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Topics - Zoid4

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Forum Games / Freakish Fungi
« on: October 16, 2003, 10:47:45 PM »
Hi all, I'm new here. I decided to start this new (hopefully funny) story. The following is the prologue, but more will come. Feedback is appreciated. Thank ye. (<---- Old English weirdness.)

Prologue--Stupidity, Plotting, and Stupidly Plotting

Bowser twirled his wand like a baton, humming "Mario Bros. Roasting on an Open Fire" and looking sufficiently idiotic to make a bugger jealous.

"Oh, I know!" he declared. "We'll kidnap the princess, and--" (Did I mention a big, green, AND slimy bugger?)

"Bowser, I gotta hand it to you," said his ally. "Your plans are complete and utter cow pie."

"You think of something then, magic boy!"

"Alright. I will. Face it Bowser; if we have to deal with the Mario Bros., we don't have a snowball's chance very hot place. We have to get rid of them."

"Don't you think I've tried?!"

"No, not really. But I don't mean kill them. That's impossible at the present. We need a diversion!"

"That's it! A diversion!" said Bowser, who no more knew what diversion meant than he could eat a pickle with his mouth taped shut.

"Hmm," said ????. "We need a lure. Like...ah-ha! Mario and Luigi are suckers for powerful items. Their always after them for world peace and all that. Dang hippies."

"What's a hippie?" inquired Bowser.

"I dunno, it's some kind of foreign breakfast cereal. Anywho...once Mario and Luigi are out of the way, we conquer the Mushroom Kingdom and enslave its military. THEN we kill the Mario Bros. Understood?"


"Excellent. Alright, you foreign breakfast cereals, let's see you beat us now..."

Edited by - Zoid4 on 10/16/2003 9:51:21 PM

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