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Messages - Fawful Fan

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Mario Chat / Re: Doing the Mario in Heaven
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:58:08 PM »
I was (and still am) a huge fan of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!  Best wishes, Captain Lou and family.  You will always be my favorite Mario voice.

"Mario is dead."  It's strange how those words make me teary-eyed despite how many times I caused it on the TV.

Still, it's funny you should mention continuity, because one of the things in the games that irked me was the pretty generous disregard for the Mushroom Kingdom's geography. What I mean is, let's look at all the Mario games that have taken place in the Mushroom Kingdom with an honest-to-goodness "map":

--Paper Mario
Actually, I was quite fond of how accurate the PiT map was to the Paper Mario map, just done in SS style.

You've got the Mushroom Castle in the center with Toad Toad directly below it, a star-falling region behind the castle, some vegetation areas to the west, the dry/desert areas on the east, and the snow areas on the northeast.  But I don't think these maps are ever meant to be a comprehensive layout on the whole Mushroom Kingdom--they're more like outlines of the main areas you explore in each specific game.  Just because Thwomp Volcano doesn't appear on the BIS map doesn't mean it doesn't exist; it's just not a place you visit in that game.  Imagine if the developers put it in the map for the sake of making a comprehensive map--I think people would have been disappointed to discover that you actually don't visit that area.
On a side note, this may be a bit of fanonizing, but seeing as how Blubble Lake appears to be off the mainland of Mushroom Castle and around the area where Kero Sewers would be on the SMRPG map, I like to think that Blubble Lake is actually connected to or on the same mainland where Midus River and Tadpole Pond intertwine.

Mario Chat / Re: New Super Mario Brothers Wii
« on: September 29, 2009, 12:14:57 PM »
Heh, a random thought just hit me.  A lot of people have been complaining about the blue and yellow Toads, obviously because the Mario series has so many lovable characters that it seems like such a waste to fill up two spots with generic characters.  If the developers insisted on having playable multicolored Toads, they could have at least had playable Toadbert and Tayce T.

I just beat the final boss and I must say, my biggest issues with PiT were addressed in this game (the lack of side quests and fun mini-games).  I think I still might favor Superstar Saga because I think it was funnier and more challenging (though I must wonder if the games are getting easier or if I'm just getting better).  Oh, and by the Fawful now dead?!  Sniff...I have sadness.

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story dated for Europe
« on: September 02, 2009, 01:15:26 PM »
In case anyone wasn't noticed yet, this past Monday the Nintendo Channel uploaded a page on M&L:BIS, complete with the finally confirmed North American official release date of September 14.  Needless to say, I can't wait!

Game Help / 8th Bag in Animal Crossing: City Folk
« on: August 18, 2009, 06:06:17 PM »
I've heard from numerous sources that it is possible to get an 8th bag of money (worth 8,000 bells) from your daily money bag in Animal Crossing: City Folk.  I've Feng Shui-ified my house to amass the minimum 73 yellow points, yet every day I try I still don't get the 8th money bag (even though I position myself around the rock to ensure that there would be room for one).  Here are some pictures of my house; if any of you can spot something that I'm doing wrong I'd appreciate it if you would tell me.

Mario Chat / Re: Why is it I didn't like M&L?
« on: July 04, 2009, 12:42:32 PM »
It is DKC3 that erases your file after 100%ing the game. That upset me so much.
No, DKC3 doesn't do that.  Perhaps you mean that if you start a new file without the "hard" code and do everything that file, you can only achieve a maximum of 103%?  If you want 105%, you must start a new file and input the "hard" code.

Mario Chat / The Name Game
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:40:42 AM »
Think you can come up with a better title for any Mario game?  Here's your chance to show off your naming skills.  I'll start off with a couple of upcoming games.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii
     New Super Mario Bros. Too
     Super Mario Bros. Wii
     Super Mario Bros. × 4

Super Mario Galaxy 2
     Super Mario Universe

Remember, you can rename any Mario game, upcoming or already released.

Mario Chat / Re: Why is it I didn't like M&L?
« on: July 03, 2009, 10:35:21 AM »
Personally, even dwelling on the thought of a technically "unbeatable" final boss makes my stomach churn, knowing that fighting it is for nothing.
Well, at least for me, it's not "fighting for nothing" because I still personally experience the ending, even if my save file cannot "save" it.  As long as I can still save my stats/completion percentage I'll be happy.
Lastly, as for the example of DKC2, the ending would have been different if the player had been able to save after it.
But I think that would have ruined an awesome ending for the sake of not being able to refight the final boss.  Actually, now that I think about it, DKC2 does save after the final boss, but it only saves the stats, not the story, so you can replay any part again.  I guess for me I just want games to have a replay option, either in the main menu or in the original file itself, so that I can relive my favorite moments without having to churn through the entire game all over again.

Mario Chat / Re: Why is it I didn't like M&L?
« on: July 02, 2009, 05:33:06 PM »
I personally hated how the 2nd and 3rd Paper Mario games allowed you to save after the final boss.  To me it just limits the game's replayability since you can't re-fight the final boss or re-watch the ending.  Imagine if you could save at the end of, for example, Donkey Kong Country 2.  You wouldn't have a game to play since all the levels would be destroyed and submerged underwater!

As for the topic's original inquiry: I have no idea.  I love the M&L series for its unique gameplay and wacky story/humor and can't understand why anybody wouldn't love it.  Tv_Themes, did you at least enjoy the characters or story?  Do you not like the style of the games, or maybe the 'simultaneously control multiple characters' gameplay setup is not appealing to you?

Mario Chat / Re: "The Science of the Mushroom Kingdom"
« on: May 12, 2009, 11:56:39 AM »
I've always understood that they hold Fire Flowers and absorb the Starmen.
I believe both are activated with a touch to the hand, not necessarily holding or absorbing.
Yeah, I've always thought something along those lines, too.  Maybe because I grew up with the Mario cartoons, where they simply touch the Fire Flower and Super Leafs to absorb its power.  But I was just thinking of any in-game evidence and remembered the Mario & Luigi series.  In those games, we see the brothers EAT the mushrooms.  But we don't see them eat the Bros. Flower, they merely touch it and throw fire.  So I'm sticking with my old hunch.  Sheesh, this topic now belongs in Mariology...

Mario Chat / Re: "The Science of the Mushroom Kingdom"
« on: May 09, 2009, 06:41:49 PM »
Wait, since when do you actually EAT the Fire Flowers and Starmen?

Mario Chat / Re: Paper Mario Patterns?
« on: May 05, 2009, 09:49:56 AM »
Wow! What a huge spoiler! [/sarcasm] Seriously though, was the spoiler bar really necessary in that instance?
More of a joke, really.  ;)

Mario Chat / Re: Paper Mario Patterns?
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:37:09 PM »
Good ideas.  One thing I would like to see in a fourth game is a different type of climax.  All three games in the series have pretty much the same climax, where the main villain becomes invincible and the heroes must disable the invincibility with the sacred items they collected.  I think that's a pattern that needs to be broken.

Mario Chat / Paper Mario Patterns?
« on: May 03, 2009, 09:45:19 AM »
Warning!  This topic discusses huge spoilers on all three Paper Mario games, and makes speculations on a hypothetical fourth game.  If you have not experienced all three Paper Mario games yet, I suggest you direct your attention elsewhere.

Have you noticed any 'patterns' in the Paper Mario games on who you fight as the final boss?  The original Paper Mario was fairly traditional in the sense that you fight King Bowser Koopa to save the princess.  But then in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, a big twist is that Princess Peach Toadstool becomes the final boss in the sense that he/she/it/they get(s) possessed.  And then in Super Paper Mario, the twist is that Luigi in a way becomes the final boss after he/she/it/they is/are possessed.

See where I'm going with this?

I have a feeling that in the next Paper Mario game, Mario will get possessed and become the final boss (<--I know this isn't a spoiler since the game doesn't even exist yet, but for some reason I felt the need to use the spoiler tag).  Then the player will have to fight against the mighty Mario to save the world.  So what do you think?  Would that be the next logical twist, or is that too predictable?  Or too farfetched?

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