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Messages - Wheel_kirby

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 ... 24
General Chat / Re: I think it's about time ... we saw each other.
« on: July 16, 2003, 09:52:57 PM »


\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Friendliest poster: Marionut#1

there I added it!

to the catagorie.

WOW!!!  43 posts in 2 days!

not bad.

* Are you happy now? *

Edited by - Wheel_kirby on 7/17/2003 2:54:44 PM

Oldest poster: Hairball64 (now the president of SM128C!)

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Mario Chat / Re: Welcome!
« on: July 16, 2003, 12:24:21 PM »
I found the oldest poster! (besides deezer!)

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Mario Chat / Re: The mario saving yoshi game... click here!
« on: July 16, 2003, 12:11:56 PM »
See you all I was Yoshi_man and I shared Kirby_101 with my friend who mad all that garbage!  ( this is just to show you who I was!)

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Most informative: CrashCrazed

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: July 16, 2003, 11:55:23 AM »

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

General Chat / Re: Forgiveness "all members must please read"
« on: July 16, 2003, 11:50:25 AM »
Well I had to come back because this is all I have to do all summer! (pretty boring summer nothin to do!) but thank you vary much for forgiving me!

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

This is gettin complicated!!!

Awards (currently)

(Most posts: CW)
(Most topics: Dr mario)
(Most replys: The big boo)
(Nicest poster:Sapphira)
(Meanest poster:Mario Guy)
(Smartest poster:Insane steve)
(Dumbest poster: uvg)
(Newest poster:a guy)
(oldest poster:Chocobo)
(Most annoying:Jon)
(Most helpful:)
(Funniest poster:)
(Most mario related topics:)
(Most fan fics:)
(Most friends:)
(Most enemys:)
(Most times banned:)
(Most I.D.s:)

There are some more awards for you guys to name! [:p]


\\  __

\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Edited by - Wheel_kirby on 7/16/2003 10:53:10 AM

Mario Chat / Re: Hi
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:30:52 PM »
Well, at least I know your a guy.


\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

General Chat / Re: Forgiveness "all members must please read"
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:20:36 PM »

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:19:12 PM »

(you dont want to know)

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:12:46 PM »
son of man

\\  __
\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

General Chat / Re: I think it's about time ... we saw each other.
« on: July 15, 2003, 11:09:28 PM »
here is Yoshi_6 or whatever his name is...


\\  __

\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Welcome to the 2003 super posters!!!

Awards List...

Most posts: CW
Most topics: Dr. Mario
Most replys: CW
Nicest poster: Black Mage
Meanest poster: marioguy
Smartest poster: Insane Steve
Dumbest poster: uvg
Newest poster: a guy
Oldest poster: Fifth
Most annoying poster:_____

to vote you must name an award, (such as Nicest poster) and then a person you wish to recive the award. (such as Sapphire)

REMEMBER: once someone votes someone differnt than who is up for that catagorie it changes to that person. if most posts was currently to a guy named "dude" and someone voted for "james" dude would drop, and james would be in his place until some one changed it by voting for some one else.


No adding catagoies, if you want to add catagories go make another topic of your own!

one vote per hour, the person with the most votes will be the current winner of that award and if another person gets more votes than that current winner, they will then be the current winner. abuseive voters votes will not count!


\\  __

\\\(^^) Rollin,Rollin,Rollin,

For some wierd reason, I think I am a lota like myself! sig series #2

Edited by - Wheel_kirby on 7/15/2003 10:04:29 PM

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 ... 24