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Messages - cooldude

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Mario Chat / The Knowlage Master- Riddle #4
« on: March 05, 2002, 08:19:23 PM »
I am the holder of items, keeper of keys please answer this riddle- do if you please!
What world in Mario World is special, with punk "slang" as it's the name of it's levels?
With the famicon sign nestled in the middle, and the whole is totally wrong- for the song turns to the Super Mario Bros. theme! What is this world from Super Mario World (SNES)?

Forum Games / The Knowlage Masters Scores: Riddle1-Test2
« on: March 05, 2002, 08:12:16 PM »
Riddle 1: Super Yoshi
Riddle 2: Mario Addict
Riddle 3: Captain Mario
Test   1: Super Yoshi, Mario addict
Test   2: 00boo and Red Ninja Koopa
One code for everybody:
Hold in z before the gamecube starts, and keep on holding it while it powers up, and when the cube forms, instead of the blocky music, squeeky toys, kids laughing, and other noises will take it's place

Forum Games / One day to do the Knowlage Master's Test#2!
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:26:58 PM »
I'm shutting down right now so you you have one day to complete my(the knowlage master's)test#2! See the results tommorow, March 5th!

Mario Chat / 00boo wins knowlage master returns!
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:22:40 PM »
00boo wins the knowlage master returns:riddle #2 and answered "mallow" he is correct! He gets code for gamecube!
Hold in z before the gamecube starts up and it will make a funny orcherestra noise!

Mario Chat / Knowlage Master Test #2
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:17:24 PM »
I am the holdewr of items, keeper of keys, finish this test- do if you please!
(1)the first Game Featuring Mario was:
   A.-Mario Bros. Arcade
   B.-Donkey Kong Arcade
   C.-Super Mario Bros.
(2)the two first Mario Attacks was
   A.-metal armor, and a cape
   B.-Racoon Tail, Hammer Suite
   C.-Fire Power, Super Mushroom
(3)the warps in world 1-2 are to worlds:
   A.- 2,3, and 4
   B.- 5, 8, and 7
   C.- the minus worlds
(4)Bowser starts to throw hammers at worlds:
Essay: What world and level do you like most?

Mario Chat / Super Yoshi The winner of the Knowlage Master's Test
« on: March 04, 2002, 08:58:07 PM »
Once again (a great person full of Mario knowlage), Super Yoshi won the first test! Great Job, and for you, a Tony Hawk 3 code! If you do not have THPS3 for the gamecube please note that and I will present another code
FREAKSHOW: unlocks all secret characters!

Forum Games / Knowlage Master: Next Quiz Up!
« on: March 04, 2002, 08:44:51 PM »
I am the holder of Items, Keeper of Keys, answer this riddle, do if you plea- oh just start! Who are the brothers that are mean, with a fake Bowser machine, koopa's that are mean, that stay in one team. Who are these koopa's?

Mario Chat / Hurray Captain Nintendo! Better Luck Super Yoshi
« on: March 04, 2002, 08:32:47 PM »
Yes! Good job Captain Nintendo! All poles for Riddle #3 are closed. Captain Nintendo said his guess was Smithy, ruller of the Smithy Gang and boss of Mario RPG! Better luck next time Super Yoshi and company.

Mario Chat / Note for Super Yoshi
« on: March 04, 2002, 07:53:49 PM »
Yoshi, try getting Sonic! That person was lying because the issue I read it in is new! The next issue isn't even out yet! He's the lier! It's in the I Bet you Didn't Know you could... section of Electronic gamer Monthly! April Addition(they're always out a month earlier) In that same section they had other codes that worked, too. So why make every code exept the Sonic one work? It works! I will not rest until anybody believes me, and you seem to sort of believe, and you should! Just get the magazine! Like I said, my friends father does write in N Power. He knows(has almost every Nintendo Game.) You are the riddle (and possibly test) winner! I would not lye!

Mario Chat / Master of Knowlage Riddle # 3
« on: March 04, 2002, 07:43:22 PM »
I am the holder of items, keeper of keys, answer this riddle, do if you please! Who's a mean Allian, who rules a gang, steals bowsers keep, nothing was the same!Who's this shape- shifting, huge sword, owning, factory running, monster boss?

Mario Chat / I'm mad- you can get Sonic- hello? Write to N Pwr
« on: March 04, 2002, 07:30:46 PM »
I'm laughing in your faces, I wrote Nintendo Power, and they say it is quite true to get Sonic and Tails on Super Smash Bros. Melee!Sonic Team worked on this game with Nintendo and the way to get Sonic and Tails (at once)
is to use Kirby, float out of the platform on cruel melee, float above them when they are all gathered, and press down+B over them to do a smash attack! Sonic can do the bubble bounce and tails can float for a short time(like Kirby and Jigglypuff) Hello- I'm the Knowlage Master, cooldude! I know more than anybody, have my sources and I've playing games since I was two years of age! I want no more of this and I want to get back to my quizes- no beef on Super Yoshi because he won riddle#1, and he shall be prized by not being blamed.

Mario Chat / Super Yoshi wins riddle #1! Knowlage Master
« on: March 04, 2002, 07:11:08 PM »
Riddle #1 is now shut down from any other answers because Super Yoshi has claimed victory and he wrote: is it Spiny thrown my Likitu? and he was correct, thank you

Forum Games / Knowlage Masters first test! Hop you studied.....
« on: March 04, 2002, 06:56:33 PM »
Hello. I am the holder of items, keepers of keys, take this test- if you please!
I will be grading and I will announce the best username's score! When you put down answers, mark a, b, or c, just do not put the real word down, this is my plea! Test results will be shown March 5th to 6th, now start the test! I have no rymes for start the test, thank you.
(1) What Mario game is Geno from?
    A.- Mario Party, the store manager
    B.- Super Mario RPG, the angel in the toy
    C.- Paper Mario, the shy guy with the dog
(2) In the Japanise Mario 64, what is M25?
    A.- A glitch that makes your falls add a life.
    B.- The number of coins you have
    C.- The number of stars you have
    When the tick tock clock strikes 12:00?
    A: Time goes super fast!
    B: Mario Gains an extra life!
    C: Time freezes
Essay: What is your favorite Mario Game?

Mario Chat / The Master of Knowlage Returns!
« on: March 04, 2002, 06:34:36 PM »
I am the holder of items, keeper of keys, please answer this riddle, do answer if you please! What is also a cloud, from nibus land? Introduced in only one game, to gain no fame? With thunder attcks, and tears cried into a storm, who is this charcter, born from a cloud? Anwser coming tommorow, March 5, 2oo2!

Mario Chat / The master of Mario knowledge-I know more!
« on: March 04, 2002, 06:25:03 PM »
I'm holder of items, the keeper of keys, listen to my riddle, do if you please! What flies in the air, with somthin' spikey along, until you may get hurt, from it getting thrown on you? It flies in a cloud, and the cloud may dissapear, when the pilote of cload is not there? This is an easy riddle, but my next be. For I'll open door, with a brand-new key. So, please give your answer!!! If you are to dimwitted to know this the answer will be posted tommorow, March 5, 2oo2!

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