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Topics - Toddathon

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Mario Chat / What will they be called next?
« on: February 04, 2002, 02:58:12 PM »
In under 10 years, Nintendo will probably be releasing a new console and handheld with new Mario games, but what will they be called?

I think the handheld will be called "Game Boy 64"

Mario Chat / Why Does everybody hate the movie?
« on: February 02, 2002, 12:25:25 PM »
You know, the Mario movie, everyone bad talks it.  I really enjoyed it!  I watched it alot as a little kid, and sometimes it's on TV.  I mean, it doesn't have ALOT to do with Mario, but it was still cool, and funny, and it ruled!

Mario Chat / Frostbite
« on: January 31, 2002, 02:45:33 PM »
Did you ever notice that whenever you make a new INTERESTING topic, that Frostbite immediately replies and disagrees, then makes up stupid theories that have no sense put into them, and then he starts whining.  Well, just asking, cause whenever I make a new topic, frostibte replies with some dumb **** and unspecifally calls us idiots, when he is the real idiot!

Mario Chat / Sam Celia
« on: January 30, 2002, 03:18:05 PM »
Sam Celia has a perfect explanation of what Bowser is:

After much research, I have stumbled upon an answer that is sure to please both parties. Millions of years ago, there existed the largest land turtle that ever lived: Meiolania (my-o-LANE-ee-a). This creature, whose name means "lesser ripper" because it was mistaken for a gigantic Komodo Dragon, was 14 feet long, with a head two feet wide. On its gigantic head it supported two, humongous cow-like horns(just like Bowser) which protected its neck because it couldn't pull its head into its shell. Unlike other tutles, which have tiny, short tails, Meiolania had a thick, long tail with a row of spikes down the middle(also just like Koopa). While only the sides of its shelled carapace were somewhat spiky and it obviously did not have a fiery red mane(though in the actual SMB game, neither did Bowser), I believe Meiolania is a perfect match for the King of Koopas.

Mario Chat / Mario Dreams!
« on: January 30, 2002, 03:03:47 PM »
Have you ever had a Mario dream?  I've had many, dreams are awsome, especially when they're about Mario!  One time I dreamt that me and Mario were both flying towards the pyramid in Shifting Sand Land.  Also, a LONG time ago when the cartoons were on, I dreamt that me and Mario were flying on a magic carpet, it was cartoon.  Maybe an episode had something to do with it.  The episode "Mario's Magic Carpet" rings a bell!  Another one was that my brother told me that you could shrink and go inside the NES, so I dreamt that I went to Boom Boom's fortress in SMB3 and tried jumping over lava, but since I was Mario I couldn't make the jump!  There was one were I went inside my NES and me and Mario teamed up to fight Larry Koopa.  There was probably more dreams too!  Please post your Mario dreams here!

Mario Chat / Cool accessory for GameCube!
« on: January 30, 2002, 02:57:56 PM »
Did you see pictures for the new portable TV for the GameCube?  Talk about SSSSSSWWWWEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT!  It's like a monitor, that hooks up to the top of your GameCube, so you could go to a baseball game and play GameCube right there!  COOL!

Mario Chat / Mario Japenese Tongue
« on: January 30, 2002, 02:53:05 PM »
Does anybody know any words of Mario in japenese?  I know a couple:

Goomba = Chibobo
Piranha Plant = Pakkun Flower
Koopa the Quick = Noco Noco
Troopa (Exploding Troopa) = Nokobon
Bomb Troopa = Nokobombette
Chain Chomp (sp: SM64) = Wan Wan
Bullet Bill = Gira

That is just a couple!

Mario Chat / How old is Mario?
« on: January 30, 2002, 02:50:00 PM »
How old is Mario?  No one knows!  Luigi is 4 or 5 years younger though.  Does anyone know?

Mario Chat / Is Donkey Kong a Mario character?
« on: January 29, 2002, 05:50:38 PM »
I was wondering if DK was a Mario character?  Games with Yoshi, Wario, and them seem to count, but there's no Donkey Kong games in the game list, and he was the first one to star with mario.  What's up wit' dat?  And he's even in Mario games with character choice!

Mario Chat / Mario Sunshine Preview
« on: January 29, 2002, 05:48:25 PM »
I think Deezer should make a preview for Mario Sunshine.  Sure alot of things would be unknown, but there's enough info and screenshots, and a movie to make a preview!

Mario Chat / Why Mario is paper
« on: January 29, 2002, 01:26:32 PM »
I have a good theory on why Mario was paper in Paper Mario.
Normally, people film Mario going on an adventure (IE Lakitu Bros, SM64) but this time Mario went on an adventure and they didn't get footage of it, so they just drew mario and acted it out!

Mario Chat / What is Watt?
« on: January 29, 2002, 01:24:17 PM »
I've been wondering what Watt is in Paper Mario.  I think she's a "Spark" from SMB2, but I could be wrong!

Mario Chat / Favourite Koopa Kid
« on: January 29, 2002, 01:22:24 PM »
My fave KK would have to be Lemmy or Roy.  Those dudes were cool!

Mario Chat / Super Mario Advance 3
« on: January 28, 2002, 09:14:36 AM »
Well...we all know that Super Mario Advance 3 is coming out in the very distant future.  It's of course going to be a remake, but of what?  Lots of people say that it'll be Super Mario Bros. 3, but I don't think so.  SMB3 was planned to be its own game with its own original title.  Hopefully it will be exactly the same as the original.  I think it will be Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Therefore, they could call it
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3

But what we'd all like is a Paper Mario remake!  Indeed we do!

Mario Chat / Was it good or bad?
« on: January 26, 2002, 12:24:10 PM »
I want everyone to tell me their opinion on Super Mario Advance.  Personally I really don't believe that SMB2 was the hardest 2D game ever.  And someone on the net said that SMA was too challenging...I could've died laughing!

I didn't like the way Nintendo changed the game from "Challenging" to "Super Easy" by, you know, putting heart radishes in the ground, getting a heart for killing 2 or more enemies, and the shell keeps giving off hearts, and getting 1-Ups so easily.  I also didn't like the idea of the characters talking for everything they do.  I like hearing them talk, but not that much!  Holy ANNOYING.  I'd give the game a 4/5

But what's your opinion?

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