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Messages - Unlimited Lumpia

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I heard about that letter as well.

It apears that if you go online, you get a strange letter (much like how most of us recieved that super cool coin letter).  Attached is a red tulip that, instead of a flower icon, appears as a furniture icon (the leaf thingy).  If you put it in your house, it dissapears and you cannot pick it up or place furniture in that exact spot.

But you CAN plant it anywhere in your town including the rocks in front of your house.  If you pick it up, it becomes a normal red tulip again.

Other than that, it's harmless.. Though, it seems pretty weird.  Best thing to do is get rid of the flower and the letter asap.


EDIT: Also, I've been meaning to ask you, Luigison, but I never got around to it:

Is it okay if you add me to your friend list?

Name: Edward
Town: Cinnamon


Oh wait, I'm already on that list.. Haha.

Wow, getting your game deleted totally sucks.  I'd probably stop playing if I found out my game got erased..

...But, how'd it get erased? :'( :'( :'(

Yeah, I'd sorta like to know so we won't make the same mistake as well..

Forum Games / Re: Vending Machine
« on: January 23, 2006, 10:27:25 PM »
Get's an I-O-U.

Inserts the I-O-U.

Forum Games / Re: Vending Machine
« on: January 23, 2006, 10:01:56 PM »
Gets a McDonalds value meal. And clogged arteries.

Inserts a pitfall seed.

General Chat / Re: Somebody help me please! Marioboy trouble.......
« on: January 23, 2006, 09:27:26 PM »
Adultry or not, it's still pretty bad.. I hope you guys catch the dude responsible.

General Chat / Re: New Members Post Here!
« on: January 23, 2006, 09:05:08 PM »
Haha.. oh wow I just noticed my custom title a couple minutes ago.

That's wicked awesome. :D

I like K.K. Love Song.
As do I. :) I believe K.K. Love Song was one of the free presents I got on free memory card included in the Gamecube version of Animal Crossing.


Oh man, that's pretty scary, Toad. I guess there are just some people who really are out to ruin the fun for everyone, eh?  I also hear that there's a glitch in Animal Crossing: Wild World where the town gate just suddenly dissapears if a pitfall appears too close to it:

Scary indeed.

General Chat / Re: How many siblings do you have?
« on: January 21, 2006, 08:48:26 AM »
Oh whoops.. I didn't know that word was inappropriate. Sorry about that.

General Chat / Re: How many siblings do you have?
« on: January 21, 2006, 08:42:58 AM »
Personally, I think driving isn't all that its cracked up to be.  Especially since the 'rents use me as their personal taxi driver/grocery shopper/mail mailer/sister picker-upper.

Oh yes, which brings me back on topic. I have a little sister. 13 years old.

I swear though, she is coming "of age" and she's starting to have mood swings. One day she is really hyper and happy, the next she hates the world and all things in it. It (edit)ticks me off sometimes.

General Chat / Re: What's in your trash can?
« on: January 18, 2006, 02:20:01 AM »
Of all the days to ask, you ask this question on my neighborhood's garbage pickup day. I have absolutely absolutely nothing in my garbage can right now.

General Chat / Re: New Members Post Here!
« on: January 17, 2006, 11:52:49 PM »
Well..I'm new and I don't post porn. :(

I noticed a lot of weeds in a corner of your town. I left one just to see what would happen if I watered it with the golden can. Who knows? It might start growing secret items! :P
Haha, the golden watering can you got from ME. ;)

Which reminds me.

I figured out a way so I can obtain as many watering cans as I please. (I just create a new character, go to the town hall and get the can, place it in the hosue, then erase the character. I'm genius.)  I could give people some cans if they're nice. (Then again, it takes away from the thrill of earning it after working long and hard to maintain a perfect town like I did.. but that's all on you.)

Also, to get the golden rose, you need to have.. not dead roses, but "black roses". You need to breed two red roses, and one should turn into a black rose.  Then, you water the black rose with the watering can and it will turn gold.  You can't just water any ol' dried-up rose and expect a golden rose. At least.. That's what I've read, anyway.

It's actually pretty simple to make your town "perfect". I just got my golden watering can today. :) :) :)

Remember the acres in the GCN Animal Crossing? Yeah, Animal Crossing: Wild World has these same "acres" even though the screen doesn't pan anymore.

All you have to do is divide your town into 16x16 acres (I placed patterns on the floor to mark off where one acre stopped and the next began), and have 12-14 trees that aren't touching each other in each acre.  Also, have 2-3 flowers planted in each "acre".

That should get you a perfect town.

Oh and weeds are also no good. Be sure you pluck all of them out daily. But I'm sure you all already knew that.

Hm, does anyone have pears in their town?  I believe it's the only fruit I need.

I have more oranges than all of Florida so if anyone wants to come and take some, I'd be more than happy to open up my gates for you guys.

Name: Edward
Town: Cinnamon

Oh and I have Nookingtons, so if you guys wanna get your hair pimped out, you guys can come over. Just PM me your WFC info and I'll tell you when I've opened up my gates. :)

Yeah, the red turnip doesn't change at all even if you water it every day. Just wait a week or so.  When you dig it up, you'll have a FAT turnip you can sell for 16,000 bells.

Sweet deal, considering it only cost 1,000.

I'm not sure if you can sell a red turnip for even more if you let it sit for more than a week.. Maybe I should try it out.

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