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Topics - ByFjeldet

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Fan Creations / Super Mario Tribute Game
« on: May 17, 2011, 04:00:59 PM »
Hello again :)

I've browsed through a lot of users here, and its incredibly many skilled graphicians here! Some younger and still better than me by far.. which was pretty depressing actually. Anyway, as most of you have already showed-off what you are good at, I think I'll use the oportunity to show the project I'm currently working on, which I mentioned in my first post in here :)

SMTC is my very own tribute to all the Super Mario games, or at least all those I have played... Or with other words, it WILL be sometime. I have soon made 2 out of 8 worlds, but most of the programming part is complete. That leaves 6 more worlds to design. Anyway - to make this Mario game a little unique, I have made it into some kind of MMO-style of some kind. Super Mario uses Health and "Flowerpower" bars instead of the usuall 1-hp-per-mushroom/flower. The abilities Mario get are therefore forever-lasting as long as you have enough flowerpower. The red mushroom and the fire flower from the classic Mario games are the items that fills up HP and FP for Mario, and are spread out in the levels inside mystery boxes. There are 5 different abilities that can be upgraded one time, so I guess 10 abilities. The enemies are all taken from the Super Mario games, and some of them are adjusted just a little bit. Overall, it looks pretty much like any Mario game - I have tried to keep the classic charm. Here are some screenshots from the levels I have created, and the abilities Mario can get :)

PS: I did not find any way to resize images to fit properly, so to make the thread smaller you gotta click on each link until I find a way to fix it. Images are hosted by
Also, I wish I could make a gameplay video instead, since the ability looks kinda lame when they are standing still... But I just did not get the darn Movie Maker Live to work as I wanted.

This is the first ability you get, from World 1. Its the classic Fire Ball spit from most of the Mario games. It bounces when it hits the ground, and kills enemies it apporaches. You can only have one Fire Ball up at a time.

You get one ability in each of the four first worlds, and you upgrade those four in World 5, 6, 7 and 8. In World 5, you get this upgraded version of the Fire Ball. With this upgraded version, you can just hold the fire button to spam cast Fire Balls - no limitations!

The first throw ability are hammers that Mario gets in World 2. Different from the Fire Balls, these can be thown upwards and kill enemies above. Max 3 hammers at a time.

In World 6, the hammers can be upgraded to bombs. Its not that easy to see on screenshots, but the bombs "comes out of Mario", and are not spawned above like it looks like here.. Just keep that in mind :P Each Button-Press makes mario toss 3 bombs, and each bomb explodes when hitting an enemy or when a random timer runs out. There are no number limits on bombs.

World 3, first "fly" ability. Some leaves shoots out of Mario's feet, giving him the opportunity to double jump.

In World 6 you get the real Fly Ability. If you have played the classic Mario games before, you recognize this form! Each milisecond Mario flies costs Flowerpower, so you cant really fly through a long level.

The Bullet Bill you see to the right is a friendly Bill launched by Mario to destroy enemies. It moves fast straight forwards, and can also be used to crush certain boxes. Only one bullet at a time. Obtained in World 4.

This is the last ability that every player gets. When Mario uses it, friendly Bullet Bills launches randomly around the screen for a few seconds. There are rarely survived enemies after this ability is used. But it costs a lot of Flower Power, and it has a short timer between each use. Obtained in World 8.

There are actually one more ability, that can be upgraded. But - I am a very big fan of secret ways and levels, so Im adding this ability as an optional ability for people that have found the secret ways to get it. And to upgrade it are some even more secret levels :)

My last screenshots is of the first boss.
I will probably give every boss (which is all the Koopa Kids + Bowser) their very own flying machine thing. One reason is cause I think it was a unique idea to design their machines as themselves, but the sad truth is that the main reason is because I was not able to draw proper feet and arms and a nice belly on the boss. If you look close on Mario, or any of the enemies, you see that they are not really that impressive.. But I figured out that as long as everything is in a very simple style, it wont matter that much... Hopefully :)

I could probably keep on writing for hours about my plans and stuff, but I guess this will do for now. What I would love now is some feedback, tips and/or suggestions from you other Mario fans! Even tho, I have spent probably like.. 4-500 hours on this, maybe even more, Im still early in the building process and are open to change stuff. What do you think about using the abilities, and the hp/fp the way I do? Every comment is appreciated :)

Fan Creations / Super Mario Enemies
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:38:22 PM »

I am currently working on a Super Mario Tribute game, and I though it would be fun to see some ideas from other Super Mario fans about enemies. If you could design one enemy, or combinate a few, how would it look like? Here is one I have created:

This is some kind of Super Koopa that will be in world 8.
If you have an idea on an enemy, and you want it in a game that hopefully will be on the web in a while, feel free to post it - either explaining a look, or even better, posting a drawing. But it have to somehow be relevant to one of the Super Mario games.

I will not steal any ideas, but if I like it, I will ask kindly and gently to use it in my game, and you can have your idea or art in a game that hopefully will be out sometime!

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