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Messages - Forest Guy

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Not at the Dinner Table / Re: All drugs should be legal
« on: July 27, 2009, 07:12:46 PM »
I think it's funny how California is in a tremendous defecit, and even after a study showed legalization of marijuana would raise over $1 billion for the state, they still flat out refuse it. Woo, go Governator Arnold.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: I wouldn't hit that.
« on: July 27, 2009, 07:10:34 PM »
HURR HURR HURR IM SO SMRT CUZ I DONT WATC TV NEWZ LMFAO. If it's the case that no human being can be fair, then why bother reading any news for that matter? Fox News is as fair as any tv syndication I've seen in my entire life. O'Reilly himself is obnoxiously fair. I say obnoxiously, because I can attest for it firsthand. My father, a notorious conservative, informs me on many occasions how he doesn't like Bill O'Reilly because he tries to hide his political stances behind the "fair and balance" curtain. My uncle does the same. My friend too. And all of them are big time right-wing fascist types. How can a man who is supposed to be blatantly unbiased to the right frustrate what would be his biggest fans for not being conservative enough?

And most of the stuff is not discussion. The only political commentary programs on the weekday schedule are O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Greta Van Sustren, and Neil Cavuto. Three of those are repeated during the day, meaning that it brings the total up to 8 hours. 8 hours is not the majority of the day. Have any of you bawwing about it ever actually watched Fox News when it wasn't Hannity or O'Reilly?

Really. You seriously think someone who's that depressed and that ready to end their life, when they're not sure how to do it, would come to this website of all places? Give me a break. And I'm the foolish one. Right.

And fun fact, one of my friends who had a long history of depression told me she wanted to commit suicide. I called her out on it and told her to do it, then insulted her repeatedly. Spoilers: She didn't kill herself. She actually felt better after our argument.

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Theme Video Catalog
« on: July 27, 2009, 06:50:33 PM »
Yeah keep non-Mario games. It is a catalogue after all.

Site Discussion / Re: TMK Grand Event
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:36:55 AM »
I can't believe this topic is still active. Sometime in the near future, Trainman is gonna head up here.

On a related note, I saw Vidgmchrt(sp?) in person a few months ago, but I didn't say hello. In fact I did this opposite, when I saw him I immediately walked away so he wouldn't see me.

The White Mushroom House / Re: Wanted: Nintendo Power magazine
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:33:16 AM »
Not that it bothers me or anything, but why is this in White Mushroom House anyway...?

Good idea everyone, let's feed into his cry out for attention. People who plan on killing themselves don't go to friggin Super Mario message boards to ask how they should do it. They just do it. Kuromatsu is just being a tool.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: I wouldn't hit that.
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:27:28 AM »
Ann Coulter isn't a journalist, and she doesn't have a job at Fox. Occasionally she makes guest appearences on Hannity and stuff, but she doesn't have a show. And honestly, I have no problem with O'Reilly.
Up and down the lineup, they've got all straight news during the day, and then at 3pm Sheppard Smith is on, who's actually a democrat. After him is Neil Cavuto who deals more with economic stuff, and isn't all that opinionated. Glenn Beck is on at 5pm, and he's not a conservative, he's actually a libertarian. 6pm is just generic news without any commentary, then 7pm has Sheppard Smith again. 8pm is O'Reilly who, contrary to popular belief is insanely fair if you watch him on a regular basis. Hannity at 9pm who's just... blatantly right-wing. Finally, 10pm has Greta Van Sustren who's not only whose views are somewhat to the left, but is also a Scientologist.

Honestly, the only thing that officially ties them to the conservative/republican side of the spectrum would be Hannity. I can't stand Hannity anymore though... after Colmes left the show, it's just detrimented into an hour of Hannity whining about Obama. He's essentially turned himself into the right-wing equivalent of Keith Olberman. Hannity really has just become a stereotype of himself, giving fodder to people on the left, just playing country music and tossing around the word "liberal" like he gets $100 everytime he says it.

The White Mushroom House / Re: Wanted: Nintendo Power magazine
« on: July 27, 2009, 12:09:37 AM »
Yeah, I have almost every issue from 1991-2007, and then I stopped subscribing. I was planning on cleaning my closet out this week, so I'll check out the 2005 issues as I'm moving them.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: I wouldn't hit that.
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:44:16 PM »
I find it disturbing how many people flat out hate Fox News. In terms of actual news coverage, it's the least biased news on television. I find it even more disturbing how the same people have never actually watched Fox News and as such have no idea what they're talking about. Simply because it's earned the reputation of RARGH VAST RIGHTWING CONSPIRACY OMG  they instantly, blindly hate it.

In other fun news, a recent poll following Walter Cronkite's death showed that the majority of people polled consider Jon Stewart their most trusted man in "journalism". Ew. Just... just ew.

Mario Chat / Re: Is Birdo a boy or girl?
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:25:40 PM »
Yeah they have their own taboos Chupperson, just in different places. Like CrossEyed said, something like addressing your friend's mother with the wrong verb conjugation would be an example. Japanese people may look at America and go "Oh thats terrible. How can they not make any distinction when talking to one who is in a higher position than you?!"
Another fun thing is that despite all the porn left and right, they still feel the need to censor it, regardless of all the other insane things going on it.

Mario Chat / Re: Should Waluigi just die?
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:05:42 PM »
Hmm, actually Chef now that you've called me out on it, the song I was thinking of is not as similar as I had imagined. My mistake. But I'm still fairly sure I heard that music used in an earlier Wario game.

Mario Chat / Re: Mario YouTube video requests/challenges
« on: July 26, 2009, 09:00:25 PM »
What I've tried doing for the sheer challenge factor is in SMW, trying doing runthroughs on each stage while continuously holding the down button so that Mario is crouching constantly when on the ground. It gets pretty difficult since you can't move unless you jump, and when you hit the ground you can't move the opposite direction to make up for SMW's slippery physics.

Mario Chat / Re: Should Waluigi just die?
« on: July 25, 2009, 02:06:49 AM »
His victory theme comes directly from Wario Land as a series, and happened to be used in Wario Land Shake It since it's... well, part of that series.. It's a recurring song from the older games. It was even used in Mario Tennis 64.

I meant in terms of coolness potential, the horn is lame. I played it in jazz band for a few years, but not a lot of people are willing to accept a horn into a garage band kinda deal just because they wouldn't know how to fit it in. But if you're talking about orchestra stuff, then yeah the horn is basically like... it's the most epic instrument of all. Only problem is only musicians care about that, and pshhh, since when does anyone care what they think?

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