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Topics - dude677

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
General Chat / Your goals on the FF.
« on: February 13, 2006, 02:13:38 PM »
WHat do you want to accoplish on the FF?

I want to post 677 posts, and then have a good vacation away from the FF.

Video Game Chat / Retro or Modern Games?
« on: February 12, 2006, 02:45:48 PM »
Which is better? Retro or modern games? I personally like Old-Games, since percise jumping and challenging levels were better then the graphic-heavy games that rule over the gamestands.

General Chat / Spy Vs. Spy
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:05:18 AM »
From the pages of MAD Magazine, comes SPY VS. SPY! Which spy do you think is top spy.

Fan Creations / The Drifter-A Non Mario Stroy
« on: February 11, 2006, 11:03:45 AM »
This stroy is based off of "Maniac Magee", by Jerry Spinelli, or however you spell it.

In the year of 1986, in the small of town of Walla-Walla, Washington, a kid from heaven was born under the influence of Gordon and Gina Hawk. Gordon and Gina were about the best parents you could wish for. Gave you  cookies before dinner, never told you to sleep at 9:00, about what any kid wants their parents to be like. The kid was named Will, and, like his parents, was extraordinary. Washed his plate after dinner, cleaned his room even when not asked to. He was the perfect son to the perfect parents. But, like any good thing, it must come to an end, and this is where the legend begins…

             It was a hot July in the year of 2003, the “Day It Happened”. Gordon and Gina kissed Will on the cheek. Said “See You Later”, and left the house, anticipating the new day off work. They patted their forehead with a washcloth to wipe off sweat, and hopped in the car. Will peeked out of his bedroom window, and watched his parents leave for the day. Will quickly finished his homework, and ran down to the Living Room, flicked on the lights, grabbed the remote for the TV, and began to watch some good TV.

   Next thing he knows, he wakes up and sees the news, showing his parent’s car smashed into a sandwich between a bus and a wall. After that, Will saw his life go into shambles. From just a day, he was transported to his great-uncle, the one uncle he never knew about. He was gone from the perfect life, the perfect parents were gone, and the perfect boy was sent to a dirty part of town in Chicago, the “not-so-perfect” side of town. His great-uncle Leo was a smoker, an alcoholic, all those things that destroy your body. He barely knew Will’s name, instead calling him “boy” or “you”. Will could put up with this, for now.

   “You, boy, fetch me a beer from the fridge, would ya,” Leo flung his cigar around, smoke trailing the air. “and make sure not to shake it up! Fizz is what makes me grumpy.” Will stepped into the kitchen, scoffing at Leo’s remark. He thought in his head, When aren’t you grumpy? He yanked open the fridge, grabbed the last beer can, and walked back to the poor excuse of a table. He handed Leo the beer can. Leo opened the beer can, and inspected it, then threw it at Will’s stomach. It made a loud thump, and splashed bubbly beer over Will’s shoes. Leo screamed out,
   “I said not to shake it!”
Will’s nose twitched. I can’t believe I have been dealing with this for the last 2 years! It was true. He just turned sixteen just a few days ago. Sweet sixteen. Sweet sixteen. Will couldn’t take it anymore. Three years of misery and sadness. Three years of loneliness and sickness. He grabbed his empty plate, and threw it to the ground. It cracked into a thousand pieces. Leo’s brain burned with rage.
   “What the hell was that for? You got brain dead, huh? Thinkin’ you can go around, break your elder’s things? Well, answer me.” Will made a loud scream.
   “Arghhhh!” Will’s hand turned into a fist, and he began swinging it towards Leo’s left cheek. The impact was a loud one. Leo flew off his chair, down to the ground with a sickening THUD. Leo lay there, motionless. Will kicked him in the leg, and Leo didn’t move. Will ran out of the door. Away from the Windy City. Away from Leo. Away from the wasted three years. Away from the sickening feeling he would get when someone would ask him “How was your sixteenth birthday?” Away from here. Away from there.

   The next year was lost in time. Will spent the rest of the year of 2005 wallowing anywhere around the countries. Every state had its own story on Will. “He gave food to the homeless.” says one Texas native. “He cleaned up the park.” says an Mississippi native. “He helped me cross the street.” says an elderly woman in the state of New York. He went to almost every state in the country, until he went to the town of Silver Spring, Maryland. Now, this is where the true story began. Throw out the stories about him saving China, about him wrestling sharks in Brazil, this is the real story about  Will “Drifter” Hawk. Buckle your seatbelts, adjust your rear-view mirror, this will be one wild ride.\

   The lights of Silver Spring was a sight to see. The stars twinkled, and the ground was dark and quiet. Although it seemed country-ish, it made Will happy. All of the places he have been to were large cities, and only lights in the air was from apartment complexes and helicopters. The stars twinkled in the sky, making Will feel like at home. Home. He longed for it. He approached the city.

   The streets was freshly wet with rain, and silent, just like home. Will spotted a house nearby, one without lights and one without people. He hopped over the fence with ease, landing firmly on his soles. He brushed off his shoes, and headed inside. The door creaked, and it nearly fell of its hinges. The dust swirled around in a vortex, barely visible with the aid of the moonlight. The few furniture in the house were covered with ghost-white sheets, and to add to the illusion of a haunted house, the house creaked and moaned. With each step Will took, the wooden floors creaked with the sound of a grunting football player. Will was used to it. He slept in many scarier houses before. It was a walk in the park for him.

   “I think he’s dead.” A voice threw Will from his deep sleep. His eyes opened slowly, and a girl, about his age, glanced down at him. The girl seemed to peer into his soul. He quickly jumps to his feet, and says with a yawn,
   “I never knew that someone lived here before.”
   “Lived here before? This is my secret hideout. Why, you live here?”
   “No. I never lived anywhere. Never had a home for a year.”
The girl shuffled around Will, looking at his appearance. Will was wearing the same shirt-and-pants combo he wore the day he socked Leo in the cheek. The old-navy logo was faded, and the jeans was a light brown form overuse. He looked poor, from the likes of him.
   “What’s your name?” The girl was curious enough.
   “Will Hawk. But just call me Will. What’s yours?”
   “Jenny. So, why are you here?”
   “It’s an awfully long story. But to sum it all up, I have no home. I have no sanctuary.”
   “A house isn’t a home. You live where you please, I bet. Doubtful you have no home, since a home isn’t always a house, or even a building.”
   “Well, I must be going now.”
   “Wait! What’s your name again?
Halfway out the door, the girl screamed “Jenny!” Jenny. The name stuck in Will’s head. He peered out the window. Bright sunlight poured into the old house. Will dusted off his pants, and headed out.

   Many stories and rumors were going around of Will. Most people recognize him as “The Drifter”, and watched him insecurely. A strange fellow he was. Many false stories popped out off of many guy’s and gal’s brain. From when he attacked a school teacher,  to when they say he ate alien brains, the stories were all over the place. One of the true stories you’ll hear though, is “Dawson Football Miracle”.

   It was a hot February, one of those trick days when it seemed like spring. The sun was beating down on Silver Spring, and the atmosphere just called for sports. At Dawson Park, a small football game was being held, street rules, of course. The teams got pretty rowdy, resulting in hard tackles and moans of pain. Quarterback Jimmy Hart was lining up a play, when he was sacked. The ball flew into the air, and a fumble was forming. The ball bounced off the ground, and the only person wise enough to get it was Will Hawk himself. He ran up to the ball and picked it off the ground. He ran towards where Jimmy was aiming to go. The opposing team ran after him. Will was too fast, too fast. He easily reached first down, and beyond. He ducked and weaved through the defenders, and through some double teams, too. The miraculous play resulted in a miraculous touchdown. Jimmy’s team won ,and the team was confused, the opposing team enraged. Will quickly ran out, fearing rebellious football players. (He knows that they punch hard from another confrontation to rowdy football players, but he does it for the thrill of the chase, or being chased) He eventually stopped, and dusted off his pants. (His signature trademark, of course) The area surrounding him looked like home. A little, suburban house with a perfect yard. Memories flashed through Will’s eyes. The painful memories. It was too much. He quickly ran off.



Forum Games / Mario Soup 4 The Soul
« on: February 11, 2006, 10:55:42 AM »
Like the book with the similar name, this is where you can post your tragic event that has happened in your life. It can be a story, a poem, whatever. I'll post mine later.

Site Discussion / Huh?
« on: February 11, 2006, 05:10:03 AM »
I was just logging in, and when I pressed "Log In", it showed me a Garfield comic! This must be some cruel joke since i havn't been here in a while...

General Chat / Lots Of Banned People
« on: January 13, 2006, 09:35:45 PM »
I haven't been to this site in three days, and ALREADY Game Over is Banned. (AT leatst, I think he is) Why is many people getting banned?

Site Discussion / More Cameos NOT Included
« on: January 09, 2006, 06:36:42 PM »
I am suprised that many games that include a Mario reference is missing. I am currently seeing missing info from:
Pikmin 2.

Also, in Pikmin 1, you state that Olimars partners name is Luji. It is, in fact, Louie, or Looie.

Okay, in Pikmin 2, there are a couple of missing info, like the Item Flame Of Tommorow, which includes Bowser on the front of matchstick packet.

General Chat / Missed And Unmissed Topics
« on: January 09, 2006, 05:21:57 PM »
Since I still a bit of a newb here at TMK, I was wondering what long-time posters like Chup, Saph, and other long time posters have liked and disliked over the years.
It can be any topic, from KillaofPS2's to Chaotic's.
Choose, anything.
I really want to learn more out of TMK's history.
(Fine, call me a geek or a stalker all you want, just not here or PM)

Site Discussion / Game Boy Micro
« on: January 08, 2006, 05:29:29 PM »
In TMK, I see no information on the GBM.
Is there one, because I can't see it.

General Chat / Place To Post
« on: January 08, 2006, 03:56:38 PM »
Where do you love to post?

Forum Games / An Enemy Of The Worst Kind
« on: January 07, 2006, 04:20:57 PM »
A new story. Please rate!!

   “Sire, the…uh…’Project’, is ready” A Koopa said.
“Excellent, send him in.” Bowser smiled. A plan he was SURE going to work. He was going to finally destroy Mario.
“After countless years, I will finally have the upper hand!” Bowser screamed. The Koopa guards nodded in unison. They also knew that the reason they exist, destroying Mario, was finally going to be fulfilled.
“Well, is he in?” Bowser waited impatiently.
“What is it you want, Master?” A large, black shadow loomed over Bowser’s door arch. Bowser smiled.
“I want you, to destroy Mario.”
“Your wish, will be fulfilled.”   
   “Do we have to do this?” Mario said to Luigi in an impatient tone. Cleary, practicing fire-balling and throwing them into the wall isn’t one way Mario would like to spend this beautiful Sunday afternoon.
“You know, when Bowser tries to take over the world, and your fireballs fail you at the last second, I really wonder what would happen to you, if, let’s say, let the enemies by me to get you.” Luigi said in a sneaky kind of tone. Mario scoffed.
“You know, that joke is never going to ‘Take Over The World’. Even if he tried, the only thing he could ever control is a mushroom, and I doubt that ‘Kingdom’ will last very long.” Mario was annoyed.
“Mario, please. Turn down your Sarcasm knob down a bit, can’t you?”
“Okay, bro, look. If Bowser, just, somehow, got control of the world, I will give you my corner pocket.”
“Your so-called Lucky One?”
“Yeah, and if you lose, you’ll give me Mr. Hunnybunny.”
“Who the heck is Mr.HunnyBunny?”
“My most loved childhood toy! Remember, you darn STOLE it?”
“Heh, that was funny.”
“Hey! No it wasn’t! You threatened to RIP his head off!” Mario said with a tear. Luigi burst into laughter. Mario crying for a toy that he stole THIRTY YEARS AGO?!? Makes anyone laugh.

General Chat / Things to think about
« on: January 06, 2006, 08:03:15 PM »
What are some things to think about?

What is the sound of one hand clapping?
If a tree falls, does it make a sound.
What if EA bought Nintendo?

General Chat / Want to talk to ALICE? (SO DARN COOL!)
« on: January 04, 2006, 02:19:18 PM »
Ever wondered how good our technolgy is today?
Go to this website to meat ALICE, a computer AI that you can have a discussion with.
Here is the link:
I stink at HTML.

Have fun.

Video Game Chat / The Sims 2 TMK Trailer Blowout!
« on: December 31, 2005, 02:29:42 PM »
I am currently planning a project for The Sims 2. It may not be a movie, but I am really excited to make sims that look like Deezer and Sapph, and an album may work just as well.

I want to put three or four TMK'rs into a small house and see what kind of stories will pop up. Love triangles, cheating, screaming at each other, whats not to love?

If you want to be part of my project, please post a picture of yourself, your aspiration (Knowledge, Popularity, Family, Wealth, Romance), and your sign. (Aquarius, Capricorn, etc.) I will have the stotry on Monday if there is alot of people willing to let me make fun of them. ;)
If you wish to discuss stories or want to contribute (Like helping make stories if you have the game), please discuss it here. Thanks for your support!

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