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Messages - Forest Guy

Pages: 1 ... 141 142 143 144 145 [146] 147 148 149 150 151 ... 159
Mario Chat / Re: Character Ideas For Next SSB Game
« on: August 25, 2003, 08:34:33 PM »
Yep! Sorry Chupperson, Me and Sapphira are correct. And Shawne20! Yeah! Lady Bow rules! She or at least some type of Boo should be in a SSB Game!

Lady Bow- Fast but very slow character. She can fly with her jumps like Kirby but her attacks aren't very strong.

 B- Scare. A close range attack that gets more powerful as you charge it up by holding B.
 Smash B- Fan Smack. Not very powerful, but if you continuouslly press "Smash B" she keeps doing so and racks up damage.
 Down B- Disappear. She stays invisiable and invulnerable for 5 seconds or until you let go of Down and B.
 Up B- Teleport. Like Mewtwo's teleport, this is a long range recovery attack that does no damage.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

General Chat / Re: Who am I?
« on: August 24, 2003, 11:15:03 PM »
Ooh! Let me try! Hmm....I've got it!

"i kill everyone! i'm so mean! i don't use capitals! i hate meowrio and trainman! i have 4 different names! everyone is mad at me but i continue to be a meanie!"

I'd say that's pretty obvous. Now who know who it is?

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Site Discussion / Re: TMK Chatroom
« on: August 24, 2003, 11:11:08 PM »
Trainman, you're not in there. I think you should sign out then sign in again, because I've been in there waiting for like 3 hours. Try that because me and Jon were just talking.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

General Chat / Re: That settles it, im a dork.
« on: August 24, 2003, 11:08:07 PM »
Arg! Double post! Stupid double posts. Anyway, I meant Nerd in them. Not ner. T'was a typo.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

General Chat / Re: That settles it, im a dork.
« on: August 24, 2003, 11:06:07 PM »
I'm not a ner or a dork. I'm a geek. I like being a geek. It's fun. Weird Al is awesome. I like Amish Paradise. The music video is hilarious. Ha!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Site Discussion / Re: TMK Chatroom
« on: August 24, 2003, 11:03:49 PM »
Trainman, if you're so bored, go in now. I'm in it right now!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Site Discussion / Re: J.J.
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:59:43 PM »
My friend Tabitha has her hair in a ponytail down to her knees almost. And then myself, I'm still looking for a better picture of myself than the one I posted in the About Time We See Each Other thread. I was half awake in that picture and it was from like a year ago. I need to find a current one and one that is a good one. I'll find it soon!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Site Discussion / Re: WTMK and Orchestra
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:55:31 PM »
Ack! Double post. Sorry. Oh and yes I kow what you're tlaking about now that I think of it. They're steel drums.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Site Discussion / Re: WTMK and Orchestra
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:53:43 PM »
There is a Japanese Orchestra that plays special concerts called Orchestral Game Concerts. As you thought, they play video game music at the concerts. They've had quite a few. About 6 concerts so far. They have played a couple of Mario Bros. songs. If you want to look for them, I'd sugest looking them up on a Media sharing Program such as Kazaa or Grokster. THat's where I downloaded them all from. As for the drum question, I believe it may be a Djimbe drum or a Tinpano drum. I cannot tell though because of your vague desrciption. But by the sound of your question, it is almost definitely some type of Percussion Instrument.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

General Chat / Re: How many people are there? Each user post in a reply!
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:46:37 PM »
Yeah I'm here! But I'm pretty weird myself. Let's put it this way. I got bored one day so I made some homemade skunk juice once. Also, I carry on conversations with animals a lot. Note I also have 15 pets, and 4 of those pets are ducks. One is a rat. I have a cactus garden and I LOVE Ramen noodles. How's that for weird? :p

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Mario Chat / Re: Character Ideas For Next SSB Game
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:07:38 PM »
Also, besides Anime characters being in SSB games, characters you make up cannot be in them either. Sorry Shawne, but we're talking seriously here. Now people, come now. THink of some better ideas. Here's another one by me!

Boshi- He could be like a stronger, faster version of Yoshi, but jumps very low.

 B- Tongue Lash. Rather than eating the person, he will simply smack them with it.
 Smash B- Fireball. He will shoot those 3 fireballs that Yoshis shoot when they spit out a red koopa shell.
 Down B- Yoshi's Cookie. He takes out a Yoshi's cookie which can be thrown if the throw button is pressed, or eaten if A is pressed.
 Up B- Boshi Bomb.(Sometimes Yoshis' ground pounds are called "Yoshi Bomb" Note: That was what it was called in SSBM) This will send Boshi flying into the air,and if Up+B is pressed again afterwards, he will actually perform the Ground Pound. If not, you can use it as a third jump.

Really, Boshi needs to be brought back. He was a cool character.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: August 24, 2003, 08:16:21 PM »
Well you said pick it, so I'm gonna whip you up a Super Soda! It's ready!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

General Chat / Re: Cashcrazed=Dumbo
« on: August 24, 2003, 07:37:05 PM »
Oh no! Not good Sapphira. ('-_-) Anyway, at least you caught that bit of profanity in time!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: August 24, 2003, 07:33:39 PM »
Or I a chef! Hehe. ; ) Cooking is so fun. In the mean time, I'll whip up some fried shroom for a snack to be put out for everyone. I just reserved F-Zero GX. It looks fun! I hear you can even build your own F-Zero racer. How cool!

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

Edited by - Meowrio on 8/24/2003 6:34:36 PM

General Chat / Re: Degrassi
« on: August 24, 2003, 07:13:52 PM »
That show stinks! It's so stupid. I'm not doing this to get into an argument so don't take it personally. I just think it's a dumb show.

My cause is worthy. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of darkness.*Eats slice of pizza* Virtue is what you must achieve. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!

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