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Messages - PaperMario

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Video Game Chat / Re: Pokemon topic
« on: September 30, 2006, 02:38:03 PM »
Heh heh... whose idea was it to make the 3rd generation guy's hair white? How old is he again? You can tell it was just bleached a bit too long, under the headband it's black, but gosh.

Seriously. The people who design the characters in the games really go out of their way to make it look new and cool. Instead, the characters just seem weird...And while we're on the subject of the clothing in Pokemon, I'm still a bit skeptical about Ash's new clothing for Diamond and Pearl. It looks so generic, and the lack of blue really bugs me...It just doesn't suit Ash.
* PaperMario  shoots Bird Person

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 30, 2006, 01:26:53 PM »
Stand up and point the kid out to the entire class, humiliate him in front of everybody.  Believe me, it works.....  As for my friend, I think I'm going to ignore him for a long time until he gets the idea that he needs to shape up.  It isn't the fact of the girl anymore, I could care less about that, it's a whole bunch of things mixed together, lets just say he's a jerk, but he deserves to be called something a lot stronger than that to represent the way he has been acting lately.  But unfortunatly, I can't say it in this forum.

Thanks for the advice.
I can relate to your situation though, it's happened a number of times to me, and my cousin's the one that I'm supposed to be jealous of for dating a girl that likes me. I don't care, but somehow, I can't help but have ANGST over it anyway. Why are you angry at your friend? Is he acting show offy about having a girlfriend that justs wants to make you jealous? Or are you angry because he's dating her?

General Chat / Re: Coincidence Corner
« on: September 30, 2006, 08:23:56 AM »
If you mean that you joined several forums around the same time.  I don't think that's a coincidence.  Coincidence just happens.  You joined of your own free will. 

Meh, I guess you're right, but it was unintentional, anyway.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 30, 2006, 08:02:42 AM »
I have ANGST because of the racism at my school, and getting treated differently by some classmates for being black.
Yesterday a classmate asked me if the N word was offensive, " because I would know. " And another clasmate was pointing to all the black people in my class ( including me ) and was calling us...umm..I'll just say "names".
I did'nt know I'd have to put up with this crap at my school, but I'll live. Not like I'm the only Haitian in the class...

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:10:44 PM »
I editted my post, so I would'nt offend you, not that it'd matter now...

Site Discussion / Re: Little problem.
« on: September 26, 2006, 08:43:34 PM »
How do I bring it back to normal font size? I never liked this size of font...

General Chat / Re: I think it's about time ... we saw each other.
« on: September 25, 2006, 10:20:19 PM »
Your wife spied on you? :D Thats cute.

General Chat / Re: Coincidence Corner
« on: September 25, 2006, 09:58:06 PM »

I thought it was obvious... 

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: September 25, 2006, 09:36:58 PM »

General Chat / Re: Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
« on: September 25, 2006, 09:14:12 PM »
"falling endlessly" sensation when just laying there. I actually like it

Heh, I kinda like those too! I haven't had that kind of dream in a long time, but it's always surprising when it happens and I snap back to reality. I also had one of those nightmares that are so scary you can't close your eyes without dreaming about it again, but that was only once, years ago.

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: September 24, 2006, 10:11:42 PM »
Gonzo creeps me out. :(

General Chat / Re: Guide to Kissing
« on: September 24, 2006, 09:49:11 PM »
I've been lurking this thread, but never got around to posting.
Sorry to hear that Markio, but at least now your first kiss will end up being special.

General Chat / Re: The Toon Discussion Thread
« on: September 23, 2006, 10:41:26 PM »
YES!!! On Wiki, I've read that Futurama is coming back on the air! Only it will be on Comedy Central now. But unfortunetly, you have to wait until 2008.

Dude, you're months late. When Futurama comes, Adult Swim's contract on the show will be expired, and they can't even air the old eps anymore, which is really sad, given that Futurama has found a home in [as].
I also wish you would'nt trash anime fans while making yourself look like a complete retard at the same time.

General Chat / Re: Coincidence Corner
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:57:06 PM »
The first three forums I joined...
TMK: 8/8/05
GameSpot: 8/10/05
NSider: 8/12/05
I also joined Toon Zone last August...

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:34:58 PM »
Hey, congrats!
I've been doing great in school lately, which is conveinient, given the Wii will be out in a matter of months. I am also HAPPY because I have over 200 dollars saved up to get the Wii, so by then, I should have enough.

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