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Messages - Yoshi2

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Mario Chat / Re: Are you ready for SMB3DX? It's possible.
« on: June 08, 2000, 01:00:36 PM »

Edited by - Yoshi2 on 6/8/00 2:40:37 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Should SM642 Really be on Dolphin or not?
« on: June 08, 2000, 09:07:18 AM »
Yes, but I must agree, to my knowledge, N has only seperated the sequel and the original over 2 consoles for 1 game(SMRPG, Paper Mario). They shouldn't spread them out like that. I think they are just waiting around to make SM642 for the Dolphin or whatever so more people will buy it. They really should go ahead and make it for the N64 because the Dolphin is scheduled for release in what, like December 2001, in Japan... So stop procrastinating, I would have to say.


Mario Chat / Re: What's your favorite Mario game???nt
« on: June 08, 2000, 09:01:43 AM »
1. SMW2:YI
2. SMW
3. SMB3
4. SMB2J
6. SM64



Mario Chat / Re: mario cartoons.
« on: June 08, 2000, 08:57:03 AM »
The SMB Super Show was one of my favorites, also. I remember recently, it came on early about 6:30 AM here(UPN, I think) but shortly after it was replaced!(Naws fingernails in disgust) But I still think it was great, and you people are right, they ought to show it again. I remember seeing that Mario head and the echo... also those small scenes where there were 2 live actors as M&L. It brought back so many memories they should show it again. Does anyone ELSE agree?


Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Level
« on: June 08, 2000, 05:38:10 AM »
Hmmm.. It was worse for me. The reason I like it was because I spect 2 days on it. I would sit there mezmorized by platforms routinely pressing buttons untill 1:00 in the morning when I realized what had happened. The only reason I like it is because I respect it because it gave me so much trouble. Lots of other levels in any game were easy, or at least seemed possible at the time. However, if you don't like "Shifting Platforms Ahead", you can always try "Keep Moving!!" or whatever the next-to-last-level was called. Uh oh. I bet not many people agree. Oh well, gotta go.


Mario Chat / Re: The best "Mario" character!
« on: June 07, 2000, 08:01:18 PM »
It has to be Yoshi. Even if your favorite is someone/thing else, how could you not like him/her at all?


Mario Chat / Re: Side Scrolling Classics
« on: June 07, 2000, 07:52:16 PM »
I must concour for the last time.


Edited by - Yoshi2 on 6/7/00 7:31:21 PM

Mario Chat / Re: What's the WORST Mario game ever?
« on: June 07, 2000, 07:25:38 PM »
Sorry, I felt I needed to voice out.

My apologizes!


Edited by - Yoshi2 on 6/7/00 6:34:05 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Side Scrolling Classics
« on: June 07, 2000, 07:22:28 PM »
I concour.


Edited by - Yoshi2 on 6/7/00 7:27:39 PM

Mario Chat / Re: What's the WORST Mario game ever?
« on: June 07, 2000, 07:18:14 PM »
I would have to say the educational ones.

My favorite was SMW2. I really loved it and still do.

Sorry about the last post!

Edited by - Yoshi2 on 6/7/00 6:32:43 PM

Game Help / SMW Trouble
« on: July 29, 2000, 10:16:56 AM »
About three years ago I bought another used copy of SMW because my original copy got lost, and we moved, etc. I tried to get all 96 exits when I got it, but was only able to get 95. "That's strange," I thought. I couldn't remember any other exits. But I always thought it was just me and that my knowledge of the exits had just faded a little. Well recently I've been playing it like crazy and finally I'm up to 95 again. So I decided to check and see if it really was just me. I got an FAQ with a list of all the exits. Sure enough, I'd done them ALL. What's wrong? Even though I'm sure I have all 96, it only shows up as 95 on the title screen. If it helps, I remember about three years ago when I bought my used copy I had stayed up late playing it and gotten about 3/4 of the way through the special world. I had saved it when it asked and switched off the system. The next day, All that had been saved was up to the previous save, so something was wrong with that preticular save. I'm not sure what's wrong, I replaced the battery and everything, and I still don't have an answer. So could you please reply here if you have any thoughts, ideas, or information on the subject? Thanks!


Site Discussion / Subjects and Posts
« on: June 29, 2000, 05:34:42 PM »
Not to be harsh, insulting, or rude, but I've been noticing, especially with this recent "post boom" as I like to call it, that many posts have useless subjects(subject being the thing you see in the main area that sums up the message). Topics like "Hey", "Hmmm", and "??" are examples. Also, I'm concerned that many posts recently are non-legitamite. And with the recent jump in posts from like 3-6 a day to 55-78 a day(no kidding), it's a little hard to navigate through all of them with their confusing subjects and half of them being useless posts anyway. Could something please be done? I really wish this hadn't happened.

P.S. - I don't want to insult anyone, this is aimed at no post in preticular. No hard feelings.


Mario Chat / Flaws of the Mario universe?! (This is NOT a bug post.)
« on: June 26, 2000, 02:11:19 PM »
No, this is not a post about bugs. I know this may seem sort of out-of-the-blue, but has anyone ever noticed the flaws of the Mario universe? Take these, for example. How does Mario "stand" on that pipe without falling in? It doesn't look like he's got his feet on the edges. And those upward pipes in SMB3 and all. It looks like Mario just floats up them. If you look carefully, his hands are at his sides. He just faces you, smiles, and magically is brought upward. And when Mario jumps up to smash something, it kind of looks like he's hitting it with his head, but of course he's smashing it with his fist. And where does he get those fireballs? How come they don't burn _him_? If anyone has any thoughts or answers on this subject, go ahead and post. I'd appreciate it!


Mario Chat / Ever had any REAL close calls in Mario games?
« on: June 20, 2000, 03:29:46 PM »
If you haven't ever played Super Mario Bros., then you don't know what a close call is. You know those superlong jumps in 8-1? One time I barely made it over that one pit next to a pipe where you have to run over some pits to make the jump. I thought I was going to fall down at the end, but landed on the side of the ground and jumped to safety! Then there's the time you weren't expecting all of those hammer brothers in 8-3 and somehow magically jumped through their hammers... Oh! and one time I was playing SMB3 and I was in that water level with all those electric fish. Had the game not slowed down to a crawl, I wouldn't have made it! Then there's always those times you seemed to jump THROUGH a Lakitu. One time I was playing SMB DX, and I was having so many close calls that when I paused the game for a breath I was shaking and trembling! Have you ever had any REAL close calls like these in Mario games? Please share them with us!


Mario Chat / WORST Mario music!
« on: June 09, 2000, 08:37:14 PM »
As it was in "Worst Mario game", somebody has/will/is done/do/doing a "Favorite Mario Music" poll... so to turn things upside-down, I ask you this:

What is the WORST Mario music EVER, in your opinion?
Please reply here. Hurry it up.

I'll start the poll by saying I detest the SMB overworld music in SMAS. I loved the original theme before they messed with it.


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