inside the Theatre curious. 
Mario dived out of range of Bowser's enormous horns just in the nick of time, as Bowser went sliding away down the lobby.  He came to an abrupt halt and faced Mario once more.  His nostrils flared as he began to breathe his flaming breath.  Mario wasn't sure what came over him, perhaps the sense of repetition, though whatever it was, he quickly found himself charging at Bowser, only to dive around to his back!  Doopliss wasn't sure what was going on, until Mario took hold of his tail!
Mario felt Bowser trip to the floor as he tried to run away.  Using all his strength on the defenseless koopa, Mario began to spin him around in a clean circle around the red carpet.  It started off slowly, and then became increasingly faster.  Mario felt himself growing dizzy, but didn't let that stop him!  He spun Bowser around and around in a circle, until his body had lifted up and into the air.  Mario could hear Bowser's grunts of illness as he continued to be spun, faster and faster. 
Mario wasn't sure how much more of this he could take as well, or he hadn't done this is a very long time.  Finally he felt the enormous Koopa slowling down, and just like that, he transformed back into a dazed, and dizzy Doopliss.  Mario came to a halt as he found himself now holding the feet of Doopliss the Doppleganger.  Mairo picked him up, finding that the ghost was practically unconsious from all the spinning, and began to drag him to the doorway.  Mario sighed as he pushed open the door, stepping out into the dark, starry night.     
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
