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Messages - CoconutMikeNIke

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 47
I lost when LD turned into the crankiest troll here.

The thing with history is it's written by the winners. And historically speaking, Christians have been some of the pushiest of religious practicioners. Not always Inquisition levels, but fairly successful in making others follow it. So it's really easy to claim that it has to be the truest because a great number practice it.

Mario Chat / Re: A Thread about Super Mario RPG
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:41:58 PM »
Well I'd figure that they intended beetle to be the main method to rack up coins, but due to oversight of a relatively minor game element, people like Kimimaru and those who don't want to just complete the game but find every way to break it, exploit it, make it theirs.

Mario Chat / Re: New Mario Power-Ups
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:31:33 PM »
Make it kinda like the Tanooki statue, activate the time freeze and you have 4 secs or so. Then, for secret areas, make it so you have to time the freezes 2 or 3 in a row perfectly. Like, and really fast crushing ceiling, and you have to activate it again as soon as the first time ends. Or, if you want there to be a delay in how often you can use it, make the activation be something like down B, but you need to be at full run speed to make it through, meaning you would have to jump and activate it in the air to keep your momentum.

Just thoughts on the execution. 

Mario Chat / Re: New Mario Power-Ups
« on: May 21, 2011, 03:52:47 PM »
For the leaf Mario, to better differentiate it, before it fades away, make it arch down in a sideways L, and have a couple points where a tough enemy is just off the end of a platform where the leaves would be most useful.

Squirrel Mario - can climb walls, and slow his decent with gliding flaps.

Mario. He has little characterization, and while we know he's an upstanding, determined, and brave individual, we see no flaws or growth. I guess I would say don't remove him, but make him whole.

Then toad, because I dislike the voice he's gotten in recent years, the simultaneously squeeky and gravelly.   

General Chat / Re: Comic Books
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:01:33 PM »
Cool, I'll check it out next time I'm out. I'm generally unusually happy when liscenced comics are good, and not just a cash in.

I have not read page one of any manga title, just because all the ones people recommend to me tend to be in the 30th volume, and I don't like not starting at the beginning.

Which brings me to The Runaways. I picked up the first digest volume a couple months ago, and got the last one yesterday, and it's up there with Incredible Herc for my favorite series. Great writing, great characters, and all the artists were fantastic and varied. I just wish they would do something with it. Supposedly a movie for it is in the works, but I haven't heard anything lately. 

Video Game Chat / Re: Weekly Releases (5/16)
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:57:55 AM »
I did not realize it was on the 360.  A lot of the adverts throw the PS3 logo up pretty clearly, and at least one says Only on the PS3.  I know it was for dlc add-on, but it got in my mind the game as a whole is exclusive, so I didn't even check.  So thanks for that.

Also, I don't get the hate for TVTropes, but then I also don't care. Is it a personality thing? As in, too many big personalities in the community there, because I just flip through the article pages and must miss all of the hooplah?

Video Game Chat / Re: Weekly Releases (5/16)
« on: May 18, 2011, 12:54:24 AM »
Is that how French works, add an e to the female version? Cause I guess that makes sense being Las Angeles. But this is all getting off the fact that I'm not currently playing it.

Video Game Chat / Re: Weekly Releases (5/16)
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:49:19 PM »
L. A. Noire is the most convincing reason I can think to get a PS3, and I only saw a buddy play the first 5-10 minutes. I just don't get why they mispelled noir.

General Chat / Re: Poutine
« on: May 14, 2011, 08:26:07 PM »
I'm fairly sure our definitions of delicacy are very different. It looks like a Garbage Plate. I'd give a shot.

Video Game Chat / Re: Minecrack
« on: May 14, 2011, 07:31:28 PM »

Remember that thing you were proud of?  Well that was crap-ola compared to this guy.

Even if they found what they were looking for, it would be useless for them. Unlawful is unlawful, and therefore inadmissable in court. 

So wait, they think there will be LESS violence from unlawful entry? All I can see is a lot more explaining why the person who barged into my home has bullet sized holes, not less violence. 

Video Game Chat / Re: Games you have, but haven't beaten
« on: May 13, 2011, 11:45:23 PM »
Okay, so the only games I have that I have not beaten are
Final Fantasy XII, because it's hard for me to get into it, even thoguh I know I will if I just give it a chance.
Halo:ODST and Forza Motorsport, because they came with my X Box, and don't care about them.
Front Mission 4 because it's good, so I want to devote time to it, not one mission at a time.
The Half Life 2 games because my computer can't run them well.

But the real reason I'm here is because I love Mirrors edge, and I don't want anyone to not at least finish. So, because I too got stuck there, just remember to stay to the left, they guy with the huge gun won't hit as often through the girders, jump over the car, and you should be able to get close to disarm him. It probably easier if you aren't going for pascifist, but once you disarm him you can just avoid the second set of mobs.  Also, if you have trouble with the third guy in the start, after you ko the second, turn around, there's a hall way that just goes in a little circle, and he'll usually start to follow, so about the time you come out the other side, he close enough to ko with groin kick and back disarm. 

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