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Messages - Darkside

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16
Mario Chat / Grimsack!Watchout!
« on: March 17, 2002, 12:49:26 PM »
Be careful around Luigi Fan,Super Yoshi7175,Grim,and Mamma mia Mario!They're trying to get you banned by annoying you!Just ignore them when they do something that'll make you cuss!Long Live Grimsack!Who's with me?!?

"Mario is the best.He is the most favorite plumber"-Mark Twain
"He''s better than me!"Plumber
"He could never kill Pokemon"Ash Ketchum
"Hello.Would you want a sponge?"-telamarketers

General Chat / Long live....
« on: March 08, 2002, 10:10:58 PM »
PLAYSTATION!Playstation rules!Final Fantasy series,Spyro the dragon series,crash the bandicoot series,Jade Cacoon,Metal Gear Solid,Smach down 1,2,3.Long live Playstation!
Playstation and Game cube rule!They both,on the scale of one to ten,10!*puts cushions on the couch and a gamecube and a playstation 2 on it and I carry it around my neighborhood chanting"Long Live the Greatest Systems Ever!Down with X-sh*t!Chant with me!"*

Game Help / Zelda:Oracle of Seasons.I can help you.
« on: March 07, 2002, 06:20:29 PM »
I can help you beat Seasons garanteed!

Mario Chat / Darkside's quiz show!
« on: March 05, 2002, 03:40:40 AM »
Darkside:Welcome to Darkside's Quiz Show!Every 2 days I'll make a new quiz.Let the first quiz begin!
1.Mario was first a ________
B.Construction worker
C.TMK's super hero

2.Who asks you questions in Paper Mario?
B.Russ T.
C.Chuck Quizmo
D.Quizy Q.

3.Who throws bombs at Mario(Past SMW2)?
C.Shy Guy
D.Baby Bowser

There you have it!The first 3 q's!

Forum Games / Super Mario World3:Return of the Koopa Kids
« on: February 17, 2002, 07:12:43 PM »
This is not an open topic.
   Chapter1:Taking over Yoshi's Island
 It was a great day at Yoshi's Island.The Yoshis were singing.Luigi and Daisy were at a village.
Luigi:Sucks Mario didn't come.
Daisy:He's having his own problems.
Luigi:Yeh.Peach is depressed.
Daisy:I forgot why.
Luigi:'Cause Mario hated her cake.
 At a castle...
Lemmy:We shall strike the island.
Mortan:Lets go.
 The Koopa kids leave their castle.

Lsten to your darkside.It''s calling to be unleashed.

General Chat / Poll:Favorite show
« on: February 16, 2002, 07:43:06 PM »
That's it.A poll.Favorite show.


General Chat / Party House
« on: February 16, 2002, 07:34:24 PM »
Hey!I go to other sites and find places that you can imagen yourself in a place where you can do whatever you want.Well,I'll make one!No rules!Begin.


Forum Games / Super Mario and the element stones
« on: February 14, 2002, 06:25:46 PM »
Chapter1:Niako Town
 It was a beutiful day,at Niaki city that is.This place is Kamon's home town.Kamon was asleep in his bed intill a large blast.
Kamon:Huh;wha...Oh my god!
 Kamon telaported out of his bed outside in his ordinary clothes:Dragon T-shirt,red headband,and ripped baggy jeans.
 Then,Kamon's girlfriend,Erika,came.
Erika:Kamon!The shrine!
Kamon:What about it?
Erika:The Element stones!They're released!
Kamon:Only one person can help us.
 At Peach's Castle.
Peach:Gatther the stars you dropped!
 Mario kneels down to pick up the stars.
Peach:Men;you can never pridect them.Sure.
 Then,Wario came in.
Wario:Hey Peachy.
Mario:What?Did you call my wife Peacy?
Peach:Mario.I have something to tell you.
Peach:I want...a....divorce.
Peach:That's right.I want to merry Wario.
Mario:Wario!You Basterd!
 Peach and Wario leave to get merried.
Mario:How dare you!
This is an only topic.You can only rate.

/^^\ &*%%#&7^*5&$^&(*^&$@#$%^&*(((((((((((((+_)(*&^%$#@!~{POIUYTREWX?><MNX

Mario Chat / What's up with n/a?
« on: February 12, 2002, 11:49:53 PM »
Just look.Whenever he posts,Deezer edits.It's like um...n/a probally messes up on typing.I'm not making fun of him,it's just...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!HAHAHAHAHAH!!!AHA!

/^^\ &*%%#&7^*5&$^&(*^&$@#$%^&*(((((((((((((+_)(*&^%$#@!~{POIUYTREWX?><MNX

Forum Games / The Temple Of Puzzles
« on: February 11, 2002, 10:28:19 PM »
Chapter1:Mario hits Lottery!
A long time ago,about 500 years in the past,there was a town known as Red Flower Town.Mushroom headed people sang cheerfully and played joyfully.A town with Peace and Friendship.Untill one day.
 The town was filled with music.The ground cracked.On the far north side of the town,a large temple with no entrance shot up from the soft soil.Some people looked at it,shrugged,and walked away.Others just ignored it.2 days later,an elder that lived hundreds of years thought that the great Mushroom God brought this to be a place to worship him.The elder told the town to worship the temple,and worship they did.
 On the second day of worshiping,the worst came.They bright sunny sky turned black.Thunder bolts struck the ground.Fireballs rained down on the town.The poor mushroom people ran around,screaming.The event killed all the people,all but one.A little baby was in its crib,giggling.Nobody knew what happened to the bundle of joy.
 It was a sunny day at the Mushroom Kingdom.Mario was watching the news.He had a green lottery ticket in his hand with a number '9' on it."And the lottery number today is...9!"said the news reporter."Yaaa hoooooo!!!!"screamed Mario."You get 56,000,000 dollers!"said the news reporter."I should go get my money,"said Mario,still exited,"Then buy Peach a wedding ring for Sunday".
 Mario jumps down a warp pipe to the Lottery tower.Mario opens the clear glass door and walks in."I'm 9"he said to Leo,the money holder."Okay,let me check the ticket"Leo said.Mario handed his ticket to Leo."Okay,here's the money"Leo added while giving Mario the green."Thank you-a so much."Mario said.He ran outside and jumped down the warp pipe.

 Please continue.I will add every day at 5:00p.m.

General Chat / M.A.G.F.
« on: February 11, 2002, 02:42:00 AM »
Make a game!You can post some of your ideas for some games and I might pick one and make it in 11 years.

"Fans!We have gathered here to say that that I hate Yoshi.He is a bioch.IN CAPS I CAN CHAT!OOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Candy!"mar-i-oh!

Mario Chat / Does anyone here hate me?
« on: February 10, 2002, 08:42:44 PM »
Just wondering.

"Fans!We have gathered here to say that that I hate Yoshi.He is a bioch.IN CAPS I CAN CHAT!OOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Candy!"mar-i-oh!

Mario Chat / Hurray!
« on: February 10, 2002, 03:08:19 PM »
Grimsack was never banned!I got this of Grimsack if you are here,click this.He's not banned!I'm ever so happy!

"Fans!We have gathered here to say that that I hate Yoshi.He is a bioch.IN CAPS I CAN CHAT!OOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.Candy!"mar-i-oh!

Forum Games / Shattered Glass(My Virsion)
« on: February 09, 2002, 05:16:15 PM »
 I want to make my own story of Shattered Glass.It will be different from the other one.You can rate my story and give me tips.
Plot:Mario must get Peach out of another world inside a window.
Enemy:A big mirror that can reflect and do whatever its opponent does.
  Chapter1:Getting ready for a date.
 It was a dark October night.The water shined from the bright moonlight.Mario was getting ready for a date with Peach.
Mario:It's 7:56!I better get!
Luigi:Yeh.Peach is probally waiting for you at Yoshi's Island.
Mario:I wonder what Yoshi is doing?
Luigi:I bet he's eating Happy Fruit.
 At Yoshi's Island.
Yoshi:Oh yeh!
Roshi:Like the party?
Boshi:Hey guys!I brought some porno magazines.
 Back at Mario's house.
Mario:I hope Peach is happy.
Luigi:Yeh;you gave her a grape last night and she did it with you.
Mario:(Blushing)Well...She doesn't take baby pills.I might be a father.
Luigi:Dear lord!
Mario:I know.
Luigi:No,it's 8:04!
Mario:I've goota go!
 At Yoshi's Island,Peach is at a pond.
Peach:What's taking him so long?
???:Hey!You think Mario likes you?
Peach:What are you talking about?
???:I'm talking about I'm Mario's girl.
Peach:No way!He only likes...
???:He loved me before you.We met in New York City.I'm Pauline.
Peach:Mario never told me about you.
Pauline:Because it was a seckret
Pauline:Shutup *****!
 A group of toads or mushroom people came and took Pauline into a warp pipe.
Peach:Now that she's done.
 What will happen to Pauline?Is Peach getting ready to dump Mario?And when will Mario get to Yoshi's Island?Find out on the next episode.
 Next time on Shattered Glass,Mario finally gets to Peach.They have a long talk about Pauline.And Yoshi's party is being trashed by another Yoshi.Next time,A date and a party,get ready!
 Okay,I will continue later

Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
Bowser:I said no.
Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
 Let me see.I prophysise
that I will make a group.

Forum Games / Shattered Glass(The remake)
« on: February 09, 2002, 01:10:35 AM »
I've noticed that the other one began dumb,so now,it's an add on.Please add to it.No ending it quickly!
  Chapter1:Stain glass windows
 It was a rainy day.Toad Town was empty like a ghost town,Yoshi's Island was not so happy,and Peach's Castle was gloomy.Peach was in her giant bedroom,on her four poster brushing her long,gleiming hair."I hope Mario is ready for our date."she said softly.Meanwhile,Mario was getting ready also."Hey Luigi!Get me the hair blower will 'ya!"he shouted loudly."Here.Peach will be here any momment."Luigi responded while giving Mario the hair blower.At Peach's castle,Peach was looking out her stained glass window."Sigh...I don't want to go out there in the rain.If only I can get there faster without getting my hair wet"she said.She stood up,not reconizing a red brush on the ground.She tripped and fell through the window.But the most unuseul thing happened.She was in another world.
 You can continue.

Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
Bowser:I said no.
Person:Crab juice?
Person:Crab juice?
 Let me see.I prophysise
that I will make a group.

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