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Messages - Evil Geno

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: June 29, 2003, 12:36:23 PM »
Mallow came to fix them...

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: June 29, 2003, 12:03:15 PM »
Mario and Luigi fought with....

Mario Chat / Re: Mario and Luigi(The RPG Game)
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:59:47 AM »
Mario and Luigi RPG is coming out this September!.........well thats what I heard!

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:55:44 AM »
the right leg and yelled...

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario RPG on GBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:46:47 AM »
And paste the email you sent them and the email they sent back here!! Here is what I sent:

My name is Joey Nash, and I am a big fan of Nintendo games! I have this game called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and it is a masterpiece! You and SquareSoft (SquareEnix) teamed up to make Super Mario RPG on the Super NES in 1996. That was 7 years ago. Now in the recent years you have made Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, and now you are making Super Mario Bros. 3 for the GameBoy Advance! All those games are remakes of older games. Now I have an idea that would make all Nintendo and SquareEnix fans happy: to release Super Mario RPG on the GameBoy Advance! Even if right now you do not have plans for this than you should start making plans for this because it will make Mario games complete on the GBA. Then you can work on new GBA games and will not have to worry about porting any other Mario games to the GBA. You have ported all the other Mario game to the GBA, so why not Super Mario RPG! It will only make sense if you do port Super Mario RPG to the GBA!

Thank you,
Joey Nash

They still have not emailed me back

Forum Games / Re: A Mario Story: Add 5 words to the tale...
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:41:21 AM »
licking them first, but he....

General Chat / Re: I'm a newbie!
« on: June 29, 2003, 11:38:50 AM »
Hey Im new too! I just turned 13 June 23rd! To day is my first time here so Hi everyone!!!

Video Game Chat / Re: I got a GB Player!!!
« on: June 29, 2003, 10:48:27 AM »
I got a GB player on June 25! It is so cool!!!!

Video Game Chat / Re: I got a GB Player!!!
« on: June 29, 2003, 10:48:26 AM »
I got a GB player on June 25! It is so cool!!!!

Video Game Chat / what are the Top 10 snes games?
« on: July 07, 2003, 11:52:31 AM »
What are the top 10 SNES or Super Famacon games?" Here is my order:

1) Super Mario RPG
2) Donkey Kong Country 2
3) Yoshi's Island
4) Super Mario All Stars
5) Donkey Kong Country
6) Legend Of Zelda: A link to the past
7) Super Mario World
 8 )Dragonball Z: Legend of the Super Saiy-jin
9) Donkey Kong Country 3
10) Mario Paint


Forum Games / The Adventure of Super Geno
« on: July 07, 2003, 11:00:52 AM »
Episode 1One day Mario and Luigi were having a farting contest at Mario's Pad. "Plop" Luigi's fart went."PLOPPYY!" Mario's fart went. But before Mario could say "that was a wet one" a loud sound went "BOOOM!!""Take cover" Luigi yelled while dropping on the floor. "Mario that 2nd fart was HUGE" Luigi said."Itsa wasnt me" Mario said. Just the a blue doll walked in Mario's Pad."Hi Mario" said the blue doll. The Mario noticed it was Geno."ohhh, Hi Geno! Ia haventa seen you since 1996" Mario said. Geno the look at Luigi in a grim way.BOOOOOMM!! Geno blew Luigi's head off with his star gun."Why didya do that Geno!?" Geno then pointed the star gun at Mario but Mario Pulled out his Ultra Hammer. BOOM! Geno shot his star gun but missed Mario but Mario didn’t miss Geno with his ultra hammer attack. 2 hours later.Both Geno and Mario were tired and bloody but Mario disided to use his Troopa shell on Geno. "I done playing around" Geno said then blew Mario up with his elbow cannon.  Episode 2 –Geno saw Mallow and they teamed up to eat dinner but without a fork!! After that challenge they heared a scary voice say "give me a dollar" Geno and mallow looked and it was Bowser and he was dispirit for a dollar so our heroes set out on there biggest adventure to give Bowser a dollar. But Mallow and Geno remembered they didn't have money so they ate Bowser for dinner instead."HE HE HE HE HE" said another voice. It was Wario the Magic guy. He was the evilest person in the world!!! So Geno and Mallow took his magic powers then took a crap in his mouth.Is this the end of Wario?? Stay tuned.........  Episode 3-When Geno and Toadstool were having dinner, Toadstool had a wet fruit. So Geno killed her with his rubber ducky. Geno looked at the dead body and saw  so he cried. Episode 4-Geno and Mallow saw people so they hit them in the leg. Geno noticed he grew a HUGE plant so Mallow licked it. Juice went all over Mallow and then Mallow died. Geno walked to a beach and saw a man named Waligi. They began to fight with swords. Geno shoved the sword up waligi and he died!!!  Episoce 5-Now that Geno had a HUGE sword he decided to sharpen it. Just then Geno heared a laugh "HE HE HE". It was Wario the Magic person but he had and alien sword!!! Geno then for the 1st time transformed into Super Geno and his sword got even BIGGER. So Geno used his swordshot on the evil $$%&^#*. But that evil @#%$ still wasnt dead. So Wario used his magic powers. Will Geno survive???? Stay tuned..............  Episode 6-Geno lost a lot of power so he couldn’t use his Swordshot on Wario. Wario was powering up to use his magic powers. BOOOOOOOOM!!!!!! Wario's powers exploded and Geno almost died but just then Mario and Luigi's ghosts came and were helping Geno fight the son of a mother. Geno, Mario, and Luigi all combined there powers to make the "Ultra Delux Swordshot" attack."You will never win" yelled Wario."No its not" Geno replied."Yes it is" said Wario. Just then the "Ultra Delux Swordshot" was fired..........but it missed Wario the Evil person. "OH NO! I will be forced to do work forever if I lose this battle!" Yelled Geno.Just then The Toadstool girl threw a fruit at Wario and it was a wet one."NOOOOOOOOOOO" Wario yelled as he was blown away into hell!That night Geno, Mario, Luigi, and Toadstool had a nice dinner. Then a big shyguy whacked Toadstool in the head and she died. Mario and Luigi looked at the dead body as Geno was sharpening his big sword. The End  .....or is it?Episode 7-One year after Geno defeated Wario with Mario and Luigi's help the formed "The Super Team" and fought evil people. One day a kid named Bobby was such a jerk that "The Super Team" killed him. They saw a BIG cake and they ate it. Then Mallow came back from the dead and killed everyone so The Super Team got mad. Will the Super Team defeat the evil Mallow............Stay tuned!!!!!!   COMING SOOM........The adventure of Super Geno: Saga II

Forum Games / Mario Video game surviver
« on: July 07, 2003, 10:47:56 AM »
Super Mario all Stars
Super Mario World
Mario Paint
Yoshis Island
Super Mario RPG
Super Mario Sunshine
Mario is Missing
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
Super Mario bros
Super Mario bros 2 (USA)
Super Mario bros 3
Super Mario bros lost levels
Super Mario Kart
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart Advance
Mario Bros

Same rules as the other mario surviver but with games not charrectors!

Mario Chat / Another Mario Remake for GBA?
« on: July 03, 2003, 07:43:22 AM »
Has anyone played Super Mario RPG on the SNES? Well if anyone has and you want a port of it on the GBA email and tell them you want a port! Make sure to mention that they remade every other Mario game on the GB so it would only make sense for a remake of Super Mario RPG! So far I have got only about ten people to email them! Please will you guys help me?

Mario Chat / Email nintendo!!!!!!!!!
« on: July 01, 2003, 03:23:49 PM »
Everyone Email and ask for super Mario RPG on GBA!!!!!

Got Mario?

Mario Chat / Super Mario RPG on GBA???????
« on: June 29, 2003, 10:51:32 AM »
Has anyone played Super Mario RPG on the SNES? Well if anyone has and you want a port of it on the GBA email and tell them you want a port! Make sure to mention that they remade every other Mario game on the GB so it would only make sense for a remake of Super Mario RPG (which is the best game of all time)!!!!

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