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Topics - red_yoshi

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Mario Chat / Kappa'a
« on: December 25, 2001, 02:05:24 PM »
There is this old legend of a creature that looked like a turtle but could stand upright, it had the face of a moonkey and it lived in streams, swamps ect. it has hair all most like a monks (round with empty space in the middle) and in the empty space there is a cup filled with water that they need to travel on land. Kappa'a are about the size of a 10 year old child, and one of the only ways tomake a Kappa retreat back into the water is to bow keep bowing to it, it will also bow and after a few bows all the water from the cup on its head will fall out so it will have to go back into the water. . Now this is is the part that makes me wonder, in Super Mario World on the mountain with red switch block thing, mario passes throught a small river or something but it looks like the head of a Kappa.... hmmmm.... Kappa.... Koopa.... strange....

I got the info on a Kappa from the Book " A sorceres masterpeice or something like that.
anyway tell me what you think.... Oh and Merry Christmas

Mario Chat / Mario Myhem
« on: December 18, 2001, 06:39:10 PM »
has anything really embarrasing or strange ever happend to you because of Mario Games?
post here to tell about it.

here is somethings that have happend to me

1. we got e-mail addresses at school and for a user name i picked red_yoshi, now everyone calls me red_yoshi.... its really anoying.

2. earlyer in the year i was talking about mario games a lot but all the kids make fun of me, so now i have stopped. but its really hard i mean like once all these grade 8 were haveing a fight on the bus about Mario and Zelda... and even thought one or two of them liked mario they really knew nothing about it so i really had tto control myself to not shout at them from my seat all about it.

3. in this french project we were doing about are were familes I had to read out there names and when i was done a kid from the front yelled out "Hey What About Mario!"

well tell me stuff thats happend to you.

Mario Chat / Welcome To The Grand Opening of General Yoshi_?Chat
« on: December 16, 2001, 09:05:15 AM »
welcome all Yoshi's !!!!!! Talk about yoshi's, be yoshi's, and see yoshi's!!!!

Mario Chat / just wondering whose voice this is......
« on: December 08, 2001, 06:49:13 PM »
on WTMK there is this commercial, it says this " this is W-T-M-K (then it says something about mario princess luigi and toad) but anyway the voice is really deap and sounds sort of fake..... if its not fake then whose do you think it is.... Deezer? any help on this Deezer?

Mario Chat / Has anyone seen a gamecube that you can rent
« on: November 30, 2001, 04:14:20 PM »
I know that sometimes for a liitle while you can rent a system, and i would do anything to rent a gamecube before i get it (for Christmas hopefuly) and i donr know if you guys have seen  it at block buster because i have not been there in a while and i dont want to drive all the way out there (its only a few blockes away) to just have to come back

Yoshi cool
You not cool!!! :)

General Chat / YAY!!!!!!!!
« on: November 26, 2001, 06:02:52 PM »
(e-mail me if you want to know the URL my e-mail is

Yoshi cool
You not cool!!! :)

i just got the new nintendo power #150 it has a bunch of stuff on luigis mantion and super smash bros and well EVERYTHING!! just ask me anything about the new gamecube games and cause i got all the anwsers!!!!

P.S. and i mean ANYTHING!!!!.. about gamecube and its games that is.....

please give some hints about the secret page! please write your hints in general mario chat!! please!!!

P.S. what is serch the page of yellow and blue...level 2... what does all that mean?

General Chat / calling black_yoshi!!!
« on: October 21, 2001, 01:54:43 PM »
i have been reading some older posts and theres someone named black_yoshi do you know were he is? the only reason i want to know is because we are both yoshi fans....

yoshi cool
you not cool

Forum Games / Mario horor Story!!!
« on: October 13, 2001, 09:42:44 PM »
helllp meeee im sooooo hungry i haven't eaten in 4 days!! none of the yoshi's have.. it all stated a month ago when we yoshi's were doing what we do best... eating!!! we were having a great feast held by me the great red_yoshi when after only 200 servings, we ran out of food!!!!!!! we were all starving since we only ate 50 watermelons each (thats our favorite food!!)and we were supposed to have at least 20,000 more!!!!! we looked everywere on the island and we coulden't find any food!! and boy were we hungery!! we started having trees for breakfest and boulders for lunch!!!!!! then we turned into cannables and started eating each other!!!!!!! can you please help us mario?

Mario: shure i will a help you.... hey stop a eating my leg....why are you looking at me like that....oh no please NOOOOOOOO

Luigi:I a wonder were a my brother marip is? he shure is taking a long time on his vacation on yoshi's island.

2 weeks later afer mario body had been found

Peach: *crying* those murders!!! i order the mushroom kingdom to send a nuculer bomb over there NOW!!!!!

Luigi: I still cant beilive that Yoshi ate  Mario... and to think that i was diden't like yoshi.

Peach: you mean your not sad that your brother is dead?

Luigi: heck no since he is gone nintendo will go bankrupt and i can finally join sony!!!

Luigi wakes up in the middle of the night wit mario shaking him.

Luigi: what the heck are you doing?

Mario: you started to laugh and cheer?

Luigi: why did you have to wake me up i was having such a good dream!!!

                    THE END?

yoshi cool
you not cool

Edited by - red_yoshi on 10/14/2001 7:00:17 AM

« on: October 11, 2001, 04:56:15 PM »
.........i forget his name... told me!!! which is weird because on the secret page these a lst of people who found it the people were pegasis team, fifth, and um well i forget but anyway.......... wasent on it!!!!!! to get to the secret page you have to go to......... then find.... then click.........then do this......and this.......... and your there!!!

P.S. did that sound like merlons story on paper mario?

yoshi cool
you not cool

General Chat / sorry for all the posts!!!
« on: October 08, 2001, 03:37:58 PM »
sorry for all the posts!!!!!!
im going to stop looking for the secret page... if i find it i find it if i dont well i dont

yoshi cool
you not cool

Mario Chat / were the heck is everyone???
« on: October 07, 2001, 07:47:33 PM »
were is everyone and whats with all the problems with the baords......theres no one here......yoshi said!!!!!!!!

yoshi cool
you not cool

« on: October 07, 2001, 05:03:48 PM »
if you type in secret page on the mini serch engine on tmk you get this picture of a kid named Elian Gonzlez... i wonder who that could be???

yoshi cool
you not cool

Site Discussion / SECRET PAGE PASSWORD????
« on: October 07, 2001, 11:24:10 AM »
i tried typing in secret page on a serch at tmk and this picture of a boy witha gun came up. i put my mouse over it and it said
P.S yes it said it with the ! mark

yoshi cool
you not cool

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