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Topics - PrincessPeach

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Yoshi Story song
« on: May 31, 2001, 04:17:55 PM »
Ok, Now, If you've ever played Yoshi's story, you know what I'm talking about, I have recently rented it, and I was wondering...the song that the Yoshi's sing when a page is being turned...What on earth are they saying??? It sounds like " Be careful" in a way, but its not clear enough to be that! WAHH! it bothers me! Does anyone know? Thanks!!

*Twink, that was plain stupid, I''ll be more careful this time*
           ~I''m the princess Of anime ^__^~

Mario Chat / ^_^ Paper Mario!!
« on: April 23, 2001, 02:08:37 PM »
Has anyone played paper mario yet? I absolutly LOVE that game!!! Btw : I'm new here ^__^;

*Twink, that was plain stupid, I'll be more careful this time*
           ~I'm the princess Of anime ^__^~

Pages: [1]