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Messages - Bluto

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General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: April 27, 2003, 12:11:55 AM »
I've been in the forums for the past hour and nobody seems to be around. I mean its ONLY 2 in the morning. I think I'm going to bed, read the prelude of my story, give me feed back, send me money( I hope they fall for that one!) ZZZzzz...ZZZzzz

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Edited by - Bluto on 4/26/2003 11:16:15 PM

Video Game Chat / Re: Game experiences you want to forget.
« on: April 26, 2003, 11:33:25 PM »
When I was younger I would play Street Fighter with my older brother(not Dairy King) who was pretty crappy at it. He was also about twice my height and about 3 times my wieght. If I hit his fighter he would spit on me, and if I lasted through my saliva shower and beat him, he would pummel me in real life in order to redeem his virtual loss.  I stopped playing against him and turned to my mom for easy victories.  I had my strategy, Mom sucked and I didn't, HA HA... anyhoo, she noticed that I stuck out my tounge every time I threw an attack at her.  She forced me to keep my tounge in my mouth during the next battle and she beat me. My family laughed at my loss to my mother, and I slinked away, trying to choke down the bitter taste of defeat and hide the tears of shame. Moral of my story: Play by yourself, or against your cat.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: April 26, 2003, 11:13:26 PM »
Bitter fate! No one has posted on my story board topic "The Hero's Blood". BOO HOO HOO! Wait, maybe I am being too dramatic since its only been there for about a half hour.
Remember when Bowser and Booster kissed Mario in SMRPG? that was cool.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Edited by - Bluto on 4/26/2003 10:16:09 PM

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: April 26, 2003, 10:55:24 PM »
They were tried for murder...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: April 26, 2003, 08:12:03 PM »
He then had a craving...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: April 26, 2003, 07:49:17 PM »
Uhhh... I had steak for dinner. It was very good. Cool huh?

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: Partial Sentence Story
« on: April 26, 2003, 07:31:52 PM »
threw her crown in the air and ran for cover.  The crown headed right for...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: Partial Sentence Story
« on: April 26, 2003, 07:31:50 PM »
threw her crown in the air and ran for cover.  The crown headed right for...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: April 26, 2003, 02:06:40 PM »
Hey Sapphira, if you hurry you can be the 1504th person to post. I don't know why that would matter but you still could do it.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: April 26, 2003, 01:54:49 PM »
Terrified by the screeming sandwich...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: Partial Sentence Story
« on: April 26, 2003, 01:33:09 PM »
that Peach had been drinking milk and not soda. In order to change the topic, Peach lit Toad on fire...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Fan Creations / Re: The Prophecy
« on: April 26, 2003, 01:23:00 PM »
Like you were saying, you have inspired people to finish there fanfics. Mine is intitled "The Hero's Blood". It also has a darker theme to it but I don't know how well it will be recieved. "When all the light has faded, and all hope seems lost, a single glimmer of hope shines through the darkness, and a hero shall emerge." that is the little teaser that I use at the beginning. Sorry, I am going off topic. Can't wait to read the rest.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Forum Games / Re: Partial Sentence Story
« on: April 26, 2003, 12:19:48 AM »
whiskey can and will affect anybody. Wario noticed a bumble bee in his front pocket...

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: April 26, 2003, 12:13:23 AM »
I remember I had a Nano Fighter, he was a sumo wrestler, and when you stuck another on it they would throw fireballs back and forward untill one would lose. I lost most of my fights because I fed him sweets all the time and didn't clean him when he got stinky.  I also watched the Digi-mon cartoon for the first couple seasons untill it got crappy, and my Dad would sing the theme song over and over utill we locked our selves in our rooms. My Dad also has most of his front teeth missing because his bridge kept falling out, which was kinda tramatizing(i can't spell fancy words) to my girlfriend, because he flashed his hillbilly toothless grin at us the first time she came over to my house.*notices everybody staring and the crickits chirp* uhhh... sorry I ramble on sometimes, I'll have some of that rock candy if you don't mind.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

Mario Chat / Re: Let's design the best Mario game ever.
« on: April 25, 2003, 11:56:25 PM »
I think that there should be certain abilities the two or more charaters perform together, kinda like how Bowser would huck mario at enemies in SMRPG, but they should be interchangeable such as Mario and Luigi each throw a fireball in the air to create one big fireball to crush the enemies, but when Mario and Yoshi team up Mario jumps on the enemy and then Yoshi eats them, you get the idea. Also classic sound effects should be peppered all over along with new space-age sound effects to create a spicy sound effect sandwich. Ooh Ooh! There should aslo be mini games like the ones in Mario Party to break-up the adventure, plus the ability to grow huge when you use a super mushroom and stay that untill you are hit, not for just 10 seconds like in SSBM. Oh, there should also be the ability fly on a magic carpet, that would be just spiffy.uhhh... I'm all out of ideas about stuff.

I''m not lazy, I''m just... uh...

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