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Messages - NintendoExpert89

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If there are games you have no intention to buy, then don't buy them. Period.
Don't complain and swear incessantly every time Nintendo announces something you don't agree with.
You don't have to keep reminding people you hate Nintendo.
I wasn't joking when I said this. You deliberately avoid the good. This isn't being "cautiously pessimistic." This is "not getting over it." I'm pretty sure that most of us are tired of your constant "Nintendo keeps releasing s**t that I don't want to buy" posts. Is there some insatiable hunger that you must satisfy by buying a new game or two every single month? As much I myself love video games, I have the capacity to wait. I will keep on the lookout for the games I truly want while glancing over the others and seeing whether or not I ought to try them. If I do not see something I really want, then I may either go back to my older games or give others a go. I do not complain at every game I see that I may not buy or if a game is delayed, which is both annoying and tiring.

Really, if you see no hope for the future, why do you keep sticking to Nintendo? Sell your Wii and its games, and go buy an XBox. It's a much more effective protest to Nintendo than spewing "F**k you Nintendo" over and over.

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi 3 Coming in 2009
« on: October 02, 2008, 08:39:48 PM »
One thing I look forward to in M&L3 is its impressive art style. I felt SS's art style wasn't colorful enough given the GBA's color palette, and PiT's color scheme had an overall dark look. M&L3's colors look the most cheerful. Given that the colors often represent the atmosphere I suppose that M&L3's story won't be as dark as PiT's, but more wackier.

Plus, Toads suddenly becoming fat sounds wackier than say, Toads having their life force sucked out by aliens.

Edit: Video 1, <a href=">Video 2[/url]

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi 3 Coming in 2009
« on: October 02, 2008, 07:10:23 PM »
Well... it is about Mario & Luigi, not "Mario & Luigi & Wario & Waluigi." Besides, such a pair-up is a bit too predictable. Mario pairing up with Bowser feels more interesting, because they've been rivals since the (near) beginning.

They might appear during the game, somehow.

They've already done enough funny things with [Bowser].
Not really. Bowser was mostly possessed or had amnesia in SS, and had a very small role in PiT. According to Nate Bihldorff, villains like Bowser are the most fun to write dialogue for, as they always have the best lines. Wario nor Waluigi aren't really villains, just anti-heroes. So I should be expecting a lot of funny things when Bowser's around.

Video Game Chat / Re: October 2
« on: October 02, 2008, 06:49:42 PM »
Hopefully the remade Pikmin game will have smoother graphics, use Pikmin 2's superior AI system, and run at a constant 60 fps. Oh, and a few Wii-exclusive features and controls would be nice.

Video Game Chat / Re: October 2
« on: October 02, 2008, 11:26:53 AM »

Pikmin Wii screenshot

Video Game Chat / Re: New Nintendo DS model?
« on: October 02, 2008, 11:09:28 AM »
Agreed. I didn't consider buying a DS Lite until a few months ago, but I'm glad I held out on it.

AAC... that's iTunes format, isn't it?

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi 3 Coming in 2009
« on: October 02, 2008, 08:30:36 AM »
Whoa, does this mean that Mario and Luigi have separate inventories? And what's that moon-Mushroom meter in the corner?

I wonder what role Bowser will play in this game-- Peach is kidnapped by Fawful and Bowser wants her back?
Or will it be temporary playability, like in PMTTYD?

Also: the Nintendo DS is now the first system to have more than one Mario RPG made specifically for it.

Looks like Mario and Luigi are controlled as normal, but Bowser gets the X and Y buttons.
And Bowser accidentally eats the Mario Bros.

And the plot seems to involve the citizens of the Mushroom Kingdom getting inflicted with a curse or disease that makes them fat.

Video Game Chat / Re: New Nintendo DS model?
« on: October 02, 2008, 08:28:09 AM »
I don't have any GBA games at this time, so I'm all right with trading. I still have by GBA if I wanted something.

Video Game Chat / Re: New Nintendo DS model?
« on: October 02, 2008, 08:02:06 AM »
I... have no reason to buy this. Maybe, just maybe, if I was given it, I'd be pleased, but I've little interest in any case.
You've already confirmed this.
Let's hope we don't see this again:
Yeah... I'm not getting it.
You don't have to keep reminding people you hate Nintendo.

I'm interested in the DSi. My 3-year-old DS is aging, and I don't have a portable camera. I'm interested in the DSWare feature as well.

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi 3 Coming in 2009
« on: October 02, 2008, 07:40:30 AM »
Awesome! Nate Bihldorff is going to have a field day.

General Chat / Re: Your Favorite Joke
« on: October 01, 2008, 10:33:21 PM »
This is a really long joke, so bear with me...

A kid named Marty is in the school playground during recess. His friend Tommy comes up to him and says, "Hey Marty, want to know a secret?" Marty replies, "sure."

"Purple flower."

Tommy walks away with Marty feeling completely confused.

Marty goes over to a group of friends and says, "Hey guys, Tommy told me his secret."
"What's the secret?"
"Purple flower."
Suddenly his friends start beating him up.

After recess ends Marty goes into class looking like a mess. The teacher says, "Marty, what happened to you?"
"Well, I told my friends Tommy's secret, and they beat me up."
"What? Why on earth would they do that? What's the secret?"
"Purple flower."
"Get out. Go to the principal's office immediately."

Marty walks into the principal's office and sits before the desk. The principal turns to him and asks, "Why were you sent in here, Marty?"
"Well, I told my friends Tommy's secret, and they beat me up, and then I told my teacher the secret and she sent me here."
"What's the secret?"
"Purple flower."
"You're expelled from this school."

Marty takes the early bus home and walks in the front door. His father comes in at the sound, and asks, "What are you doing here? You should be at school!"
"Well, I told my friends Tommy's secret, and they beat me up, and then I told my teacher the secret and she sent me to the principal's office, and I told it to my principal and he expelled me."
"What would be so bad that they'd do that? What's Tommy's secret?"
"Purple flower."
"Get out. You're no longer welcome in this house."

Marty packs up a few items and is sent from his home. Night fall comes and a policeman stops him. "Hey kid, what are you doing out here at this hour?"
"Well, I told my friends Tommy's secret, and they beat me up, and then I told my teacher the secret and she sent me to the principal's office, and I told it to my principal and he expelled me, and then I went home and told my dad the secret, and he kicked me out of the house."
"Well, can you tell me this 'secret,' young man?"
"Purple flower."
"You're under arrest."

Marty is put in jail for the night. The next day, he is released. He is walking down the sidewalk, when he looks to the other side and sees Tommy. He thinks, "I'm going to ask Tommy what 'purple flower' means, once and for all." He begins to cross the road... BAM. He is hit by a bus.

The moral of the story: Look both ways before crossing the street.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 30, 2008, 09:30:38 AM »
1. You're mistaking the definition of "separation of church and state."  The phrase means that the government should not rule the church, not that the church should stay out of government.
No. The phrase means both. "Government should not rule the church" is "freedom of religion."
Church being involved with government, as you're saying, hardly causes to them to be separate.

Yep, being straight is an inclination too.  The difference being it's the right inclination.

2. Again, you're making it sound individualistic.  What's morally wrong for one person is morally wrong for any other person.
Unless you can refer to me a book that isn't religious or biased that clearly states what morals apply to all humans, I am not swayed in thinking that one's moral view applies to all because you say so. Bringing up murder or crap like that is completely unrelated.

4. It hurts the moral and spiritual health of everyone.  But I guess if you want to stand by and let this country rot, then go for it.
Give me an example of how a person's moral and spiritual health is destroyed. And show its effects on the person as a whole.

Game Help / Re: Wii Help
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:24:13 AM »
Hook up a keyboard or WiiSpeak.

Game Help / Re: VC controller option question
« on: September 27, 2008, 03:04:48 PM »
Games like Super Mario World are practically unplayable with a GameCube controller.
I coped with playing SMW with the Gamecube controller by using my thumb on the B button and my index finger on the Y button before I got the VC controllers. The Gamecube controller I found great for N64 games.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 27, 2008, 01:47:00 AM »
Sodom and Gomorrah.  In the Bible the city was burned down because it was filled with nothing but gays (and the small family that weren't which God protected and lead them out of the city before he burned it).  The Bible states very clearly that homosexuality is a sin.
It's obvious you never clicked the link.

It very well mentions Sodom and states that it was burned down because its people turned away from being charitable and put themselves before everyone else, including God. (Gay) Rape is never an issue. Rape was in fact used commonly among people during that time on their enemies to dehumanize them, regardless of gender. Orientation was never involved.

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