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Messages - The_Great_Gonzalas

Pages: 1 [2]
Video Game Chat / Re: Favorite quote from a Nintendo/Mario game?
« on: January 25, 2005, 11:22:13 AM »
I know it's not from the games, but the line Bowser (or King Koopa) says in the Super Mario Bros. Super Show episode The Bird! The Bird! is great.

"Watch it soldier, when I want my feet licked, I'll ask for it... I want my feet licked."

I can't believe they got away with something like that in a children's cartoon but it's a great line anyways.

I also love the bit in the credits for Mario Power Tennis where Bowser electrocutes himself and Waluigi tells him "Don't expect mouth to mouth."

Edited by - The_Great_Gonzalas on 1/25/2005 9:58:29 AM

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