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Messages - Corleone

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Forum Games / Re: Endless Luigi Cheat
« on: November 26, 2007, 06:14:20 PM »
Here's what we have on my forums:

So far, we have:


At the File Select Screen, erase the file with 175 stars and create a new one. Now start. Instead of Peach, Luigi will appear at the opening screen and say "Haha! You can't get me! -Luigi" Mario will jump out of the pip as usual, but instead of a message appearing, a Lakitu comes and gives Mario a Bob-Omb named Floydd. You can switch between the two any time by pressing L. Now, you go into the castle, and at the door you will be greeted by Bowser who has turned away from the dark side, as the cookies there were appallingly bad.

He will grant you the opportunity to play as Luigi. If you say no, then a halo appears over his head, he grows wings and flutters off. If you say yes, then he will belch fire all over you and you will be severely blackened by the heat. Bowser will then skip off listening to The Legend of Zelda theme.
Then Luigi will jump up out nowhere, get a soaking wet sponge, and wipe you down (as plumbers do), making you UN-burnt-to-a-crisp. He then runs off before you can capture him, shouting "Haha! You can't get me!" as he skips off listening to the Pokemon theme.

Then you meet Wario, who claims Luigi did not let him steal his wallet. Wario will join your party. Now, as Wario, follow Luigi into the Princess' Secret Slide and beat it in under 21"00. Instead of getting a star, you get a Fire Flower. Only Mario can pick it up. When you do so, you become Fire Mario and you will be teleported outside. Note: The Fire Flower counts as a Star.

You can now switch between Mario, Wario, Floydd, and Fire Mario any time by pressing L (you will be brought to a menu where you can choose between Mario, Wario, and Floydd, and there is another section containing power-ups where you can choose Mario/Wario/Floydd's forms). You must then go to the first Bowser stage, where Bowser and Luigi will fight you. To beat them, you Must dodge the incoming projectiles being thrown at you such as fireflies and tin cans, and then as Fire Mario, throw fireballs at them. however, watch out for Luigi's special move, which involves screaming "BELIEVE IT!", which stuns you and summons weirdo orange ninja kids, who kill you instantly. After beating them, Bowser pleads for mercy and joins your party. He is slow and can't jump, but can breath fire and is invincible to normal enemies. Luigi will write you a letter telling you to go to Bob-omb Battlefield.

There, he will attemp to kill your entire party with his two sidekicks. Link, and Wild SPLAT93.
Wild SPLAT93 has Quote Attack, which is super effective against Bowser, and Link can chop you to bits with his sword. Luckily, you have a pixelated version of Peter Petrelli there to help you out. Unfortunately, he is too busy holding off the perverted orange ninjas, to attack Luigi, Wild SPLAt93 and Link for you.

At this part of the game, the best course of action is to Use Fire Mario's MEGA SMASH move. There, he unleashes a large ball of flame that instantly kills/defeats. Luigi will then call in his ally, Paco. Paco is a western bandit and can rob you of lives. His main attack is shooting you with a revolver. You only need to knock his sombrero off. Then, he joins your party. As him, the game turns into a first-person shooter, but he can only take one hit. If he takes a hit, he will be unusable for 1 minute.

Luigi then shows you how to make a classical italian pizza in less then two minutes (GUARANTIED!), and then proceeds to throw it at Paco, who begins to sob quietly in the corner. Luigi, quite frankly, worried about the numbers of your party brings in Scratch V.1's Level 31 High Elf, who proceeds to chop off Fire Mario's head! DOn;t worry, this i9s all necessary to gain the playable Luigi-goodness. The best way to defeat Scratch V.1 is to eat him. That's right, eat him. You use Bowser to light him on fire, then grill him and eat him.

For this, you get the Luigi cap, which makes Mario look like Luigi, but you can't move. When you go back to the castle, the guards will only let Luigi in. Put on the Luigi cap and they will think it was just Luigi in Mario disguise. They will let you in, and you will encounter Waluigi. He will try to kill Mario in Luigi form, and you enter a fight. You must kill him as Luigi though, otherwise he will suddenly disappear. After you kill him he will leave a note telling you to find "the other castle" where apparently, a hatless Luigi is found. who, if you give your hat too, you can play as. However, you do not know where "the other castle" is.

You must track down Peach, who has discovered she can fly! And she knows where it is too! She will take you there, using magic to make you fly too. However you are ambushed midflight by ninjas. They can teleport behind you or any other member of your party. Peach is in your party now, by the way. You have to fly in to their stubby toe, as that is the only way that you can defeat them. Bowser will be defeated in this fight. This is also necessary. He appears to fall out of the sky, but don't worry, you havent seen the last of him...

After defeating the ninjas, you will appear at the castle where Yoshi is guarding it. You can fight him and then he will join your party, I will explain how to win must tell Yoshi and Peach they are too major characters and need to leave. Peach will attempt to backhand slap Mario; YOU MUST MOVE INSTANTLY OR YOU WILL DIE AND HAVE TO RESTART THIS CHEAT. Yoshi will go on top of the castle roof.

Then Luigi will shoot him down with a Bazooka. You should now save and turn off your N64.

Remove the Super Mario 64 cartridge and insert Mario Kart 64. Power on the N64. Select Luigi as a player (in any mode) and turn off the N64. Replace Mario Kart 64 with Super Mario 64 and you will be able to select Luigi from the character menu... when you finish this cheat! Lakitu will appear and join your party as a partner. He can lift you up to high heights. Use this power to fly into outer space, where you will meet Luigi. You will control him for five seconds. During this five seconds, you must dive bomb back to Earth. If you fail, Luigi will die and you will never ever be able to get him.

After he returns to Earth, you will have to run to Manchester to get on plane to go to Mexico.  There, you will encounter 3 gunslingers. Use Paco to enter FPS mode and shoot them all with 1 shot. They will give you their guns and Paco will be able to dual-wield.

Use Fire Mario to fart out fire and fly to the Mushroom Kingdom. You can now access the world map, where you can fly to any country that you've already visited. Luigi will write you a letter containing a new power-up called the Reverse Mushroom. It reverses Mario's colors, and gives you severely bad wind. You can use this to your advantage by flying back to Mexico and fighting Corleone the Mexican King. If you win, then you will find out where Luigi is hiding. However, watch out for Corleone's special attack, which involves smiting with the BAN hammer. If any of your party members are hit by this, they will disappear forever. However, Corleone will not attack Paco. He will tell Paco where Luigi is, at the bottom of the ocean.

You must buy a submersible from A shop in Odessa, Texas, run by somebody who looks like Bowser in a very badly made disguise. No, thats silly, he fell from the sky when you were ambushed by ninjas, remember?

As well as buying the submersible, you can also buy the Ice Flower. It lets you turn into ice and walk on water, in addition to freezing enemies. It is only required later in the game. Anyway, once you have this, Wario will have to go to the bathroom. You have 5 minutes to go to the Castle's bathroom, or else Wario will pee acidic urine all over Mario.

Once he's done, you must go up to the throne room where Luigi is waiting. However, do NOT use the Ice Flower! It is a rigged bomb set up by Luigi and Bowser to kill you all. You must chuck it out of the window quickly or else it will turn into Bowser Jr., which will summon Metal Mario to try and take over the kingdom. If you look In the lower corner, you will see tips on how to beat Metal Mario. However, do not follow these tips. If you do, then you will be stuck in the room. If you don't follow these cheats however, you will start the cheat again. Play through it all again, but when you get to this point the second time, the instructions are different.

Follow them, and you will pass to the next level, which involves Metal Mario farting metal shrapnel at you. When you beat him, you get the Ice Flower again, which now works for all characters.

Then, you must eat the sandwich that appears in front of you. Bowser will appear and tell you that you have ruined everything. He then disappears, and everything goes black. You wake up and a strange voice comes. It says that the key to Luigi's room lies within your brain. You must think fast. Grab the Ice Flower and freeze your ear. Then, use you fire ball to hurry up and burn the ice. Your head should be frostbitten. Now, put your hand though your ear.

Grab the key, and start running. Watch out though, if you run to the left too far, Zeus will appear and blow Wario's head off. Now, you must play as Wario for this next bit. Lift the giant Goomba statue in front of you. Throw it at Toad. When you do, he will disintegrate and reveal a First Aid Kit. Now, switch to Paco and apply the First Aid Kit to Mario's frostbitten head. Enter FPS mode and grapple across the magma pit. There, you will meet a familiar fellow named...

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Fighting Game
« on: November 26, 2007, 05:52:00 PM »
Here's a way to play a Mario Fighting Game in Super Smash Bros. Melee!

1.) Okay, start up the game and go to Melee.
2.) Go to special Melee and click on "Stamina Mode".
3.) Now, there are 6 Mario characters to chose from; Mario, Dr. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, and Bowser.
4.) You can choose up to 4 players. Once you're ready, select a stage and fight to your heart's content!

Mario Chat / Re: Next 3-D Mario Game?
« on: November 26, 2007, 05:38:15 PM »
Well several other coop games have gotten it to work.


None of the Marios are original under your definition.  Bowser is the bad guy and kidnaps peach.  You go save peach.  None of them are Original.  However, this one would be fairly original because I doubt most people have played a game today with Wart or Tatanga in it.  A lot of those old games today are neglected. 
He's not comparing it to other Marios. In fact, I agree. Your idea is just a recap of the Mario series with a guest appearance by King K. Rool. Co-op is not fun. If you want multiplayer, play Smash Bros. It's great.

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Fighting Game
« on: November 26, 2007, 05:35:18 PM »
Seriously, no. Why is it so important to have a Mario fighting game? Play Virtua Fighter. It's the same game but with different characters and music.

Forum Games / Re: Endless Luigi Cheat
« on: November 25, 2007, 11:48:58 AM »
...use Fire Mario to ignite the sword on fire. Then, save and remove the Super Mario 64 cartridge from the N64. Insert Mario Kart 64, turn the power on, and enter 1P Mode Flower Cup. Select Luigi, beat the race, and save. Now, pop Super Mario 64 back in and you will get the Super Mushroom, which allows your whole party to...

Forum Games / Re: The corrupted wish game
« on: November 25, 2007, 11:40:38 AM »
Clearly you've never played the corrupted wish game. Look at the other posts in this thread. Golly gosh.

Forum Games / Re: Endless Luigi Cheat
« on: November 25, 2007, 10:22:47 AM »
...tell him to stop appearing in Mario games forever because he is just a lame extra. He will agree and now you can jump across long gaps and walk into gay bars. Walk into the Peasley Bar in North Mushroom Kingdom as Waluigi and tell Prince Peasley...

Forum Games / Re: Endless Luigi Cheat
« on: November 25, 2007, 10:01:03 AM »
...will get Luigi... when you finish this cheat! Then you meet Wario, who claims Luigi did not let him steal his wallet. Wario will join your party. Now, as Wario, follow Luigi into the Princess' Secret Slide and beat it in under 21"00. Instead of getting a star, you get a Fire Flower. Only Mario can pick it up. When you do so, you become Fire Mario and you will be teleported outside. Note: The Fire Flower counts as a Star.

You can now switch between Mario, Wario, Floydd, and Fire Mario any time by pressing L (you will be brought to a menu where you can choose between Mario, Wario, and Floydd, and there is another section containing power-ups where you can choose Mario/Wario/Floydd's forms). You must then go to the first Bowser stage, where Bowser and Luigi will fight you. To beat them, you...

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: November 25, 2007, 09:48:53 AM »
BECAUSE I DONE SAID SO! *backhand slap

To be, or not to be?

Video Game Chat / Re: Favorite Super Smash Bros. Melee Character
« on: November 25, 2007, 07:43:30 AM »
he's faster than Fox
Since when? He's slower than Fox, just more powerful.

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Galaxy sequel?
« on: November 25, 2007, 07:37:16 AM »
No, it's not. What are you smoking?

It's simply a different game which uses the element of spherical planets/areas from Super Mario 128.

Mario Chat / Re: Next 3-D Mario Game?
« on: November 25, 2007, 07:35:58 AM »
I think if the next game ever does come out, it should use Mario Galaxy's engine (and hopefully graphics) minus the Star Spinning and spherical planets. But, they could still make a boss fight on a spherical island, like Raphael the Raven in Yoshi's Island.

Forum Games / Re: The corrupted wish game
« on: November 25, 2007, 07:33:02 AM »
Granted, but it is long and get caught in a large mechanical fan, which pulls you in and chops you into a million pieces.

Instead it gets changed to euros.

I wish that my keyboard was a spaceship.
-.- You don't get it. It's supposed to come true, but something goes wrong, like "Granted, but Mexico does not want you to steal their currency and takes all the pesos away."

Forum Games / Re: The one-word story
« on: November 24, 2007, 06:28:24 PM »

General Chat / Re: Classic quotes from Boo_penguin
« on: November 24, 2007, 06:27:43 PM »

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