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Messages - beatswithoutlyrics

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
General Chat / Re: Bye Bye...
« on: December 17, 2004, 11:26:57 PM »
make us feel sorry for you?  You can't make anyone feel sorry for you if you bring it on yourself.

Just like this girl who just attempted suicide two weeks ago...she brought it on herself, and although i was involved in no way with her life, i wasn't sympathetic because it was her fault.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: PIE DOWN!
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:19:55 PM »
I dislike Bill Gates and it's not just because he's with microsoft, the anti-nintendo jazz.  I hate him because he buys out competition reducing everybody's enjoyment just so he can get a few more pennies.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

Video Game Chat / Re: A vote for Nader is a vote for Cranky Kong
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:18:11 PM »
Why is he against Nintendo?  He's probably one of those guys who thinks it's uneducational, but the truth is i learned a lot from playing nintendo.  Nonetheless it depends on the game, but I think RPGs are the best for english.  Playing SNES RPGs really structured my english as a kid, and I learned a lot of new words, and wordplay if you will.  Prose and Poetry skills developed faster, and now I'm an english expert.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Guestbook
« on: December 12, 2004, 05:14:38 PM »
Hmm, how old are you and what state do you live in?: State?  Someone's racist towards anyone who doesn't live in the USA.  lol jk.  My "province" is Ontario.  My age is 17.

What's your favorite Mario game of all time? That's a tough one but probably Mario Kart 64, which is the best MK game.  Either that or I think it might be SM64, another excellently put-together game...or the Mario Party series...yeah that was pretty great too...hmm don't make me choose.

What's your favorite food? Lasgna, Pizza, and French Fries.

What's your favorite color? Blue.

Shoe size? 9.5 - 10

Cereal disposition? Does that mean favourite cereal?  Probably alpha-bits or frostated flakes.  Yeah that's right, frostated.

Your height: 5"8

what condiments you prefer on a hamburger (and how much you want that hamburger cooked).: Ketchup & Mustard, and I prefer them barbecued.

Where's Waldo, and what did you do with his dog? He's tied up in my basement, and I turned his dog inside out because it wouldn't shut up.

Do you take your boxing gloves and mask off before you go to bed? Yes indeed I do.

M&M's, with or without peanuts? Well, peanuts i guess unless they make them otherwise.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: What does your voice sound like?
« on: December 11, 2004, 01:31:48 AM »
hmmm...quite an interesting topic.  if i had a mic, i'd make a sample...but i don't so until then, i can give my opinions.  most of the topics in the voice clips were terribly lame, no offense to anyone.  I would have to say the only good one was wk's (wheel kirby's)

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Digimon: Digital monsters
« on: December 11, 2004, 12:03:35 AM »
as in stupid

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: PIPE DOWN!!
« on: December 10, 2004, 06:32:09 PM »
nimbusland cuz id like to live on a cloud.  either that or cool cool mountain cuz it's cold and you can snowboard and thatd be awsome.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Digimon: Digital monsters
« on: December 10, 2004, 06:30:22 PM »
I thought Digimon was pretty gay, but so were pokemon, monster rancher, and every other anime show about little monsters.  I say this because they were pretty much all the same.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Poll
« on: December 07, 2004, 09:15:14 PM »
*makes farting noise

sailor moon? ha ha ha ha ha.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Takin' A Break
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:35:39 AM »
are you saying you haven't been going out or doing your homework because you've been here?  how can you spend so long on the computer and miss going out for this?  it'll always be here, you can come on anytime, me i come on late at night after i'm home and while i'm downloading music and stuff, and i don't get on every day, but it doesn't consume my life, and don't see how it could...?

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

Video Game Chat / Re: Favorite quote from a Nintendo/Mario game?
« on: November 29, 2004, 09:40:19 PM »
favourite quote:
probably toad's i'm the best remark

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Can you help me?(Not game help)
« on: November 29, 2004, 08:14:37 PM »
I'd name it Toddy after me, the greatest person ever.  Either that or I'd name it something like wackyshmackyshazaminghoowahhampsta.  Why?  cuz that name's cool!

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Something I'm thankful for.....
« on: November 28, 2004, 02:19:30 AM »
I am thankful that i am the best person in existence

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: scholars
« on: November 26, 2004, 11:52:44 PM »
I'm going in for a 5 year program, 4 years of university, 1 year of teacher's college, and then i'm thinking about going to teach kids in europe, maybe England, just for a chance of pace.  I wanna keep my options open, and see the world during the time of my career.

I love me, and you love me because i''''m the best and you''''re not, and I am so awsome.

General Chat / Re: Manga!
« on: November 26, 2004, 11:37:33 PM »
I meant in general, all anime is the same.  I don't usually watch it and i know the plots are different, but just channel surfing at different times, some channels get the anime shows and they all look the same, and they're all generally about the same thing: some kind of little monsters/small animals (i don't know either but I don't find it very impactful)

I love me, and you love me because i''m the best and you''re not, and I am so awsome.

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