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Topics - Cora

Pages: [1]
Fan Creations / Music anyone?
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:56:46 PM »
Ok, so I have worked as a professional composer for 3 years (even worked in Germany for an opera company) but only in classical music- so these last few months I've been making efforts to "branch out". opinions? (ignore the fact that its a crummy midi)

Fan Creations / Background Scenes
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:43:00 PM »
So, last summer, I launched a complete-failure blog (yay) of some of my pictures. I figure I may as well throw a few out over here. I'm not really all too good (just a warning).

More to come once I find my flashdrive.

Not at the Dinner Table / Losing our constitutional rights (yaaaaay)
« on: January 04, 2012, 01:39:15 PM »
So for those of you who heard/were following this story for a few months, Pres. Obama passed the NDAA (National Defense Authority Act) bill as his last executive order of the year 2011.

As if 2011 weren't already bad enough.

Basically, this bill allows "...American citizens suspected of terrorism to be indefinitely detained in military custody without charge or trial." Hmmm, anyone else remember that pesky fourteenth amendment right, which states citizens cannot be deprived of "life, liberty or property, without due process of law"?

Obviously that amendment has been overridden. Which worries me. Without it, the law is horribly unstable- all it takes is a redefinition of the word "terrorism" and basically anyone could be off to Guantanamo without any hope of a trial (as, NDAA did away with the idea of a "speedy trial by jury")

I don't mean to send the wrong idea- but the fall of democracy in Germany began with the deprivation of simple rights. It would be a shame to see our country go under as Nazi Germany did, and it will be difficult to take it back.

Just thought I would voice that here.

At least he won't use it during his presidency!
Wait- he won't always be president...

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