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Topics - Wiiario

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Video Game Chat / Club Nintendo.... LIVE in US!
« on: December 15, 2008, 09:25:46 PM »
The long, long, LOOOOOOOONNNNNG awaited service, Club Nintendo, featured in Japan until only recently started in Europe has finally launched in the U.S. coming with a first wave of gifts. It's been a tedious wait, but I have high hopes for this service, but I do have dissapointments from what I've seen. Mainly, my catalog of registered games has showed up, but so far non have registered as coins (The service's currency system) so I'm afraid I might not get any of my *deserved* coins. From what they offer so far, most of it is for the DS. This would be O.K., but I lack one at the moment but would like to pick one up. Although I was waiting for the DSi, but that just seems to far off.  Anyway, to check the service out, just click here!

Oh, yeah when you register ______ you get:

Wii Game = 50 Coins
DS Game = 30 Coins
Wii games and channels = 10 Coins

Edit: Huh, it's there still, but I can't log into my account? I can't even use the "Forgot your Password" feature. Maybe their still having server troubles....

Mario Chat / Wario Shakes up Youtube!
« on: September 23, 2008, 01:27:55 PM »
Link here!

This has to be the BEST ad campaign ever! You just need to see it!

Video Game Chat / Brawl hacking gets better.
« on: August 31, 2008, 01:00:45 PM »
I recently checked a blog I go to frequently and there was a link to an amazing hacking project for Brawl.
How'd you like Dry Bowser? Or Phazon Samus? Or Mr. L (Who ever he is.)?! These could all soon be possible! So far their texture hacks are, at the moment, unavailable to the public. But they are planing to find a way to distribute them when they have enough completed (About two for each character.). So far their efforts are simply amazing, one of the best texture projects I've EVER seen.
Check out their Brawl page here!

Note* They do NOT plan to use homebrew to distribute these hacks.

Fan Creations / Mario Arcade art
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:57:35 PM »
HD version here!

Regular version here

Edit: Some small updates has been added to both of them. The Luigi and Shellcreeper sprite each had a small visible problem. And the Mario Bros. logo was hard to see with the brick background, so I shortened the logo and brightened it.

Well, I had a small plan using Blender for a physics test, but a new build has prevented me from accessing the game engine, which IS needed.
So, I started to notice the wall of blocks reminded me of the ol' Mario Bros. Arcade machine, and from there, in one night with no sleep *yawn* I made this piece of 3D Mario sprite *Kinda* art.

Edit, I linked them both.

Video Game Chat / Dead Rising... Wii?!
« on: July 17, 2008, 11:57:03 PM »
scan 1
scan 2
scan 3
scan 4
scan 5

Famisu released information that Dead Rising, a popular 360 game, is being ported to Nintendo's little white box, the Wii.
The game is said to look as close to its 360 counterpart as much as it can, as well as one new boss and weapon. Along with motion controls that seem oh so familiar from the scans.
The port is being influenced by the rapid success of Resident Evil 4 Wii.

The game's scans look the part, they do look like the 360 versions. I feel troubled though... Cutscenes could be rendered, not real-time.
Hell, that might be a 360 version of the game, but photoshoped to have Wii controls over them... I hope not.
I don't have a 360... I've never played this game. I heard its really, REALLY good. So this would be great for me.

*Edit: Fixed the links.
*Scratch that, I ruined the links.
I'll... fix them later...

Video Game Chat / Is this the end...?
« on: May 27, 2008, 03:22:05 PM »
The end of ......... *Japanese weird music starts up* "Wii would like to play."

I ask this because of the Wii fit commercial. Not a "Wii would like to play" as I (and I guess everyone else) thought. I personally thought it was at least a better commercial than a Wii would like to play commercial.
So, do you think Nintendo is starting to change their advertising?

Mario Chat / Miyamoto: TIME's #1 most influential person!
« on: May 01, 2008, 07:21:30 PM »
Shigeru Miyamoto. The creator of Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, and more has been declared TIME's #1 most influential person, with 1,993,050 votes! beating out the runner-up, Rain, by roughly 300,000 votes.

Edit: I hope no one was cheating. It wouldn't be fair If God Miyamoto won by fans cheating.

I haven't heard of High Voltage, or it's titles in years so I'm a bit on the "eh, wait and see" side. I'm waiting for the gameplay footage of "The Conduit", but the game does look really good and god awful in some screenshots. Also the just announced Gryostarr (I forget if that's how you spell it) for Wiiware looks great so far.

Anyway, What do you think about High Voltage's new Wii attitude? Do you like or hate that flat out said everything that Nintendo fans have been saying about third-party developers? Or about their "360 looking" Wii game The Conduit, or their Wiiware game, Gyrostarr?

Video Game Chat / Rock Band.... will it ever move to Wii?
« on: December 24, 2007, 09:34:14 PM »
Now I was playing Guitar Hero 3 on Wii and I've been thinking, while I like GH3 I would like to see RB on Wii too. I don't own a 360 or PS3 (Nor do I really want a PS3) So I'll never get to try it so I'd like to see what it would be like on Wii.
I can see the controllers now.
A Wii guitar controller (same as GH3)
A Wii microphone. It plugs directly into the port without any wires and all you gotta do is turn the remote upside down.
Wii drums. Same like the guitar, just insert the Wiimote somewhere.
Would you like to see Rock Band on Wii?

Video Game Chat / Clash of the consoles!
« on: December 13, 2007, 05:49:42 PM »
Clash of the consoles
Hope the URL works.
Anyway, I was browsing the internet when I came along this site. It's an environmental site yes but it has one of the cheapest and funny as hell animated movie I've seen in awhile. Basically our three console heros Mario, Master Chief, and Kratos represent each console and must save the world from their console pollution. The voice actors are terrible, Kratos is the worst in my opinion and is a little educational but I hope you find it interesting.

Mario Chat / Which Galaxy would you have wanted to be used more?
« on: December 06, 2007, 12:19:09 AM »
There are over 40+ Galaxy's in Super Mario Galaxy. And out of those Galaxy's, which one do you think should have been used more? I'm talking more about those bonus Galaxy's with only one star.
I think the Matter Splatter Galaxy could of been used a bit more (Even if there is one more level that used it.) I loved the idea of that level, how the floors and walls disappear and reappear and that little drip that makes the floors and walls shink and expand. My second choice would be Bouy Base. (I forgot the name)

Game Help / Help SMG disc problem!!!
« on: December 02, 2007, 01:05:48 AM »
HELP! My Galaxy disc was working yesterday and now it gives me an error! I get to the disc channel, It works fine. I click start, black screen followed by a error message! The're no scratches and my other games work. I need help!!
Edit: It stopped. But is giving me slightly werid problems.

Mario Chat / Galaxtic Challenges
« on: December 01, 2007, 05:54:58 AM »
We all know Galaxy isn't that hard. But have you found any kind of indirect routes that can make the game a little more interesting? Or beating a level without a necessary power up? This thread is to express these ideas. I'll show you some examples:

Beat the second star mission in the Freezeflame Galaxy without Fire Mario Hard

Beat the first star mission in the Toy Time Galaxy without spring mario medium

In the Melty Molten Galaxy's second mission get to the other side of the volcano. Hard

Get all 150 purple coins in Toy Time Galaxy Hard

Get from Terecce to the Bedroom in 20 seconds. No flight Mario easy

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