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Topics - Greg

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Mario Chat / What did you get for Christamas?
« on: December 24, 2001, 10:46:20 PM »
Merry Christmas!Listen,post what you got for christmas here.Post all you got.
I'tll be interesting to see the list of things we got this year.I hope someone replys to this topic.................


General Chat / The whole "Site War" story
« on: December 24, 2001, 03:04:38 PM »
I'm going to tell you all I know about
the site war.Reply to this topic for answers to any of your site war questions!

Oh yeah!I'm adding on to this tosay something.Sign the GrimSack online forum.
the adress is
that'll tell you alot about the site war.
So will DBz Rocks!!the adress is

Also check out MasterTrunks' forum at

that should answer most questions.II am not randomly posting it so I can't get in trouble.


Edited by - Greg on 12/24/2001 1:11:13 PM

General Chat / My 100th post
« on: December 23, 2001, 10:00:22 PM »
This is my 100th post!I've been on this forum
for only a little while and i've posted 100.
I know some of you have posted over 100
but I don't care.If I were here as long as you I'd have ten times more than you.
As soon as you've posted 99posts,post one here(that will be your 100th post)
and the we can celebrate!For now,I shall
celebrate.As soon as it goes up to 200 I'll
make a topic called "My 200th post".
Well see ya!


General Chat / What do you thikn of GrimSack?
« on: December 23, 2001, 09:53:57 PM »
Well don't post it here.Go to the site war chat started by me to talk about him.
He is not form canada.


Forum Games / My Mario Story
« on: December 23, 2001, 09:48:11 PM »
I'm writing a story for the site.
It is pretty cool.It is a novelazation of Donkey Kong.

P.S.96,four more


Mario Chat / Toasty64's drawings..........
« on: December 23, 2001, 08:40:11 PM »
Toasty64 is a good artist.Has he joined the forum.Can anyone draw like him?
I'd like to ask him to draw some characters from Need an idea.Reply to me and give the drawing to Deezer.
You say who you wanna draw.And I give the description.It will be kinda cool.

P.S.My 91st post!9 more!


Mario Chat / The "Site War"
« on: December 23, 2001, 05:37:39 PM »
Listen,please go and sign the gustbook
at GrimSack online,join the MasterTrunks forum and sign the Dbz rocks!!! forum.
See the topic let's make a poll for more detail plus the web adress.


General Chat / Merry Christmas!!
« on: December 23, 2001, 05:31:21 PM »
Only two days till Christmas!Guess what I'm giving to you guys?A story.It will be open topic.I'm also making a stroy to give to Deezer.Read it when it gets up!My topics are also pretty cool,check em out!Anywho
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mario Chat / Let's make a poll..................
« on: December 23, 2001, 04:21:31 PM »
"Hello everybody.Now before the wrestling begins I must tell you not to worry.None of this is real.Just like my diploma!"-Dr.Nick
from the simpsons,oh,hehe,sorry bout that.
Any who let's have a poll!Who do want to join this site the most?

A.Miller(whatever identitie he may choose
probably Underheat or Eagle_One_Fox_Three)


C.Scott or Jason


E.Campell(maybe Big Bone?)
Confused?You should be.To find out info on these people go to the following sites.
Sign the guestbook,join the forums,and write a reply on who you want to join the most!

Links to the "Site War" sites

P.S.Greg's Japaneese rant was not written by me.


Edited by - Greg on 12/23/2001 8:20:06 PM

Forum Games / Toad's adventure!!!
« on: December 22, 2001, 03:28:40 AM »
---------------------------------------------This is an open topic

Mario was having a nice lunch at his pad,when
Mallow,Peach,Toad,and Luigi have joined him for lunch.The were having Mushrooms(go figure) and pasta.After the meal the Mario Bros. could barely move.Peach and the others decide to go on a walk.When they come back,
Mario and Luigi are gone.Toad comes in last and sees that Peach and mallow dissapeared also!"What is going on asks Toad."
"Hello Toad." "Geno!!!"
"It is me Geno.Listen Smithy is alive and has taken the stars again.He also kidnapped your freinds.We must work together to stop Smithy."
Well,now it is up to you guys!


Forum Games / Summary:Need an idea
« on: December 21, 2001, 11:39:04 PM »
Wart killed most of the good guys in a battle.Toad,Peach and mario Jr. go up to Nimbus Land to live with Mallow.Wart takes over the world.19 years later Mario's son makes a rival Larry Koopa but Mario Jr. is Bowser's freind.Crash and Sonic arrive and
help Toad, and Peach train Mario Jr.
for a fighting tournament held by Wart.
Mario Jr. wins his first round against
Kiddy Kong normaly.Toad also enterd and beat
Laki,a Lakitu,very quickly.Mario Jr.
then fought Knuckles,who wanted to meet Sonic,and Mario Jr. promised to take him to Sonic.Mario Jr.wins against Knuckles and
then Toad fights Bowser.The two seem equal.
Mario Jr. notices a strange man in the crowd
speaking strange.

More to come soon!


Mario Chat / Reply to the last Quiz Master topic only!
« on: December 21, 2001, 11:23:44 PM »


Forum Games / Quiz Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 21, 2001, 11:22:29 PM »
Can you take on me the Quiz Master?All these questions are random topics!I'll keep score!
Just anwser my questions right to get points.
Question #1

In Need an idea,who is Mario's son?



Forum Games / Quiz Master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 21, 2001, 11:22:23 PM »
Can you take on me the Quiz Master?All these questions are random topics!I'll keep score!
Just anwser my questions right to get points.
Question #1

In Need an idea,who is Mario's son?



Mario Chat / I'm not changing my name.........
« on: December 21, 2001, 08:54:49 PM »
The last post dosn't count.It was a mess up!
I'm not changing my name so everyone knows.
BearFrog is not my new name.


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