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Messages - Marionut#1

Pages: 1 ... 106 107 108 109 110 [111] 112 113 114
Mario Chat / Re: Mario Joke
« on: January 14, 2001, 08:00:58 PM »
HEY!!! I thought for sure that some body would reply to this with their oppinion

Mario Chat / Re: Hommade Mario Games
« on: January 13, 2001, 11:48:31 PM »
how come  it will never be finished????????

General Chat / TMK license plates and bumper stickers
« on: July 24, 2003, 11:42:30 AM »
Heres a place to make up LPs and BS for your fellow TMK members...the only rule is that you cant make any for your self...I have quite a few to post here...mostly pertaining to Sapphira...
*grins evily*

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

General Chat / Birthdays...
« on: July 15, 2003, 05:44:40 PM »
Here please list your birthdays here...Ill tell ya what I need them for later...Ill start...

Dec. 31 1986.

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

General Chat / Wish Me luck
« on: June 19, 2003, 09:42:36 PM »
Well, tomorrow (friday) I wont be here...I will be in the nearest town doing..guess what...getting my DRIVERS LICENCE! I just started this thread so that you could wish me luck...I might need it...^_^

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

Site Discussion / secret page finders
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:28:31 AM »
This thread is meant to find out who has found the secret page after Deezer has reposted it..or even before he reposted it..
1. Me (both times)
2. Sapphira
3. Maestro
Who else has EVER found the secret page?

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

General Chat / (insert adjective here) stories
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:01:52 PM »
This is a place where you can tell all those zany, unbelievable, scary, weird, and anyother adjective you can add stories! Ill add a couple a later...
It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

Edited by - Marionut#1 on 7/27/2003 4:00:23 PM

Video Game Chat / Does anybody know where I can find...
« on: June 12, 2003, 09:00:04 PM »
Does anybody know where I can find a pic of a super Famicom Cartridge mother board? I wanted to compare it to SNES cartridge mother boards..

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

General Chat / Club 86'
« on: May 30, 2003, 11:28:16 AM »
Hello and welcome to my club. This club has been created for people born in `86. That means you can only join if you were born in the great year of 1986! *Big Band Music in background*

<bgsound src="" loop="infinite">

It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!<p>Edited by - Marionut#1 on 1/9/2004 3:41:06 PM

Forum Games / Mario Song name story
« on: May 27, 2003, 06:36:38 PM »
Well, I've yet to post my own fanfic since I got back, and none of my others are alive anymore, so Ill make a new one. So The rules of this post: You can post as many sentences as you want, but the catch is that you have to have the title of a song in each post. Each title must have "" around it so that its reconized. For example:

Peach frantically was serching through her purse, Then Luigi asked Why you "All Shook Up"? Mario then answered, "She cant find her keys" Just then Daisy walked in wearing an "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polkadot Bikini"
It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

Edited by - marionut#1 on 5/28/2003 8:46:09 PM

General Chat / Drivers Ed Stories
« on: May 18, 2003, 01:20:50 AM »
Hello again. The following is a completly true story of when I went to drivers ed (last july)

The drivers ed was at the local school.
Well Me being home-schooled in all, Of course I didnt have ANY thing in common with the local punks. These idiots didnt even like video games!!! All they ever had on their brains it seemed was their porn collections they had at  home.  Well this one kid, Rusty was his name (I think his brain was a little rusty) just didnt like me for some stupid reason or other, so he decided to pick on me. My teacher had given all his students a slip telling the rules (no fighting ETC) And I didnt want to bite and fight this moron. I should probably explain that everybody had a partner, Luckily my partner was my girlfriend. Well anyway Rusty tried to choke me one day. Not to sneeky (it was right in front of everybody except of course the teachers in the gym) That was the day we were issued our permits. The really funny part, sad I suppose, was the next day Rusty and his two friends Joe and Kenny were killed in a car crash when the car they were driving was hit by a Semi. :( Of course everybody though that it was a bad omen and that anybody who tried to do harm to me, would end up mysteriously dead, so I didnt have too much trouble after that. Well, Im not really like other kids my age. One thing is the music I love. This includes Honky tonk, Classical, Jazz, rag, disco, and acouple other not so popular types of music.Well where I live theres a radio station called NPR (national Public radio) and has only these types of music. BTW my girlfriend also likes these types of music (we both play the piano and these types of songs). Well Scott (our teacher) always had the radio going when we were in the van (it was often some heavy metal crap that I guess he thought the punks would like). Well after this fortune,misfortune I decided to get braver, so one time I asked if I could change the station to my favorite station, He reluctatly agreed. I switched it over to NPR in a smooth tap of the button, and cool jazz music filled the speakers. I expected him to say something like, " You listen to this?" but he said nothing. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and I seen a kind of startled look on his face. After about 5 miles of silence, he spoke up and admited that it was actually his fav radio station too. So every time after that NPR was always on when It was mine and my GFs turn to drive. :)
It‘s-a me, Marionut#1!

Edited by - marionut#1 on 5/18/2003 12:07:11 PM

Mario Chat / Mario & Luigi Contest
« on: May 16, 2003, 04:06:34 PM »
Yep you read right, Im holding a contest here on the forums. Really all you have to do is enter and you could win a copy of Mario & Luigi when it comes out. Heres how to enter: Just post to this topic with the date that you think that the game will be released.

Rules (dos and donts)
Please do not enter if you live outside of the USA,(sadly it includes Hawaii and Alaska)
You can only enter once, and you can only enter a unique date. So you should read through the posts and make sure the date you thought up isnt already taken.  When it comes out I will email the winner and ask for his/her address and send it to them. (BTW shipping is free) So.....


By the way, heres my entry  October 15 2003

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 5/16/2003 6:09:23 PM

Mario Chat / Mario Rom Translation
« on: April 30, 2003, 06:53:13 PM »
Hey! Im back! Does anybody happen to know where I can download a translation patch for Wrecking crew 98? Its driving me nuts not knowing what the heck the story is behind it!!! Thanks in advance

It''s a me Marionut#1

Mario Chat / Mario ROM
« on: August 28, 2002, 06:51:13 PM »
Hey everybody I"M A BACK!! Does anybody here know where I can get a rom of Super Mario Bros 2 Japanise version? Thanks

It''s a me Marionut#1

Mario Chat / Im sick of this crap
« on: October 20, 2001, 07:52:08 AM »
Im sick of all the news of Anthrax, and small pox, and Osama and the Taliban. So heres an Idea. Lets make up some jokes at Osama Bin Ladin's Expence like this one

"Today is National Osama Day if he sticks his head out of his cave and sees his shadow, theres going to be 6 weeks more of bombing."

It''s a me Marionut#1

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