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Topics - Glorb

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Fan Creations / Haiku
« on: June 14, 2006, 09:03:38 AM »
When I'm bored, I do haiku.

I ate an old shrimp
Later, I used the toilet
Old shrimp is quite bad

Once there was a guy
And then he got in his car
But was pulled over

The Fungi Forums
There are stories on the boards
Evil Bread's the best

General Chat / If You Were A Robot...
« on: May 31, 2006, 08:16:24 AM »
I'd be a Transformer, 'cause that's cool.

Video Game Chat / Hilarious Character Names
« on: May 29, 2006, 10:01:37 AM »
While these names weren't exactly the victim of poor translation, they were certainly victims of poor naming. Therefore, I present to you a compendium of terrible character names. I won't reveal how they're funny, but if you have an immature sense of humor you'll get it.

Flash Man (Megaman)
Hard Man (Megaman)
Mike Tyson* (Punch Out!!)
Sodom (Final Fight)
Solid Snake (MGS)
Wood Man (Megaman)

*Actually just scary

Video Game Chat / Female game portayals
« on: May 22, 2006, 02:00:19 PM »
Although females in videogames have mostly gotten past the "damsel in distress" role, I still feel that the portrayal of women in games is superficial and in some cases offensive. Even in their roles as main characters, they're still always ridiculous stereotypes. Most people offer Lara Croft as an example of a good female role model in a game. I, however, think the contrary. Even after her recent redesign for Tomb Raider: Legend, she still retains the same stereotypical traits: absurdly small clothing that is impractical for her occupation (raiding tombs, I think) and a ridiculous breast size. It's even worse in RPGs: Every single female character that will join your party will always be a healer or magician, wear impractically skimpy clothing that barel even qualifies as clothing, and will, 99% of the time, have an attack where thay blow a kiss, visible as a giant pink heart. And in all other games where you can play as either a male or female, the female character will always have less health, but more ammo and an easier difficulty. And this phenomenon has been around before Resident Evil. I think the only actual positive female role model in any videogame is Samus Aran, with the possible exception of Jill Valentine. She doesn't go into hosile planets wearing tiny shorts and underwear (well, except in the original Metroid, with the Justin Bailey code), she goes with full armor, and has actual combat expertise. And even then, the power suit isn't a form-fitting leotard thing, it's an actual power suit designed to keep out the elements. I wish more games would feature female characters that aren't just sexist eye candy.

Video Game Chat / Evil Bread: The Game
« on: May 17, 2006, 12:51:27 PM »
If you've been on the Evil Bread topic lately, you may have heard of this. We were thinking of an MMO at first, allowing you to choose your own species and whatnot, but now I'm thinking a kind of multi-genred game. For characters like Hyrulian, The Blue Toad and Ultima Shadow, it could be a sort of action platformer, Glorb's game would be either an FPS or rail-shooter, and The Chef's would be a strategy-RPG kind of game. All the levels would take place in the EB storyline, so the progression would be like in the book: The first level would be the cabin, with the player fighting the Breadites, and then levels like the forest of smilies (remember that?) and the Wild West. Or, better yet, the game could be released in episodes, each telling the same story but through different characters. We could make the Hyrulian/Blue Toad/Ultima Shadow game in Game Maker as a platformer, Glorb's in 2D Shooter Maker as a Virtua Cop-esque rail shooter(or, if the player's system is up to it, in FPS Maker as a full FPS), and The Chef's in RPG Maker, perhaps. This would be mighty ambitious but I think it would really pay off.
Of course, then there's the MMO idea. I think that if we make this one all the game focus should be on that rather than my idea, as it would be quite an undertaking. I'm not sure if it would be text-based or what, but I think the player should be able to choose from the species in the game: Human, Breadite, Glorbanthian, Toad, Elf, and maybe Jupiterian. So anyway, how does this all sound? An Evil Bread game would be great, in my opinion.

General Chat / Maria Nagana = AnagraMania!
« on: May 12, 2006, 07:34:58 AM »
This thread is simple. Think of some anagrams! I'm making a list, and I need some cool ones, or you can just do it for fun. For example, "William Gates", when anagrammed properly, can spell both Miles Wagtail and Alias "Elm Twig". In addition, Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa become Nip His Gerbil and Pay Killer. Some more anagrams:

Anchorman / Moan ranch
Birds hate us / It's absurd, eh?
Bruce Almighty / My thug caliber
Clint Eastwood / Old west action
Everybody Loves Raymond / Loved by everyday morons
Homestar Runner / Humor earns rent
Jingle all the Way / Anal jelly weight
Metroid Prime: Hunters / Misinterpreted humor
Robert Louis Stevenson / Our best novelist, seƱor
School cafeteria / Hot cereal fiasco
Slot machines / Lost cash in 'em
United States of America / Dine out, taste a Mac, fries
Vin Diesel / I end lives
The Washington Post / Ah! Spotting hot news!
Winston Churchill / Cow hurls chin lint

And there are many many more.

General Chat / Spooky!
« on: May 07, 2006, 07:40:57 AM »
This creeps me out. I was just snooping around our computer (it's a crappy old late-90's model) and guess what I found? Our processor is a Pentium III made in late-1999 (just before 2000, the supposed End of Days). Its clock speed? 666.666 MHz. I am not joking. In addition, the serial number on my tower case is 0015891313! How creepy is that? Does anything around your house have any creepy numbers on it?

As a side note, I remember seeing the serial number 8675309 (as in the song, "867-5309") on something in my house.

Video Game Chat / Exploding Barrels Mentioned On Wikipedia!
« on: May 06, 2006, 08:20:21 AM »
Exploding Barrels, the made-up game series by me, was mentioned on Wikipedia! On their article "List of fictional electronic games" (, one of the games on the list was...

"the Exploding Barrels series of games and their increasingly bizarre sequels (such as Exploding Barrels 5 vs. The Legend of Zelda: In Space!), a series of in-jokes on the Fungi Forums."

Sadly, no one has made an article on EB, nor an article on the Fungi Forums, but this is still pretty cool.

[URL fixed]

Video Game Chat / Putting the S back in FPS
« on: April 08, 2006, 08:24:42 AM »
I know not a whole lot of people play first-person shooters here, but I've noticed something: FPSs are no longer about shooting. They're about crap like tactics or stealth or RPG elements and stuff like that. I think it started with GoldenEye 007. They started adding in things like enemy intelligence and strategy and whatnot. I mean, they de-emphasized shooting! In a shooter! The problem is, games like Serious Sam and BLACK grossly exaggerate the shooting; they're both good, but utterly mindless. Why can't we get another shooter like Duke Nukem 3D, with an emphasis on shooting, but not overdoing it? If there is such a thing (aside from Duke Nukem Forever), then can you recommend one?

Forum Games / Stick-Figure Game
« on: March 15, 2006, 02:59:36 PM »
Here's the idea: Someone draws a stick figure in Paint, or on real paper then scans it. The next person spruces it up with fancy graphics, clothes, dialogue, backgrounds and whatnot. Then another person draws another figure, etc,

Here's the starting stick figure:

Forum Games / Tall tales
« on: March 14, 2006, 09:30:39 AM »
The game goes like this. I begin with a simple sentence, and then someone else adds one word to add to it. Then someone else adds, etc. Until the sentence gets too long and a new one is started. The idea is to make a small sentence into a huge, big long story. There should also be lots of plot twists.

One day, Mario fell down.

General Chat / HTML help
« on: March 07, 2006, 02:43:20 PM »
How do you get pictures to work on the forums? My method is taking the link to a picture, then putting the little "<img>something</img>" around it, but that doesn't work! ALl it does is display the little HTML things as normal text and the picture itself as a link to the picture. How do I get it to actually appear on the forums as a real picture? Help on this would be very appreciated.

Video Game Chat / "So, all you do is play video games?"
« on: February 25, 2006, 01:24:51 PM »
I can't tell you how many times I've heard that phrase in the title, or a variation of it (or worse yet, something like "get a life"). It's insulting. And the person asking it never has any business doing so. One time, my dad had some of his model-train-hobbyist friends over. One of the friends' wife came too, and at one point video games were mentioned in a conversation. Not by me, but by her. She then asked if I played them, and I said yes. She replied, "Well, you need to get out and socialize." She actually spoke in italics. "You'll never make any friends playing video games! Unless those friends are, like, freaks or nerds or whatever." In my opinion, that was way over the line. Worse yet, her husband overheard, and responded to me, ever so politely, with "Yeah, get a life." And that was not the only occasion. The problem is, it's not like I go up to random people and bombard them with nerd lingo; they start the conversation and then insult me for playing games! That has happened to nearly every gamer at some point. What is causing this?

Video Game Chat / Goriest Game
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:18:08 PM »
Over the years, there have been plenty of games that rely on shock value more than anything else. The game quality really has no factor. In my opinion, F.E.A.R. had the most gore in recent years, and the game itself was good. For instance, you could blow off an enemy's arm, then slow down time and shoot it again while it's airborne, then shoot the enemy in the head. What game do you think has the most gore?

Video Game Chat / Raddest Game
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:28:15 PM »
Being a child of the 90's, I don't know much about the 80's except that it had RoboCop. However, I do know that it was also a period of videogames, many of which features 80's staples: ninjas, robots, muscle-bound guys, fast cars and muscle-bound ninja fast robocars. Anyway, which 80's videogame do you think featured the most of these elements? Personally, I think Bad Dudes was a prototypical example of this. Not only did it have a plot where the president is kidnapped by Ninjas, but it also ranked your bad dudeness, which was a factor in your quest to save the president.

So anyway, what 80's arcade game do you think was as rad as Bad Dudes?

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