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Messages - boomstix

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General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: October 08, 2004, 11:52:47 AM »
Another update to the list:

-   Planet's Funniest Animals (Dogs dressed like dolls and cats pushing objects around AREN'T FUNNY)
-   People who describe the taste and texture of the food that they’re eating
-   People who make fun of my laugh when their laugh is equally stupid/and or weird-sounding
-   Stupid fill-in-the-bubble tests where the teacher tells you just how to fill in the bubbles EVERY SINGLE YEAR. How stupid do they think we are?
-   Those unbelievably annoying sounds that people program to go off every time they log on, log off, or IM you.
-   Kids who say things about politicians and don’t realize that they know absolutely nothing about politics and are getting it all from their parents’ opinions.
-   Bad comb-overs (I mean, who doesn’t get annoyed by those?)
-   People who mention MTV in their songs (especially when they dis MTV, cause more    likely than not, if it never existed, they probably wouldn’t be rich and famous)
-   People who use too many abbreviations in their songs, even if it’s intentional
-   When two people call each other at the exact same time and you get the busy single so    you have to keep calling and calling until one of you decides to stop.
-   When people lick their fingers to turn the pages of a book. Especially when it’s my    book.
-   In snowboarding, how you have to undo one of your bindings every time you get on a lift
-   Cauliflower (yuck)
-   Pants that unzip all by themselves, even if they’re not tight.
-   When I am accused of “choosing not to understand”, aka "confused"
-   People who have (and/or list) too many inside jokes
-   People who LIKE Tetris
-   Headphones that lose those little cushion things that they usually come with
-   People who complain about “how nasty the envelope tastes”
-   How sometimes everything you say comes out sounding really wrong
-   People who act stupid just to seem “not smart and mainstream”, whatever that’s    supposed to mean.
-   When adults say “…why, do you think she has cooties?!?”
-   People who get jealous for stupid reasons
-   People (if you don’t do any of the things mentioned on this list, you’re probably not    human)
-   When you're on an airplane and that freakin' baby won't shut up!
-   When they cheat you at restaurants by filling your glass up with more ice than whatever    you ordered
-   When people breathe into the microphone (grrrrrr...)
-   People who say “whatever” too much
-   One word: SPLASHBACKS
-   When somebody is talking to you and if you try to take a step back they take a step    forward so that their feet are almost touching yours
-   How on AIM you have to ask people if they're being sarcastic
-   Those paper-thin PB&J sandwiches that come in packages and that you buy out of    vending machines (if you’ve ever been to DisneyWorld you should know what I mean)
-   Anybody who thinks Sean Paul can actually sing!
-   How long my Easy Bake oven takes to cook things (gosh darnit!)
-   When people talk to you on the phone while eating something (especially annoying if it's    crunchy)
-   Those faucets that only shoot the water out while your hand is pushing on the button.
-   People who get offended by dumb blonde jokes
-   People who whisper for no reason.
-   Those little armbands with the spikes on them that people wear because Avril Lavigne    does it. (no offense intended to Miss Lavigne or her fans)
-   When people walk up to you and are like you just got a haircut!? Oh, really?!?
-   Teenage actors who play in Disney made-for-TV movies, that later go on to record    albums and get filthy rich.
-   People who like the Packers for the sole reason that everybody else hates them.
-   People who say “That was stupid” when you tell a joke that was meant to be    stupid.
-   Chalk. I hate it.
-   Chalkboards.
-   People who squeak their chalk on their chalkboards.
-   People who hate certain music or songs just because of the person who wrote them    *ahem Michael Jackson ahem*
-   Bad TV adaptions of good books
-   Good songs that get REAL old when you play them too much
-   People who drive like they just sat on a cactus
-   When you ask if you can go to the bathroom and teachers say "I don't know, CAN you go    to the bathroom?"
-   People who say "everything but Rap sucks" and try to act ‘gangsta’, when they live in    the suburbs and couldn't last 5 minutes on the streets at night
-   The Cat in the Hat movie
-   The Family Circus comic
-   That one guy... Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about.
-   People who are overly negative and forever drone on about the things that annoy    them
-   Trying to think of things that drive me nuts
-   Brown bananas
-   Random things that pop out of my head and people don’t appreciate

C'mon guys, just keep on feeding me things, I wanna make this list humongous!

Oh yeah, and by the way, I'm not going to put anything as specific as "how sonic's quills are messed up in Sonic X" (not that this isn't annoying)

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: October 05, 2004, 03:51:51 PM »
"A One that is isn't cold is scarcely a One at all"

K, now time for some more:

-People who mention MTV in their songs (especially when they dis MTV, ‘cause more likely than not, if it never existed, they probably wouldn’t be rich and famous)
-People who use too many abbreviations in their songs, even if it’s intentional
-When two people call each other at the exact same time and you get the busy single so you have to keep calling and calling until one of you decides to stop.
-When people lick their fingers to turn the pages of a book. Especially when it’s my book.
-In snowboarding, how you have to undo one of your bindings every time you get on a lift
-Cauliflower (yuck)
-Pants that unzip all by themselves, even if they’re not tight.
-When I am accused of ‘choosing not to understand’, aka "confused"
-People who are overly negative and forever drone on about the things that annoy them.
-People who have (and/or list) too many inside jokes

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Stupid VG anime question
« on: October 02, 2004, 07:39:42 PM »
"...really tiny when is it's closed, RIDICULOUSLY HUGE when it's open..."

Japanese cartoons are weird!

Haha! Pan-Pan is fat! Haha! He's a good bear! Haha!

Twenty Extey Six!

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: October 02, 2004, 04:14:25 PM »
Jeez, sometimes at school I suddenly think of some awesome thing to add to this list, and by the time I get home, I forget it.

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 29, 2004, 07:57:24 PM »
The weirdest entry so far has been:
"Rich people who have over $500,000,000".

Where did you get five-hundred million?
Do rich people who have $499,999,999 not drive you nuts?

Well, whatever. Anyway, I got three more:

-People who excessively think out loud
-Stupid “fill-in-the-bubble” tests where the teacher tells you just how to fill in the bubbles EVERY SINGLE YEAR. How stupid do they think we are?
-Those almost-not-possibly annoying sounds that people program to go off every time they log on, log off, or IM you.

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: JON REVEALED
« on: September 28, 2004, 08:58:32 PM »
Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I'm too scared to see that URL

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 28, 2004, 08:57:54 PM »
I find it impressive that you have such a level of forgiveness with teenage girls with no volume control

How does Michael Jackson pick his nose?

Out of a catalog

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 28, 2004, 02:24:21 PM »
Nintendoexpert, for some reason I think you went to the library recently.

Your mama''s so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 27, 2004, 07:57:07 PM »
These are the ones that you guys came up with that I agree with/think is funny. If this topic continues to be active, I will update this list of mine every so often.
P.S I edited a few of them

-When you're on an airplane and that freakin' baby won't shut up!
-When they cheat you at restaurants by filling your glass up with more ice than whatever you ordered
-When people breathe into the microphone (grrrrrr...)
-People who say “w/e” too much
-When somebody is talking to you and if you try to take a step back they take a step forward so that their feet are almost touching yours
-How on AIM you have to ask people if they're being sarcastic
-Those paper-thin PB&J sandwiches that come in packages and that you buy out of vending machines
-Anybody who thinks Sean Paul can actually sing!
-How long my Easy Bake oven takes to cook things (gosh darnit!)
-When people talk to you on the phone while eating something (especially annoying if it's a carrot)
-Those faucets that only shoot the water out while your hand is pushing on the button.
-People who get offended by dumb blonde jokes
-People who whisper for no reason.
-Those little armbands with the spikes on them that people wear because Avril Lavigne does it.     (no offense intended to Miss Lavigne or her fans)
-When people walk up to you and are like “You just got a haircut!” Oh, really?!?
-Teenage actors who play in Disney made-for-TV movies, that later go on to record albums and get filthy rich.
-People who like the Packers for the sole reason that everybody else hates them.
-People who say “That was stupid” when you tell a joke that was meant to be stupid.
-Chalk. I hate it.
-People who squeak their chalk on their chalkboards.
-People who hate certain music or songs just because of the person who wrote them *ahem Michael Jackson ahem*
-Bad television adaptions of good books (like the Disney movie “Maniac Magee”)
-Good songs that get REAL old when you play them too much
-People who drive like they just sat on a cactus
-When you ask if you can go to the bathroom and teachers say "I don't know, CAN you go to the bathroom?"
-People who say "everything but Rap sucks" and try to act ‘gangsta’, when they live in the suburbs and couldn't last 5 minutes on the streets at night
-The Cat in the Hat movie
-The Family Circus comic
-That one guy... Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about.
-Trying to think of things that drive me nuts

Your mama''s so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.

Edited by - boomstix on 9/27/2004 6:58:21 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Explicit
« on: September 24, 2004, 04:25:42 PM »
I think the game is rated T for Teens because it might give some kids bad ideas...

*smacks randoms object with a golf club and shows undergarments*

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 24, 2004, 04:18:42 PM »
Ah, thought of two more:

-When people talk to you on the phone while eating something (especially annoying if it's crunchy)
-Those faucets that only shoot the water out while your hand is pushing on the button.
-People who get offended by dumb blonde jokes

Your mama''s so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.

General Chat / Re: Things That Drive Me Nuts
« on: September 24, 2004, 04:13:58 PM »
Yes. When my family and I were in Disney World, the Disney peoples' idea of a pb&j was a "piece of pb and jelly" (which looked and had the consistency of a piece of American cheese) inside of a thin piece of pida bread

General Chat / Re: I'm Sorry
« on: September 23, 2004, 08:09:12 PM »
*Thy Dungeon Master crackeths up at this hilarious attempt at being funny. Smacks one's self with thy trout and go to thy land of La-La*

Your mama''s so fat she jumped in the air and got stuck.

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Explicit
« on: September 23, 2004, 08:05:08 PM »
Whoah, Popple... And I thought I had a sick mind

Video Game Chat / Re: The Sims 2
« on: September 21, 2004, 03:21:12 PM »
Sorry its in the wrong category

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