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Messages - AbercrombieBaseball

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General Chat / Re: What Amuses You?
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:38:27 PM »
My cousin and I went to McDonald's last week and she got one of those happy meals that day. I also noticed Ronald, but he was on the box, very randomly placed among the pirates. Normally I don't notice stuff like that, but it was so random.

Do they even use Ronald much for advertisement anymore? Back in the day they used to give away random Ronald and Grimace toys a few times a year but now it looks like every toy is based off a movie unless it's a Barbie/Hot Wheels promo (which they ALWAYS used to have in August). Now there's just a few random Ronalds here and there but you never see the others (Hamburglar, Fry Guys, the Mayor, etc). They tore this old McDonald's in my area down and the walls were plastered with pictures of these guys there (plus they were on this electric three-seat Merry-Go-Round that was in the place and all over the playground) but the new one they built in its place is pretty much character-free.

The McDonald's Merry-Go-Rounds used to amuse me. Instead of horses they had burgers on the heads. There were three of them on this little tiny Merry-Go-Round. I think it could either be automatically or manually controlled--I remember seeing this light switch that seemed to control it at some point. They took it out of most of the McDonald's in the late 1990s. They didn't play music or anything but some of them were a bit noisy (I'm not sure how well these things were built or if it's because ten kids would pile on one of the burgers at the same time). Most of the service plazas along the PA and Ohio turnpikes seemed to have them in the late 1980s/early 1990s, as did the one location I mentioned earlier. I think the outdoor playgrounds sort of replaced them.

If anyone still has one of these at their McDonald's I'd love to hear--it used to be half the fun of going to McDonald's for me.

General Chat / Re: Coincidence Corner
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:27:29 PM »
While I didn't go to McDonald's today, my cousin did. It was around 3:06 PM when she went there (give or take some minutes, I just remember it was around 3:00).

Forum Games / Re: The ^<v Game
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:24:12 PM »
^ Step in time!

< Is enjoying the Mary Poppins jokes posted recently so much that he is thinking of watching the movie tomorrow night if he has nothing else to do since he hasn't watched it in five years and he thinks it is one of the best movies ever made!

V In every job that must be done, there is...

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:20:47 PM »

Video Game Chat / Re: The Sims 2 TMK Blowout! (For Real!)
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:19:45 PM »
Sapphira, I read everything you wrote. I'm more for committed relationships but I love dating and whatnot, so I guess if they have the pleasure seeker option that would be good--just as long as it doesn't involve premarital sex or drinking (but if you want to have fun and make me down champagne I'd probably find it quite amusing).

Either family or popularity would work for me I guess if the pleasure seeker isn't an option on your game (my old Sims game seems so basic in comparison). Of the two, maybe popularity since I seem to go out of my way to talk to everyone even if I don't have to--my problem is I love conversation too much!

General Chat / Re: Which of these cars would you drive?
« on: August 05, 2006, 09:11:25 PM »
Yes, most of the video game fanatics I remember from high school didn't date much if at all, but I guess someone's got to be that rare person who plays an occasional game or posts here and dates at a young age!

I remember those venn diagrams from school. We used to get those a lot in elementary school, like in geography when we were comparing two countries. I also recall one being used in science class for light colors that looked a lot like that.

Mario Chat / Re: Is Game Boy dead?
« on: August 03, 2006, 10:50:37 PM »
Yes, I know from baseball how these companies make money. I've been through something similar with baseball bats.

So my cousin has the first model, the Advance. Same as the one they sell now called Micro but different case if I read you right.

I just punched it into Wikipedia and found that there were two SP models. One was brighter. I don't know if this was advertised or not but if it was it would be another marketing ploy to get you to buy somemthing new, right?

This repackaging strategy sounds a little strange. It would be like redesigning a car's exterior but keeping the same engine, transmission, and brakes (and other underpinnings). So you get a 2006 model that looks brand new but it drives the same as the 2001.

So to get to the title of this post, I'm guessing the Game Boy will never die as long as people keep coming up with new case designs for the same thing. The Wikipedia article I looked up says that they won't kill it off.

I also saw the older Game Boys (which I remember some kids having in elementary school) went through the same thing, although the cases looked more alike there.

So to get this straight--there have been three models of Game Boy and all have had case-only redesigns accounting for nearly a dozen models. And the DS is a different system and is not part of the Game Boy line. (I'm concluding it's to the Game Boy what the Accord is to the Civic in Honda's line--something bigger, more powerful, and better). I'm sorry for making all my comparisons to cars, but it helps someone who's not as up on things in the video game world to understand!

General Chat / Re: The Toon Discussion Thread
« on: August 03, 2006, 10:37:01 PM »
Well, if we are to each give our opinions of cartoons, I might as well give mine.

This is like when you go to an open discussion about, say, tax inceases. The topic is about the possible increase coming soon, but you are the one against the tax increase and you go to state your position and make your voice heard. Even if you're not exactly what the moderator/leader wants, you are presenting an alternate point of opinion for people to think about, agree with, or argue with. As long as you're not talking about, say, the gas mileage of 2006 Volvo S40 sedans (which would be off topic) and are staying focused on something (i.e. the counterpoint) it should be acceptable.

This example above can be translated to this section of the forum as to why I wrote what I did. In a way, this is a problem of democracy, but in another sense, it is a free-speech environment working at its finest.

Forum Games / Re: Try escaping this one, Mcgyver.
« on: August 03, 2006, 10:32:20 PM »
I would stand on top of the toilet and use the brush to cripple the snakes. By elevating myself I'd be able to avoid them lashing at the bottom half of me, since the toilet tank would be in the way. When they were all unable to move, I'd find another area to hang out until the plane landed.

Put yourself in the following situation: You and your girlfriend are out for a Sunday drive. However, the road you normally take out to the country has landed you at the oceanside. There is no real beach, or civilization anywhere. All that exists is a pier that looks out onto the ocean. You park your car, an 18 year old Acura that runs great, to prevent further driving. Looking back you see the road appears to travel on forever. The turn you were supposed to turn at didn't exist--no traffic light or anything. Your girlfriend is scared.

All you have in the car is:
-a pencil
-an iPod
-a cell phone and charger but no signals in this area
-a map of the state of Ohio
-an ice scraper
-a math textbook
-a baseball bat
-$3.18 in change
-a tire pump
-only about an eighth of a tank of gas, not enough to get you back to where you started
-a chemistry textbook
-a lunchbag containing various items including corn, vinegar, milk, ham, and wine

Keep in mind there was nothing on this road, as it was in the country. No gas stations, malls, grocery stores, 7-Elevens, etc, and no farms either.

After parking the car you see a man in his 90s telling you he escaped a car crash in the 1960s in Ireland and is looking for the way back home. He has reportedly been to Canada and Australia since he was reported missing. He is carrying a backpack, contents unknown.

Video Game Chat / Re: Have video games ever made you cry?
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:58:16 PM »
Movies make people cry? Well, I can think of one:


Everyone I know has cried during this movie. In fact, my buddy said "if you don't cry during Field of Dreams, you have no heart".

I've yet to see "The Notebook", but one of my friends was so teary after seeing it I heard she would have been able to fill up the drink cup she had during the movie. Then again, she's arguably the most emotional (and probably the sweetest) person I know--this girl cried when upperclassmen graduated.

Video Game Chat / Re: Video Game Bargains
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:54:24 PM »
To look for bargains (at Circuit City, where I buy my games), check for a wire bin. Since they stuff everything for every system (I've even seen DVDs in there) you will have to look around. This is how I found MLB 2005.

I remember seeing a store called "FunCo Land" at a shopping center. I always thought it was one of those party supply places until I looked inside the window one day and saw a bunch of old Nintendoes sitting in there. I guess this is like a used car lot for Nintendoes and games. The store went out a few years ago before I ever was inside of it.

Are used games safe? I would worry about the reliability of one coming from someone who wanted to get rid of it just like that. I don't think a Nintendo can get a virus, but is it possible?

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:45:59 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:44:29 PM »
I'm begging yours.

If storm out onto the field and pop the first base out of the field, does it count as a stolen base? (Pittsburgh Pirates fans, do you remember when former manager Lloyd McClendon did this while arguing at an umpire? He threw it into the dugout!)

Video Game Chat / Re: The Sims 2 TMK Blowout! (For Real!)
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:38:15 PM »
I have "The Sims" on the Mac, but it's the original version (I got it in 2000 when I got my computer). I want to get the new one but my computer won't run it. Being that it's one of about four games I have installed on the computer, I spend some down time on it and I think it's really entertaining, especially when you use people you know (it's especially fun when two of your friends start randomly dating each other).

Here are my vitals:

Aspiration: This must be new to the new version. Of the ones you've listed, I've got to go with romance.

Astrological Sign: I'm not real sure how to determine this--every person I make comes up with a sign on the game. I just asked a friend and he said I'm a Virgo based on birthdate, but if it's based on personality like "The Sims" says it is, I think I'm a Pisces.

Points: I don't recall the exact breakdown, but it should be (give or take some)
4 neat, 7 outgoing, 6 active, 2 playful, 8 nice

You can tinker with those if you want.

If you want a description of me: I'm 5'9", blonde hair, blue eyes, not real big but defined (compact muscles), usually wear an Abercrombie & Fitch polo shirt. There should be a picture of me in the thread people have mentioned.

If it wouldn't be a problem, I'd like the "Pro Athlete" career track.

General Chat / Re: The Toon Discussion Thread
« on: August 03, 2006, 09:27:48 PM »
I'm not a fan of either "Simpsons" or "Family Guy". I don't find either very funny and because of that have hardly watched them. "South Park" would be good if they cut out all the sexual content--get rid of those bad jokes/words and you have a clever show. I've seen more of "South Park" than the other two combined, but have never watched it on a regular basis--usually just when someone has the DVDs and pops one in. I'm one of these people who would much rather watch sports on TV (unless it's poker, which I just find to be really boring on TV).

I guess I'm just not that into cartoons. I never saw many at all when I was little and I didn't even know what Nickelodeon was until I was in kindergarten and other people talked about it! In fact, I didn't even see a "Bat Man" cartoon on TV until I was nine. Some of the animated/computer movies they make (such as "Finding Nemo") are quite good though.

But yes, "Simpsons" and "Family Guy" do nothing for me. I'd rather watch sports or "American Idol".

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