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Topics - Luigison

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 25 26 27 [28] 29 30 31 32 33 ... 38
Video Game Chat / Metroid fans, checkout these two...
« on: October 23, 2004, 06:30:23 PM »

Forum Games / Two questions!
« on: October 23, 2004, 04:40:35 PM »
How's your mind state, and if you were a jungle animal, what noise would you make?

Video Game Chat / The Urbz: Sims in the City PS2 vs GCN connectivity
« on: October 23, 2004, 12:55:40 PM »
Does anybody know if there is going to be any differences between the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions of The URBS?

Will The GCN version of The URBZ have any connectivity with either the GBA or DS?

Video Game Chat / The Urbz: Sims in the City - GCN vs. PS2
« on: October 19, 2004, 11:10:34 PM »
Does anybody know if there is going to be any differences between the GameCube and PlayStation 2 versions of The Urbs?

Will there be any type of connection between the GCN, GBA, and NDS versions?

Latest News / Wario Ware, Inc. on PSP!
« on: October 19, 2004, 07:49:50 PM » screws up again.




Can''''t you take a hint, pal?

"..." means SCRAM!

Don''''t talk to me!

More random signatures.

Video Game Chat / Nintendo DS cards & GBA carts
« on: October 10, 2004, 11:38:26 AM »
What if companies made unlockables based on having certain GBA games.

Imagine having Mario Pinball Land in the GBA socket unlocked a multiplayer pinball game in Super Mario 64 DS?

There could be a lot of possiblities with Pokemon games and GBA/DS communication. Transfering GBA Pokemon to DS games for example.

I don't think Nintendo will do this (at least not right away) because of all the slack they got about the connectivity with the GBA and GCN, but other companies might.

Final Fantasy I & II for the GBA could communicate with Final Fantasy III for the DS. You could upgrade stats or trade items and equipment between games, or even use characters from one game in the other.

Even if these types of abilities are not in the releases of the games, they could be added through online downloads using the DS like the way Pokemon can be added to the DS at Pokemon movies, and demos can be downloaded at game stores.

Imagine the homebrew possiblities with the DS.

Someone could make a DS card like a Game Shark or action Replay the had a GB/GBC emulator that would allow playing GB/GBC games in the GBA slot on the DS.

I have a lot more ideas, but this post is already long. What do you think?

Mario Chat / Mario Pinball Land
« on: October 10, 2004, 10:54:40 AM »
Who has Mario Pinball Land?

I think it is an okay game, but I am not much of a fan of pinball games to begin with.  If it did not have Mario and company in it I would have never got it.  It was $35 at GameStop so I desided not to get it, but while looking for extra DK drums at Circuit City I saw it for $25 at got it.

It's an easy game to play while doing something else like watching TV.

I had somewhere between 6 and 9 stars the other day, but when I turned it on last night I did not have a save file on it.  Everything was back to zero.  Has anyone else had this happen?

Mario Chat / Super Mario 64x4 DS boxart?
« on: October 04, 2004, 07:43:56 PM »

Super Mario 64 DS boxart revealed?

Retailer product page shows never-before-seen artwork on Mario box; could imply launch-title status for remake of N64 classic.

While GameSpot was not expecting to see any official assets for Nintendo's DS titles until the Gamers' Summit later this week, an update on one of Gamestop's product pages has got our wheels turning. While the rest of the retailer's database entries for Nintendo DS titles have remained basically unchanged since E3, a recent update to the page for Super Mario 64 DS (called Super Mario 64x4 at E3) shows new box art for the title.

Featuring what looks to be a totally original piece of artwork featuring the game's four playable characters, the box art is a far cry from the usual mock-up boxes that Gamestop uses as placeholders. The box also lacks the "For Display Only" notice and "Rating Pending" logo, instead featuring the Nintendo logo and an "E" for Everyone rating.

Faced with this evidence, a source inside Nintendo told GameSpot News that he was "inclined to believe that [the artwork in question] is real."

What does it matter? If Gamestop has indeed received an official piece of box art, or even official artwork from which to fashion its own box art, it would be a strong indication that Super Mario 64 DS will launch with the system on November 21. Another launch title currently known is Activision's Spider-Man 2, which has a similar box art shown on the site.

Adding to the evidence that Gamestop has received these assets directly from Nintendo, the site also sports an authentic-looking box art for Mario Power Tennis that is not available from Nintendo's press artwork repository, where the game is still titled Mario Tennis. The title Mario Power Tennis, said our source, is definitely official.

GameSpot will have full coverage of the Nintendo Gamers' Summit, including the whole scoop on the Nintendo DS' launch lineup, later this week.

The White Mushroom House / Nintendo Mini Mario key chain games?
« on: October 03, 2004, 02:10:37 PM »

Video Game Chat / Nintendo funds WarpPipe making DS bigger than internet?
« on: October 02, 2004, 04:51:10 PM »

medium;">Nintendo DS Online

x-small;">The Warp Pipe Project will provide the biggest online network

in the world since the Internet...


op=viewarticle&artid=195" target="_blank"> Article by James Temperton [

tempo88 :: Sub Editor :: Head of PR ]


Cubed³ is

never left in the dark, we refuse to hide away and let the rest of the

industry run away with a story that we can’t keep tabs on. So, unlike a

lot of sites we have done our own digging, talked to our own contacts

and can now give you the facts, the most reliable information and

hopefully give you a better picture of what is going on. Yes ladies and

gents, we are talking about the Nintendo DS saga of the last few


he Internet is always a breeding ground for odd

and fast-growing rumours, and much like the Megaton of many

months ago, this Second Coming is no exception to overblown

facts, idiotic speculation and taking things so out of context that

they become entirely different statements.

This new all

started off on a site that Cubed³ have always trusted and respected,

N-Sider, thus we can certainly ascertain that these rumours are

indeed based on facts and a few of the comments being made are true, if

a little cryptic. Those of you familiar with the Warp Pipe

project (that is making continuing moves to get the GameCube online)

will know what the company are all about, for everyone else all you

need to know is that they are a fan-run operation (in no way

professional) that have been working on taking the GameCube online to

some extent for the last couple of years. This project has had mixed

success, but the general consensus of those that follow Warp

closely, including Cubed³ is that they have done an excellent

job, and continue to do so.

Warp Pipe however, are

starting to get rather more serious. From somewhere they are getting

masses of funding to work on a massive new project. We can confirm this

will be on the DS and that there is a very high chance of the funding

coming straight from Nintendo themselves. Simply put, the Warp

team would not have the money to fund such a project

themselves, and no other company than Nintendo would fund such a


One item we have been directed towards paying

particular attention to is that the cost of the project will not be

passed onto the end consumer, but that we should “simply purchase

games with your favourite green logo on the box”
. The Warp

is green, and for it to be on a box definitely points to the

company working in an official capacity with Nintendo. We shall say no

more on the subject, our lips are sealed…

Three key images

have come out of this story, released by one of the men at the centre

of it all, Chad of Warp Pipe fame. We will go through and

explain each one individually. These explanations are based on general

simple interpretations, but also pointers made by insiders to



The best of the lot, and one that explains

so much, some of which you need background knowledge of to be able to

work it out. Obviously you have the boy with the Nintendo DS, in a

wood, with a dog. Some people say this relates to Nintendogs,

whilst this is quite a good guess, insider info seems to suggest that

it is probably quite a way off the mark. May we point you in the

direction of a certain game called Animal Crossing DS? We have

reason to believe that Animal Crossing DS will be one of the

most innovative games ever. How would you feel is where you were

in Animal Crossing reflected directly on where you were in the

world? Standing in London, and you’re in the city. Standing in the New

Forest, and you’re in the woodland. Other characters would also be

around you going about their business, and you would be able to

interact and communicate in a whole new way. It may seem far-fetched

and we’re not sure how much of it will turn out to be truth, but we

have been assured that there is certainly some solid fact in this



Slightly disturbing, we admit, but we have

managed to unearth some very interesting news on this one. If you take

a look at the face the DS replaces what should be eyes, nose, mouth

etc. and what is most interesting is the text findsme, with the

s being faded out. First off, the ds in the middle

obviously links to the DS itself. As for the find me text, we

have been told that this links to the DS being able to locate any other

unit in the world that it is set to look for. Like an MSNm contact list

you will be able to talk, game and interact with people from all four

‘corners’ of the globe. Another possible link we have been told to

mention is that it could relate to GPS features, which could again link

into the Animal Crossing DS idea and all sorts of other ceeerazy

possibilities. We shall say no more…


alt="" />

Even more disturbing than the

second image, this one seems to be putting across the same idea though.

Anti-isolation is the text on the DS, and the lack of eyes

points to one clear thing. Our sources contacted us to confirm that no

matter where you are, with the DS you will never be alone. No mates on

the same continent? Apparently no problem, with this new project being

developed by Warp Pipe linking up with another DS will be


Does anyone remember Marionette? It was a

‘game’ mentioned by Shigeru Miyamoto quite a while back. We have

considerable reason to believe that this was an idea for a feature…an

online feature Mario NET. Tenuous? But it sounds very Nintendo.

We have asked everyone who we think might have an idea about this one,

and the amounts of no comment and wait and see responses

we had back points to one thing: this is happening.



  • Warp Pipe are working on a massive

    project for the Nintendo DS that will make it one massive online social

    network, the biggest outside the Internet.
  • The DS is not just

    constrained to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication. Whisperings in our

    ears point towards being able to play against / send a signal to

    someone else with a DS anywhere in the world, instantly.
  • The

    DS will have a remote ‘daisy-chain’ feature, whereby on say a

    University campus or shopping centre, a number of DS’ can connect one

    to the next until all the DS consoles in the area are linked up and

    playing together. Almost like they are hooked in a giant loop.
  • There is substantial support for the project from one key

    financial backer (Nintendo?) and numerous other companies working on

  • The Warp Pipe service will launch this year,

    possibly with the DS.
  • It will be announced on website N-

    in the middle of October, but the full story might not be

    revealed for a little while longer.

    We will leave you with

    one thought. Nintendo Europe, Nintendo of America and Nintendo Co Ltd.

    in Japan have always maintained the point that they do not want to have

    to charge for online gaming. They see it as one of the major

    hindrances. It is no secret that Nintendo are not online, but it is

    also no great secret that Nintendo are investing in online research.

    Could they be ready to spring on us the biggest easy to access, global

    communication tool since the Internet? Could all of this innovation

    come out of the book with the console? We will have more information,

    confirmations and speculations for you when we are allowed to comment

    or have more information to pass on. Stay tuned to Cubed³â€¦

    />The information released in this article is done so on the

    understanding that the sources providing it are not revealed. Items

    stated as fact are, to Cubed³, known to be fact. Speculation is made

    clear. Any comments about the validity of our statements should be sent

    to the author of this article. Cubed³ hold no legal


  • Edited by - Luigison on 10/2/2004 3:55:27 PM

    Mario Chat / GBA Wireless Adapter w/ Classic NES SMB
    « on: October 02, 2004, 08:17:21 AM »
    I bought the Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros. when it first came out.  It had been said somewhere on the internet that the multiplayer Classic NES Series would work with the new GBA wireless adapter.

    I bought Pokemon LeafGreen for myself and since it was only $25 at BestBuy I also got FireRed.  I plan to give FireRed as a gift, but keep the Wireless adapter that sells by itself for $20.

    I tried using the wireless adapters with my Classic NES Series: Super Mario Bros, but could not get it to work.  I checked the Super Mario Bros. box and found that there was a sticker on the back that said, "Multiplayer games require one Game Pak and a Game Boy Advance Game Link cable (sold separately)."  I found the same sticker on several other NES Classic Series GBA games.

    This contradicts what is on the internet. even has a webpage that lists the Classic NES Series multiplayer games under "Accessories: New! Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter".

    Edited by - Luigison on 10/2/2004 7:18:54 AM

    General Chat / Pet Psychic
    « on: October 01, 2004, 06:54:56 PM »
    On an AM talk radio station I sometime listen to on my hour long drive home they had a pet psycic today.  I called in and made up a story about I fake dog that I said was older and had become less active, eats less, and walked with its head down.  The psychic told me that she had the sense that my dog had arthritis and that I should take it to a vet.  I then told her that I was skeptical about her being a psychic, decribed what I thought was really happening then told her that I did not have a dog.  Her reply was for me to call her back after I had taken him to the vet.

    Since, I made up the story, and told her I did not have a dog why did she tell me to take it to the vet?

    Mario Chat / Lego Mario
    « on: September 26, 2004, 02:10:39 PM »
    I just made a huge thread on video game Lego designs complete with sprites, pictures, how to, etc.  But, it was lost when my brand new computer locked up while trying to save in Notepad.  Instead of doing it all over again I will simply ask you to post any video game, Nintendo, or Mario related Lego designs here.

    Edited by - Luigison on 9/26/2004 7:22:17 PM

    Video Game Chat / Pokémon?
    « on: September 08, 2004, 08:37:02 PM »
    I have never played a Pokémon game, and was wondering what they are like.  Please only reply if you have actually played a Pokémon game.

    1. The handheld Pokémon games look like The first Zelda and A Link to the Past.  How are they similiar or different?

    2. What is the gameplay like?  Do you hunt for Pokémon then play rock paper scissors battles?  Is there more to find than Pokémon?  Are the battles engaging?

    3. I have noticed that several games like
    Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen are in two different versions.  How are the versions different or the same?

    4. If I were to play my very first Pokémon game, what should it be?  Why?

    5. How are the console and handheld games different/similiar?

    6. If you strongly like or dislike (having played) Pokémon, why?

    7. A new survey suggest that Pokémon games help build positive values.  Do you agree or disagree?

    Edited by - Luigison on 9/8/2004 8:28:42 PM

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