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Messages - Sapphira

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General Chat / Re: So what would you name your kids?
« on: May 17, 2007, 03:05:45 PM »
I don't understand why people would want to name their kids after a video game character. That seems sad, and the poor kids would get picked on--or at least stand out--because of it. Same goes for other famous names. I could understand a pet, sure, but not a child. I mean, if I found out I was named after some character or celebrity, I'd be a little insulted and think my parent(s) were crazy, obsessive fans. Now, happening to share a name with one out of coincidence is different; that wasn't intentional by the parents.

Anyway, I'm not really a fan of über-common names (like, consistently within the top-ten names from year to year). Even if the name sounds nice, the extreme commonness ruins it for me. Über-common names may make good middle names, though. I don't really like bizarre or extremely uncommon names, either, unless it strikes me right or it sounds like it wouldn't be "weird" or something. I think I like names that are somewhere between common and unique. On another note, über-common middle names--for either a first or middle name--are (Ann? Marie? Lynn? Come on, almost every female has one of those names.) Variations or adaptations might be okay.

I've never really thought about specific names for kids (considering that having kids doesn't interest me), but I have thought of some general "guidelines" or simply ideas I like, some of which I've gotten from my parents, some which seem like good sense, and some I've just thought of on my own.

I like the idea of initials spelling out something pronounceable. In other words, one of the names starts with a vowel. (For example, my initials are JAK.) I've always thought acronym-izing names is cool. Makes monograms look kind of weird, but oh well. Of course, you'd have to make sure the initials aren't something unfortunate or that kids would easily find a way to tease.

I also like the idea of the middle name being named after a relative (or possibly family friend), from either their first name or middle name. This includes variations of the name. If it can cover both sides of the family, even better. I personally would rather have the kid's first name not be named after someone('s first name). (Which also means I'm not a fan of Junior-izing. It's unoriginal and gets confusing, especially if they live in the same house. You can honor someone but still be original.)

Aside from liking a name, I'd like it's meaning to be something fitting, as well. A biblical name seems appealing, too.

Sapphira's Naming Rules and Guidelines:
~Avoid names that have too many syllables, letters, and are difficult to spell or pronounce. Remember that your kid and everyone else will have to deal with a long, complicated name their whole life. The exception to this is if you plan on calling them by a nickname of that name (and the only possible nicknames aren't "cutesy"). (For example, if you like the name Elizabeth, but don't like the nicknames Liz, Liza/Lisa, Ellie, or Beth, it's probably a bad idea, because the full name is a pain to say.) Be especially careful if you already have a complicated last name.

~Likewise, avoid names that start with the same or similar sound as your last name. Obvious alliteration and assonance in names just makes a mess of things. Depending on the letters, syllables, and pronunciation, it can even turn into a tongue-twister. *Wonders if anyone will catch the irony.*

~Also avoid names that have multiple common spellings, unless you don't mind people constantly misspelling it (e.g. Catherine vs. Kathryn, Stephen vs. Steven). (Interestingly, I like both of those names, but only the second spellings of them.)

~Don't be redundant. If you name one kid Michael, don't name one Michelle. Same with Christopher and Christina.

...Hahaha, I way overanalyze everything. Anyway, playing something like Sims 2 will really make you think about names. Especially when you (I) put a lot of thought into naming ANYTHING. I like putting a lot of thought into things, obviously. :B

General Chat / Re: What is the best month to have a birthday?
« on: May 17, 2007, 02:59:02 AM »
And how does a February birthday (automatically) make you "younger"?

General Chat / Re: What makes you say "What the dukar?"
« on: May 14, 2007, 06:29:50 PM »
Boo_penguin makes me say, "What the dukar?" XD

General Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:24:22 PM »
True. Ironic, though, that you said "posing" instead of "posting." ;P

General Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: May 12, 2007, 07:17:16 PM »
Some typos ARE common, though, particularly ones involving switched letters or pressing a key close to the one you want, such as "teh" (accidental, not purposeful) or "yuo." Everyone knows how to spell words like those (I hope), so they're typos because they involve a slip of the fingers. Just because one accidently does that pretty often doesn't mean it's not a typo.

One typo I seem to make from time to time is using "you're" when I should use "your." I definitely know the grammatical rule. It's kind of ironic because most people have the opposite problem, always typing "your," but more than likely it's because they don't know the grammatical rule, as opposed to making a typo.

General Chat / Re: What is the best month to have a birthday?
« on: May 12, 2007, 02:19:11 AM »
Mother's Day and Father's Day being around the same time as your birthday. Not a problem now, but might not be ideal birthday months for future parents. My mom deals with that, and her celebrations and whatnot tend to get merged.

As a kid, I'd say the best months are (late) May and (early) June, because school's out or almost out, and it's before most people go on vacations, and you can more easily invite friends over. Although you do have to share the months with your parents' holidays.

As an adult, I'd say (late) August and (early) September are better, because it's still warm enough for summer fun, but not scorching hot, and it's an ideal vacation period, plus no gift-giving holidays anywhere nearby to overlap.

Something I found annoying as a kid from having a b'day in Sept is that, aside from school starting making me less excited for my birthday, it was harder to send out birthday invitiations to school friends. I wouldn't see many of them over the summer, and by the time my birthday rolled around, I wasn't as close to some anymore. My birthday being earlier in the school year also meant less likelihood of new friendships having developed. So the end of the school year seems like a better time, IMO.

On another note, this is kind of funny/interesting: it seems like majority of my friends were born in either September or December, the rest dispersed randomly throughout the other months.

General Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: May 09, 2007, 04:18:47 AM »
Nothing is wrong with the names God and Jesus, etc. It's all about context. Like Chup said, whenever God's name is used in a way that disrespects him, such as casually or angrily calling upon him or swearing by him, it's taking his name in vain. If his name is said in a way that honors him, such as when in complete awe of him or of something he's done, or in prayer or thanks, that's obviously not in vain.

Hopefully this clears things up for everyone. It's not about God's names themselves; it's HOW they're used, the intent behind it. When in doubt, it's probably best to not use it.

On another note, saying God's name in vain is pretty much swearing--sometimes much worse. Using God's name as a curse is absolutely worse than a curse alone. Since swearing is against the rules, don't do it. Aside from the fact that it's disrespectful in general.

General Chat / Re: I'm going away! Signed, TMK member
« on: May 07, 2007, 08:55:25 PM »
LOLOLOLETC at people taking EM seriously. Ever.

Mario Chat / Re: Peach Question
« on: May 07, 2007, 03:39:03 PM »
You people are sick. I've had enough of this.

General Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: May 07, 2007, 03:28:57 PM »
I'm going to start editing people's posts if I see God's name taken in vain. This is really getting old, and is the same as swearing, to me.  So please, stop it, guys. Saying "gosh" or "goodness" instead isn't that hard.

I'd appreciate if if you'd edit your posts before I do.

General Chat / Re: How old are you?
« on: May 06, 2007, 10:38:43 PM »
Will the taking of God's name in vain ever stop?


I think it's funny that this poll doesn't provide an option for anyone willing to admit they're under 13. Aside from it being funny what ages Matty considers "middle aged" and "old."

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: May 03, 2007, 11:43:21 PM »
Words of wisdom: If one wants others to change, try changing oneself first.

Hahaha, post of the year nominee, LD!
Although sorry, Suffix; I feel your pain. My parents have done similar things to me.

Mario Chat / Re: Chuckola vs. Kero Kero Challenge
« on: May 03, 2007, 06:21:46 PM »
Bumping, wtd? Do you even know what bumping is? Because I was definitely NOT bumping--and neither was anyone else here.

Mario Chat / Re: Chuckola vs. Kero Kero Challenge
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:18:40 PM »
Chuckola Cola and Kero Kero Cola aren't witches!

Anyway, Kero Kero Cola is better because it heals all stats to the max, while Chuckola Cola tries to kill you. ...At least the Reserve does.

General Chat / Re: What does your voice sound like?
« on: April 16, 2007, 02:45:22 PM »
GASP! A recording? From me?! :O

Unfortunately, the Pause button acted up in a few places, so there's a bit of a silent gap in the middle.

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