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Topics - Trainman

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Video Game Chat / Why GCN is better than the other two systems.
« on: August 09, 2003, 07:21:07 AM »
The GCN is the better of the two systems. If you want to know how the GCN is better my sources are the forum "Top Ten Reasons GCN Beat The Pants Off PS2&X-Box!" and The forum has info on what games are better and things like that while the other site is an AWESOME source for technical, sometimes very technical specs. From reading that editorial it makes the GCN SO superior over X-Box, although he doesn't mention the PS2.

Well the forum has info why the GCN kicked PS2's butt (and a side order of the X-Box's too.) and the other site has so much info on why the GCN kicked X-Box's butt...hard, real hard. So take a look at them and post what you think?

My Quote: "Yesterday, when I''m smaller.... I wanna fight that Mario the day before yesterday."  

Site Discussion / The Unthinkable: What if Miyamoto RETIRES???
« on: August 09, 2003, 06:32:30 AM »
What do you think will happen when Miyamoto retires? Will everything go fine, will there be an armegeddon, will the world come to an end, will I be beaten to a bloody pulp for even mentioning those horrible words? Post your version of what you think will happen in a Reality and Fantasy version. Example:
Reality: Miyamoto will be replaced with some other guy. That guy might be horrible at coming up with ideas and Mario's future games might be a flop. IF that guy knows what he's doing. That guy might be bad at drawing Mario so he might screw him up.
Fantasy: The world would come to an end.

My Quote: "Yesterday, when I''m smaller.... I wanna fight that Mario the day before yesterday."  

Who hasen't found the secret page yet and who has? Just curious.

My Quote: "Yesterday, when I''m smaller.... I wanna fight that Mario the day before yesterday."  

Site Discussion / TMK Staff Pictures
« on: August 08, 2003, 05:18:04 AM »
Has anyone ever seen what the TMK staff look like? Deezer, what do you really look like? Do you have a picture of yourself you can post? Just curious. What about the rest of the staff? What does everybody else look like, i.e. David, J.J., or Megabyte?

My Quote: "Yesterday, when I''m smaller.... I wanna fight that Mario the day before yesterday."  

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