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Messages - Insane Steve

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General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:52:11 PM »
Ok, thread catching up from like 4 pages:

Like I said, my high school was really good, and my middle school just had a control complex. I'm almost certain I'd hate any K-12 education that wasn't fairly liberal with what the students could do and also engaging. There aren't any schools like that around where I grew up, though, so c'est la vie. No stabbings, but the person who picked on me mercilessly in 2nd grade killed himself in 8th grade.

On the topic of reviews of bad games, I'm writing a list of "100 NES games worse than Deadly Towers" just for fun. Deadly Towers (while flawed) isn't nearly as bad as everyone says it is. That said, I'm not posting it here because there's a lot of M-rated humor and profanity in the text. AVGN is hilarious, by the way.

In before Insane Steve begins to rant about reverse sexism in the world.

Also, I did not go to prom despite having a ticket. I blew it off to play with my new GCN controller, which I admit is an utterly pathetic motive. I'll be sure to have an awesome lie for my prom buddies come monday.

Na, this is so disgustingly standard that I have nothing more to say about it. All I know is that I'm never getting married and if I ever have a daughter I am never touching her for any purpose whatsoever. That said, why would you have a gun in your pocket when you have sex?

I think I'm more disturbed at the "90% or better" post on the same page. Negative reinforcement for not getting grades is the most pointless idea ever. I took a time series exam in a horrible frame of mind eariler this semester and got a 90% on what should have been a slam dunk 100% exam. With that much variation in possible scores depending on mood, demanding a 90% is ludicrous.

As someone who went to an anime convention last weekend.. catgirls are not furries. If that were the case then like 60% of the people in the convention center would be furries, and that's too many furries in one area. Also for an anime convention I'm not exactly sure of how I saw one person total better at DDR than I am.

That's about all, really. My computer is still lagging when I type, and my meds are juuuuuuust about kicking in so I'm not pulling any more angry rants.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: May 14, 2008, 03:43:08 PM »
hahaha public schools

oh man I am sooooo glad I'm done with 12th grade and earlier seriously

I went to a good public high school and I still hated it sooo much

Our high school didn't let you eat off-campus... although if you could leave for lunch I highly doubt it would've mattered because all the restaurants are about 5 minutes away and the lunch period was always disgustingly short (like, 25 minutes). It was also staggered and you had no say in when you ate, which was awesome the year I got the earliest lunch hour at 10:20 or something and didn get to go home until about 5:30 because I was a swimmer in high school. Awesome.

At least it was better than middle school. Lunch was FIFTEEN MINUTES and then the other 15 was spent going outside. You had no choice in the matter, you HAD to go outside unless the weather didn't allow it. And it wasn't like you really played or anything, most of the time was spent standing in lines. No really, they forced you out of the lunchroom about 5 minutes after the last person got their lunch (never bothered me, I brought my own) so you could stand in a line for 15 minutes in what was sometimes 35 degree weather. Probably their way of circumventing state excerising mandates. Even more awesome.

CONCLUSION: Life is waaaaay better after high school. Of course, I'll be starting my first "real" 9-5 type job in my field of study in about 2 and a half weeks so I'll get back to you on the post-college veracity of this statement.

Also my computer suddenly started lagging randomly for about a half second at a time and sometimes characters that I type just won't appear, and it's really really obnoxious.

General Chat / Re: What do your parents do?
« on: May 12, 2008, 04:12:53 PM »
My dad is a mehanical engineer, my mom is an accountant. Dad's job has been getting more and more stupid by the day and he really doesn't deserve to have to put up with what he does every day. The firm mom works for is losing its customers due to the economy being a pile of suck so she may be out a job soon.


General Chat / Re: Those games that you see in the newspaper
« on: May 11, 2008, 12:59:52 PM »
Picross is way better than all of those.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: April 30, 2008, 11:35:51 PM »
I sort of go on cycles between diet and regular cola. Right now I am in the "half diet/half regular" part of this cycle, because I sort of need to lose weight.

If you want a really good 0 Calorie water-type drink, go to your nearest Target (It has to be Target though, it's a store-brand) and try the Archer Farms flavored water. I particularly like the lemon raspberry flavor.

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: April 27, 2008, 02:29:01 PM »
I read the forum, I just rarely have anything to say.

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:04:05 PM »
Anyone who thinks it's impossible to be "too poor" for college is either rich or ignorant. But I repeat myself.

I mean, yea, you could take out a student loan, work a full-time $8/hr job while taking 16 credit hours of classes for four years, and have a nice $15k debt to pay off still after graduation because you were only paying off the interest during your classes. Not to mention rent/campus housing. Or food, or all the other expenses.

I mean, yea, it's possible to pay your way through college yourself, but right out of high school it might be infeasible altogether, especially if you're not rich enough to directly pay for school, but not poor enough to get government aid. "Middle class poor", if you will. In fact, my very definition of "middle class poor" is any family that can pay their daily expenses but can't get the aid or loans required to pay a child through college. It's more common than you think.

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: April 24, 2008, 02:01:56 AM »

oh sup guys

oh not closing this because I think this isn't a bad topic at all. Aside from the POINTLESS ARGUING

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: The Zeitgeist.
« on: April 24, 2008, 01:56:56 AM »
Uhhhh, yea, I can see this thread turning sour really, really fast.

Mario Chat / Re: smbdx high scores
« on: April 09, 2008, 04:28:55 PM »
I have your 3-2 crushed, but aside from that really nice scores... especially the 6-2 that I just can't see how to do.

Mario Chat / Re: smbdx high scores
« on: April 08, 2008, 07:23:14 AM »
All I remember about this game was my challenge bar score going outside the right edge of the screen and coming back across the left edge, and not getting the all red coins and all Yoshis parts of the sticker book because I got the last ones of both of them in the same run and it glitched out.

333000 on 6-2? I don't even see how that's done. I remember getting a LOT of points in 3-2, but not 6-2.

General Chat / Re: Pancakes or Waffles?
« on: April 02, 2008, 05:21:31 PM »
I have my answer, finally.

BACON > both.

General Chat / Re: Pancakes or Waffles?
« on: March 28, 2008, 11:24:28 AM »
Wow this may be one of the most difficult polls to answer on this forum in ... maybe ever.

General Chat / Re: Favorite south park character
« on: March 25, 2008, 05:08:40 PM »
The awesome part about the last episode it that it's seriously not an exaggeration, at all, whatsoever, and the explanation in the episode is probably better and more valid from a societal standpoint than why celebrities -really- get harassed like that.

Favorite character... right, I'll get back to you there.

General Chat / Re: St. Patricks Day
« on: March 18, 2008, 02:10:54 AM »
Ah, yes. I woke up at 1:30 when I meant to wake up at 7:00, drove about 2 and a half hours from my girlfriend's house back to campus, went to my one class today where we discussed the ramifications of throwing a fat person in front of a train, and played Rock Band and poker all night. Fun.

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