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Topics - Alucard

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Mario Chat / Super Mario Moonshine
« on: September 07, 2003, 04:30:22 PM »
There are rumors that the next Mario game will be called Super Mario Moonshine, and will include drugs & alcohal.
Geesh, you can't take a rumor? Yeah, I know it's a stupid rumor, but do you have to attack me like sharks? I'm not the one who made it up.
Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/10/2003 5:08:49 AM

Video Game Chat / Worst Videogame-based cartoons
« on: September 06, 2003, 04:26:31 PM »
Like movies, most videogame based cartoons suck. Heres the worst of the worst:

1.Donkey Kong Country
The DKC characters may look crappy, but on the cartoon, they look even worse. What's with the constant frowning? And are they really primates, or ducks?

2.The Adventures of Sonic the Heghog
Terrible character design, poor animation and having Steve "The Geek" Urkle play the voice of Sonic? This is why everyone hates DiC.

3.The Legend of Zelda
Terrible. Just plain terrible. And if you don't like what I'm saying, you can always say "Well, excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Alucard".

4.Mega Man
Yeah, I know. Some of you liked this cartoon, but I didn't. Why is he so buff?

5.Super Mario Bros.: Super Show
Even though the sequals were pretty good, the first wasn't. Caption Lou Albono is even worse at playing Mario than Bob Hoskins.

6.Sonic Underground
Sonic's a prince? He has siblings? Ridiculous.

7.Double Dragon
Almost as bad as the movie. Almost.

8.Battle Toads
Another bad cartoon, based on a great Rare game.

9.Earthworm Jim
Man. This is a stinker. It could have been worse though. What if they had a Boogerman cartoon?

10. Mortal Kombat
This isn't as bad as Ahnilation, but not by much!


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/20/2003 4:03:05 PM

Mario Chat / Mario: G4 Legend
« on: September 04, 2003, 04:54:52 AM »
If you have Bright House Networks, you probably watch G4. Anyone see G-Phoria? Well, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City one Game of the Year Award (which I think they cheated. In almost all magizines that feature all systems, Metroid Prime won). They also had an award for G4 Legend, and guess who one. You quessed right, Mario. He even made an appearance (Not live on stage, if thats what your thinking).

Die, father, die!

Forum Games / Adventures in Yoshi's Island Episode #1: A New Hero
« on: September 03, 2003, 06:44:20 PM »
One night, the Stork was bringing Mr. & Mrs. Mario a gift: 2 babys. There names were Mario & Luigi. Meanwhile, in his castle, a greedy young prince, named Bowser, found out, thanks to his crystal ball, that these babys will grow up to be hero's, a foil his evil plans.
Bowser:Dawn, I can not have dis. Koopawings, go get dose babys, and bwing dem to me!
Yes, even as a baby, Bowser is evil to the core.
Koopalings:Wewe coming aftul you, stowk! Pwince Bowsul oulduled us to gwab doese baby's!
The Koopalings hit the Stork, and they grab the babys. Or have they...
Koopalings:Yes, we got 'em.
Koopaling #1:Hey, waitaminite. Went the 2 babys?
Koopaling #2:OH NO! One feuw out! Pwince Bowsuw wiww have ouw dipuws!

Later, a gang of Yoshi's, colored dinosaurs that eat just about everything, found the other baby: Mario.
Green Yoshi:Now who would you be, little fella?
Yellow Yoshi:Well, by the looks of that "M" on his hat, I would say Mark!
Blue Yoshi:No, it's Matthew!
Purple Yoshi:What about Martha?
Yellow Yoshi:Martha, he's a boy, dumby!
They then started arguing, except for Green Yoshi.
Green Yoshi:If only you can give us a sign, little one.
Mario then spoke...
Yellow Yoshi:Thats your name, Mawio?
Blue Yoshi:He's a baby, he can't say words right!
Green Yoshi:Hmmm, I think he said, Mario.
Is that your name little guy, Mario?
Mario:Ha Ha! Mawio, Mawio!
Green Yoshi:Yup his name is Mario! I wonder were he came from?
Blue Yoshi:Beats me!
Purple Yoshi:Maybe the stork?
Yellow Yoshi:Thats ridiculis. Babys don't come from the stork, they come from eggs!
Green Yoshi:No, thats only certain animals! Humans don't come from eggs. Purple Yoshi's right (for ounce), they come from the stork. We need to bring him back to the stork!

To be continued.


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/4/2003 4:06:46 AM

Who likes Resident Evil? I love the game. I hope Nintendo does by Capcom, then we might see RE characters in SSBM :)


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/3/2003 3:46:19 PM

General Chat / Rumor Mill
« on: September 01, 2003, 05:37:42 PM »
You have hered Rumors about Nintendo bying Capcom, right? Well, there are also rumors about them bying Sega, Namco and Bandai. The Bandai rumors sounds a little unlikely, but it would be nice to see Pokemon VS Digimon :)


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/2/2003 6:13:26 AM

Video Game Chat / Nintendo Power
« on: September 01, 2003, 07:02:12 AM »
Who reads Nintendo Power?

PS Sorry Chupp, Sapph and Lizard. NP doesn't like Jar Jar Fans. Your still free to write on this subject.

Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/1/2003 6:03:15 AM

Site Discussion / Deezer, come here.
« on: August 31, 2003, 06:30:28 PM »
Hey, Deez. I wanna have a little word with you!


Die, father, die!

Video Game Chat / All Castlevania Fans come here, children.
« on: August 30, 2003, 11:24:59 AM »
What is you favorite Castlevania game? You already know what mine is (Note: You can't write on this post if you say one of the N64 Castlevania games. Don't like my rules? Kiss my rump.)

~Okay. How about rump?


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/1/2003 7:51:36 AM

(Note: This is not the same thing as SMBHQ's Negleced Characters Deathmatch, for it does not have Fred the Spanyard as the Reff). (Also Note: The characters don't really die. Well, sometimes they do.)

Thank you, and welcome to VGD. I'm your announcer, and Chairman of VGD, Alucard.
Stan the Bug Guy: I'm also one of your annoucers, Stan the Bug Guy. If you don't remember me, I was the star of Donkey Kong 3.
Alucard: Anyway, this is going to be a Fatal 4 way match, Stan.
Stan: Oh, I can't wait.
Alucard: Theres also going to be a special guest reff.
Stan: Who could that be?
Alucard: Sorry, I can't tell you.
Bell: Ding Ding Ding!
Donkey Kong: Now intering the ring, from The Mushroom Kingdom, Weighing in between 100-200 lbs., he is the brusing plumber, the Real King of Games (shut your mouth, Yu-Gi-Oh!), Mario "Da Man" Mario.
Crowd: Yaaaaaaaaaay! (no, thats not jon)
Alucard: And first one to come out is Mario Mario.
Stan: I wonder why his first name is also his last name?
Alucard: Beats me.
Donkey Kong: And, his opponent and brother, also from Mushroom Kingdom, weighing in between 100-200 lbs, Luigi "Da Wimp" Mario
Crowd: Boo, Boo, Boo, Pinhead, Pinhead, Boo! (no, that was not Lonic)
Alucard: I don't get why these people hate Luigi, he's one of my favorite characters.
Stan: I think he sucks.
Donkey Kong: Now entering the ring, from his own castle, weighing in between 200-300 lbs, Wario "Da Cruncher" Lastnameless
Crowd: YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!
Alucard: See, there cheering for him. He's a bad guy.
Stan: Yeah, but he's almost as cool as Tommy Verceti from GTA: Vice City. Plus, he's an anti hero, not a villian.
Alucard: Whats the differents?
Stan: An Anti hero is a playable bad guy.
Alucard: Oh.
Donkey Kong: (boy, this is getting tiring). Now entering the ring, weighing in between 100-200 lbs, Yanci "Waluigi" Lastnameless.
Crowd: Booooooooooooooooooo!
Stan: So thats his real name.
Alucard:Why does the crowd hate little brothers?
Donkey Kong: Now entering the ring, from South Park, Colorodo, He is the special guest reff, Kenny McKorkman.
Stan: Cool, Kenny from South Park. How did you invite him?
Alucard: I have my ways. Oh, and it looks like the fighters are jelous that Kenny got more yays.
Stan: Actually, Waluigi and Luigi got no yays at all, they got boos.
Alucard: Looks like there taking it out on him.
Stan: Oh my god, they killed Kenny!
Alucard: You <edit> (man, to bad this program had to be censord).
Stan: Oh look, Al! There shaking hands!
Alucard: Don't call me Al! It makes me sound like that gay guy from South Park. Hey, waidda minute. Mario's got a Mushroom.
Stan: He's become Super Mario.
Alucard:<edit> slam, right on them all.
Donkey Kong: Winner by default, Mario!
Stan: Wow, there as flat as a pancake.
Alucard: I'm sure this will be a match me, you, and them will never forget!


Die, father, die!

Edited by - Alucard on 9/6/2003 8:04:19 AM

Site Discussion / I'm Sorry
« on: August 24, 2003, 07:19:50 AM »
Okay, before anyone posts "Motion to ban Alucard", for my large amount of "spongebob hating spam", let me say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a annoying pest.

General Chat / s.H.O.
« on: August 21, 2003, 09:04:16 PM »
Welcome to s.H.O. (spongebob Haters Only), were we talk about the things we hate about that yellow P.o.S. Anyway, I hate how he's so stupid, annoying and gay (watch Saterday Night Live, and you will know what I mean by him being gay). Also, this is for people who wanna get it off his/her chest, and say "I hate spongebob".



"Duh, I'm stupid" says spongebob
"Darn right" says Mario with a chainsaw and a Jason mask. He then cut him into tiny pieces, cuts his brain in half, spongebob dies, the world lives happilly ever after, The End.

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