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Messages - Trainman

Pages: 1 ... 138 139 140 141 142 [143] 144 145 146 147 148 ... 160
Site Discussion / Re: HTML should always be on
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:55:06 PM »
Uuum, ok! Meowrio, where have you been lately? I haven't seen you at the chatroom, nor seen any of your posts in a while. Usually you would post something every day. That bad day must be gettin' to ya', eh? Well, Meowrio, I need to talk to you about something at the chatroom. If you could come, thanks.

WAIT, WAIT! I have an idea on why Meowrio is mad. He has to go to school tomorrow! AAAAAAH, 9th grade!!!!! Wish you luck! My first day was kind of messed up, with homeroom being first for a couple days, then it not being first period. Whatever, good luck.

And Sadib, shut your mouth.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: What state do you live in?
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:51:44 PM »
ACK! I didn't mean to post the last thing I said in this thread. Oops, brainfreeze there. Sorry!

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: What state do you live in?
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:44:23 PM »
Uuum, ok! Meowrio, where have you been lately? I haven't seen you at the chatroom, nor seen any of your posts in a while. Usually you would post something every day. That bad day must be gettin' to ya', eh? Well, Meowrio, I need to talk to you about something at the chatroom. If you could come, thanks.

WAIT, WAIT! I have an idea on why Meowrio is mad. He has to go to school tomorrow! AAAAAAH, 9th grade!!!!! Wish you luck! My first day was kind of messed up, with homeroom being first for a couple days, then it not being first period. Whatever, good luck.

And Sadib, shut your mouth.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: What state do you live in?
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:35:41 PM »
My PC was slowing down trying to post that, heh heh. There are some mispellings, but I think you can figure out what I was trying to say. :P Yeeeeeeeehawwwww!!!!!!

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: What state do you live in?
« on: September 03, 2003, 10:29:55 PM »
Yehaw! I'm from Texas too! Ah cayn tawk fony too eif yu wonted maey to. Actually, my southern accent has improved a lot. I don't say "my friend and I," I just say, "Me and my friend." Just as long as you can understand me.


I live in the county seat of Texas: Belton. Go Belton Tigers! The first football game is this Friday! Oct 10 I get to play with the Marching 100 Band! I play tennis too, and our first match is on Sep. 18! Only a couple weeks away! Off subject, eh? =P

Go Texas! We are famous for the Jarrel F5 that hit just about 30 miles away from where I live, we have the Alamo, San Antone (called that by true Texans, I guess,) the famous riverwalk in San Antone, and a lot of history to back everything up. 2nd biggest state in the U.S.! (Stupid Alaska is bigger than us) Hottest too, with a 1986 or '87 record of 107 degrees! (If you count the whole state, Texas is hottest. But if counting hottest place in one little area; Death Valley.)
NOTE- I don't say San Antone. But, my mom does. Heh heh.

If you pull up an atlas and take a look, Belton is on the very edge of Tornado Alley. It has letting us slide for two summers now, with no reported tornadoes in Bell County.

Also, "a gift from God" I would all it because this is strange. On New Year's Eve, two years ago, at precisely 12:00AM of the new year, right when the second hand hit the 12, it started snowing here. It actually stuck too, opposed to when I was in 4th grade it snowed, but melted as it hit the ground. But it snowed, my friends trampoline was frozen with about 4 inches of ice over it, and we had snowbal fights. Luckily, I lived in Indiana for a while and got gloves and a 1920's "Newsboy" cap. My friend couldn't get through to me. Haha! It was great.

You say we have crazy weather? No way, I vote Nebraska for that. I'll tell you why. People from Nebraska should already know about their crazy weather. Anyway, my bro went there for a few days. In those three days, the first day it was 94 degrees (if you're a Texan, that feels good, :P) the second day it snowed, then the third day there was a tornado. Weird weather, eh?

Texas has a lot to offer: Houston, Galveston, Dallas & Fort Worth, etc. You can go to Mexico at Big Bend National Park. Join CTAMR, which I'm actually in, I'll explain later, and one of the biggest highlights:

Fort Hood. Fort Hood is the largest establishment in the world I believe, (if you count people there, etc.) Our 4th ID, which are our Fort Hood soldiers, are coming back from Iraq. That is great news. I live a few miles away from it. BLORA is a place to paintball, swim, water slides, etc. We have the Belton Lake also. (The nastiest, I think, lake in Texas, except the Trinity River, which is worse.)

If you live in Chicago, New York, you could ride Amtrak right down to our neighboring city, Temple. It is about 10 miles away from my house to get to Santa Fe depot, and CTAMR. The Temple city limits are very close to my house. About a mile away. *sigh* I know, I know, you can't come to my house.

Enjoy Texas and its features! (As if you'll ever come, hopefully, in the future. :P)

CTAMR- Central Texas Area Model Railroaders. I like to call it, for short, Mr. G, which is Model Railroad Guys.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: U.S. Open
« on: September 03, 2003, 06:54:53 PM »
I love Tennis! I'm ready to kick Temple's butt when we play them the 18th! If you don't like tennis, hmmmm.... stand out in front of Agassi and let him hit you in the nose or the private, well, the OUCH spot, and see how you like it when his 136 MPH serve hits you there.

I have a Wilson Triad 3.0 and it is the most awesome racket on this planet!

I wish I could play one of y'all. Are y'all any good?

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: HTML should always be on
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:57:46 PM »
I wish there was a laser that would weld Sadib's trash talking mouth together.... for good. Also, one that would cover his hands in metal so he couldn't type or lift them to hit anybody. Hahaha!

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: HTML should always be on
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:49:50 PM »
I hope I'm on that "Active Member's List." I have posted quite a few threads ever since I got here.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: HTML should always be on
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:45:11 PM »
HAHAHAHA!!! Meowiro must be in a baaaaad mood today, HAHAHAHAH!!!! That is the worst thing I have ever seen coming out of Meowiro's hands. "Do you want a laser to scratch your butt for you?" HAHAHAH!!! Meowrio is on fire today! *siren and fire engine horn* Meowrio is gonna kill me at the chatroom, hahaha! It seems like Sadib is gonna get a good butt kickin' from Meowrio soon. Meowrio is number 1! Go get'em, hahahha!

That reminds me Sadib, you need to SHUT (read: SHUT) your mouth up about killing. Black Mage might never be able to patch this up between us three and you, but in one of my posts I said that I would only say anything if:

-He said he killed me or made a crude remark to me.

-If he killed or made a bad remark to Meowrio or Jon. (Actually, Jon would jump his butt too. Meowiro also demonstrated some of his agressiveness on Sadib just a second ago, hahaha. :P)

-Or if he said he said those remarks to someone here that doesn't need to put up with him.

You violated #2: made fun of Meowrio or Jon..... and I AM going to say something about it whether you like it or not. If you don't like it, get over it or don't say anything.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

General Chat / Re: I need help with my computer!
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:26:23 PM »
Ahem, Jon, YOU DIED IN THE CHATROOM when I was talking to you just now!!! Where the heck are you? >:P

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: HTML should always be on
« on: September 02, 2003, 07:16:49 PM »
You're going to have to get used, Sadib. A lot of people who don't know HTML would have some trouble remembering to
 or something. It is a simple click to turn your sig on.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: Could you explain for me.....
« on: September 01, 2003, 11:11:59 PM »
I discovered that when you put your pointer on the underlined word, it will show you l a link to somewhere. I am not trying to advertise and I don't know why thos certain words made a link.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Site Discussion / Re: Could you explain for me.....
« on: September 01, 2003, 11:05:47 PM »
Uuuh, now in the Story Board thread, "Deezer Stories," it underlined "tie down." XD I wasn't talking about anyhting ***ual. If you see my post, then you'll know what I meant when I said, "tie down."

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Mario Chat / Re: Mario in Wind Waker?
« on: September 01, 2003, 10:53:49 PM »
Quit bumping up your topic, at least once!

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: September 01, 2003, 10:19:38 PM »
Well, dang it, I'll eat them. I started school August 21 because the state of Texas thinks we're stupid. Aaaw, man! I bet that goes for Sadib100, too. BTW, I wonder where Sadib is? I haven't seen him in a while. Oh well. :P

Can I be head dishwasher? No, actually, i don't want that position.

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."

Pages: 1 ... 138 139 140 141 142 [143] 144 145 146 147 148 ... 160