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Topics - superstarMASIAH

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7
Video Game Chat / E.B or Gamestop?
« on: June 29, 2005, 04:52:21 PM »
I just had to ask this question.  What gaming store do you like better, E.B or Gamestop?  Personally, I like Gamestop better.  I think they have alot better deals.  But the biggest difference has to be the clerks, the people at Gamestop are alot friendlier than at E.B.  The people at E.B in the mall I live near act like jerks, its almost as if they think thier better than you.  But, I guess it all depends on where you live.

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

General Chat / MiddleMan, Do or Die!
« on: June 27, 2005, 08:02:26 PM »
Stupid title, I know.  But I have figured something pretty fascinating.  I have heard that by the year 2018, the middle-man class will have decreased tragically or will die out.  So that meens, theres either poor, or rich, popular or unpopular, on the top or on the bottom.  But from what I have expierienced from topics like "Do you got a girl friend?"  Most of us ARE the middle man.  But realy, ask yourselves some questions, Do you care about populaity?No.  Do you care about girls or boys as in dating?Not realy.  Do you care about what other people think of you?Absolutly not.  I know it may sound like I'm just rambling on about some rubbish.  But, we have all met in the same place.  Does it sound remotely interesting?

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

Site Discussion / TMK@ E3???
« on: June 21, 2005, 04:33:19 PM »
I have a few questions about this.  How do Sapphira, Megabyte, and Chup choose people to go to E3?  And, you know how Luigison was appointed Mod awhile ago, how did that happen?  Do you have to be here a really long time? Or, do you have to be a certain age?  It just really puzzles me.

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

Forum Games / Member story
« on: June 20, 2005, 08:50:43 AM »
Wouldnt it be great if someone created a story using some of the FF members.  If it sounds good to you, tell me, and I'll do it.  Its up to you to decide.

Game Help / Search lights
« on: June 18, 2005, 10:51:22 AM »
I am now playing "The Legend of Zelda:  WindWaker"  and I cant get past the search lights on the tower of the foresaken fortress, not the first set, but the second.  I've done it before, I just cant remember how, I didnt have a memory card then.

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

General Chat / D&D
« on: June 18, 2005, 10:46:21 AM »
Do any of you play Dungeons&Dragons?  I've been wanting to learn how to play, but there are to many books to choose from, and I dont know where to begin.  If you do play, can you try and help me out, give me a few procedures?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

Forum Games / Contest!!
« on: June 17, 2005, 04:52:37 PM »
In the General Chat area of FF, there is a contest of everyones knowledge of videogames.  Please read rules first.  In thread topic "Grandaddy of videogames!!!!!"  Remember, this ones for the masses!  Do not post here!

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

Video Game Chat / Grandaddy of videogames!!!!!!!
« on: June 16, 2005, 06:34:38 PM »
This morning I was on the net on wikipedia.  I was doing research on a show I had just watched.  I go to Ralph Baer's website.  Just in case you dont know who he is, he is practically the God of videogames!  He was the first person to ever build, test play, check note, and patent videogames.  Well, I e-mailed him, after hearing one of his requests.  Everybody thinks that Bushnell jerk from Atari created videogames.  But, where do you think he got his ideas from!?  Sorry I called him a jerk, but if you saw the krap he put Baer through, you'd call him that to.  Well, when I got home, I looked at my e-mail.  He e-mailed me back!!!  And not just one of those stupid auto-bot messages either.  He actually thanked me for sending it.  I know I must be over exagerating the brilliantness of this.  But its Ralph Baer!!!!  The mans like a God!  You might be able to tell how much this meens to me.  But believe me, its probably ten times what your thinking.

Well, the dawn was coming,
heard him ringing on my bed,
he said "my names the Teacher,
what matters what I call myself,
and I have a lesson,
that I must impart to you,
its an old expression,
but I must insist it true."

General Chat / HELLO SUMMER!!!
« on: June 15, 2005, 03:05:20 PM »
Summer is finally here!!!  Well not officialy, but I'm actually out of school.  Today was my last day, took my intro math and earth science finals.  They were pretty easy.  I saw the girl I like today, but only everything whent unsaid.  I couldnt fork up the guts to talk to her.  Oh well, there's always next year.  I made my moment of the year at the school yesterday.  It was pretty stupid.  But me and my friends were outside, on one of the only days you were alowd to leave campus.  I bought some barques and I only finished 3 quarters of it.  So one of my friends said to empty it and throw it at the lunch-room window(we were outside still)  But I did one step better and left the cap loose and chucked it.  I got the window pretty much covered.  Most of the kids from the school were in that room.  I know it might sound immature or childish (too which I totally agree)  But I just cant believe I did it.  What funny things have happened on the last day of school at your school?  That you did, or someone else.

"An eye for an eye to all eternity:
thus is the law of Hell observed in me."~Dante Alighieri, Canto XXVIII, line 142

General Chat / Wish we were there.
« on: June 01, 2005, 05:01:26 PM »
I thought I'd better make this a seperate topic, other than posting it in "Who are you?"  But really people, I need some straight up answers.

Right now I seem to be going through this phase where I listen to this one song constantly.  I'm saying, about 30 times a day.  Its called "Wish you were here" by Roger Waters (leed singer of Pink Floyd, after Syd Barret was diagnosed with a mental instabilaty)  I dont know why it makes me depressed and happy at the same time.  I just think about this one girl I really like, whenever I hear the song.  And I think about how I really dont know how to tell her.  It feels like Highschool is going by so fast, and if I dont tell her soon, I'll never be able to be with her again.  I guess I just really feel like I wish she was here, with me.  Do any of you get me?  I NEED AN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"An eye for an eye to all eternity:
thus is the law of Hell observed in me."~Dante Alighieri, Canto XXVIII, line 142

Edited by - superstarMASIAH on 6/1/2005 4:05:24 PM

General Chat / WNDRshwzn
« on: May 28, 2005, 07:05:54 PM »
Have any of you seen the new show on MTV2, Wonder-showzen?  Well, its not new now, I've been watching it since the begining.  Its the best!!!  Its in the form of a kids show (like the old seseme street) but involves the worlds most delicate topics.  Its pure genius, they also interview little kids, but I dont think they ask the show topis question to the kids.  Its on every friday night at 9:30!

"An eye for an eye to all eternity:
thus is the law of Hell observed in me."~Dante Alighieri, Canto XXVIII, line 142

General Chat / The Inferno
« on: May 18, 2005, 02:56:24 PM »
"The Inferno" by Dante Alighieri, has anyone of you read it?  It is a very good book, if you havent read it or would like to know more about it, dont type, just read.  For those of you who have read it, lets start off on your favorite canto or part of the book.

O world-egg, hear me.
I am Horus of millions of years.
I am lord and master of the throne
Freed from evil, I traverse the ages
and spaces that are endless.

Mario Chat / Marioville
« on: May 15, 2005, 02:48:52 PM »
If someone were to create a cultdesac as big as a city, that you had to pay your way into, would you go there?  But wait!  This cultdesac would be dedicated to mario fans all over the world.  You would have genetically altered mushrooms that are sky high.  And you could get over thousands and thousands of character costumes.  There could be an arena, that you could watch a group of marios and luigis battle all different enemies.  Your house would be unique, no house is the same, inside our out.  The owners of the cultdesac would issue everyone a pair of hightech shoes, that couls let you jump the length of the Brooklyn bridge.  The plumbing there would be the best in the world.  Would you go there?  Why?  Think of some more things that would be good for this fantasy place.

General Chat / LD
« on: May 05, 2005, 12:14:56 PM »
No, not Lizard Dude...  But Lucid Dreaming, I've learned how to do it.  And it is the best!!!!!!!  Who else can?

General Chat / Cirus the Virus
« on: April 25, 2005, 04:00:09 PM »
My computer got a virus, it sucks, I cant get on the net at my house.  looking up too much you know what.  Do any of you remember me?

O world-egg, hear me.
I am Horus of millions of years.
I am lord and master of the throne
Freed from evil, I traverse the ages
and spaces that are endless.

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