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Messages - screech the hedgehog

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Video Game Chat / Games R equal
« on: March 03, 2002, 07:26:35 PM »
I am against all this flaming of the xbox. true, I hate the xbox as much as anyone. but someone(however unlikely) may be pro-xbox. also, I have noticed that a good many people are flaming sony and I believe someone was anti sega(I could be wrong). why don't people just cut it out?

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.

Mario Chat / Mario/sonic
« on: February 26, 2002, 07:39:25 PM »
Most of you probably hate me for saying this but, Sonic does not copy Mario. I will look at both sides of the argument. No bias.

Sonic: Run through levels to collect rings and chaos emeralds. fight a boss after every level.
Mario: Run through levels to collect rings. fight a boss in a set amount of levels.

the rings could be considered copying but the ways in which they are used are completely different. Mario's coins are used as score and extra life. Sonic's rings, are used as his "health". as for running from one side of the level to another, Mario is based mostly on jumping, while sonic is known, of course, for speed(I have yet to see a loop in a mario game). Also Sonic follows more of a continuing story, adding more characters along the way. Mario follows no real story and can in fact be played in almost any order and still be correct. And the chaos emeralds obviously have no basis in mario. mario's powerups are completely different than sonic's(save invincibility, which I'll admit seems a little uncanny).
There are similarities however, and they are somewhat strange. one example is tails power of flight. he flies by whirling his tails together. Mario does similarly with his raccoon(or tanooki) suit. as mentioned above, the invincibility is very similar, however the sparkeling stars seen in Super Mario world came AFTER the first sonic game to use them(sonic 1). so if anyone is being copied in that respect,it is sonic. I will say, though, that everything else about their invincibilities are very much alike. Mario has many roots in japanese mythology. Tails also, is rumored to be an animal from such mythology(the name of the animal, I cannot remember, dangit).
With that, I conclude that noone copied Mario or sonic, except each other.

Can''t hold on much longe. But I will never let go.

Video Game Chat / sonic advance
« on: February 25, 2002, 05:22:47 PM »
anyone here played/own it? I can't figure out how to play the hand minigame in the tiny chao garden(not the matching one).

Can''t hold on much longe. But I will never let go.

Forum Games / New Idea
« on: February 24, 2002, 07:57:09 PM »
okay, I'm*gasp* gonna try something new(you know, one of those things nobody replies to).

Mario ran through forever forest, breathing heavily as he went. He stopped suddenly, and turned around."Get away! no! Noooo!"

Luigi felt a tug on his fishing rod. he reeled it in and found an old boot at the end. he placed in in a pile with a tire, some, big peices of wood, jimmy hofa, and a long peice of wire that had gotten tangled up in the line. "Just one more cast," he sighed "there's got to be something here."
he cast the rod once more, and waited. soon, he had snagged an object of irregular shape, with an inscription on it. he cleaned it off. He couldn't seem to read the writing on it. It was a shiny piece of silver, about as big as ones palm. very pretty. he figured that only one person could read this; Merlin.
he went to the kindly fortune teller's house and went inside.
"You must take the train to mt. rugg-oh! I'm sorry,luigi. I thought it was another person asking what to do in "Paper Mario." he said."what can I help you with?" Luigi showed him the object. "oh! this is a tool, used by the ancient inhabitants of the Mushroom Kingdom. It was used to kill a werewolf. to freeze a werewolf in it's tracks, they would recite these words 'Mumra kabul zandel taigu'. Luigi was scared stiff he had stopped listening. "w-w-werewolf?!" he shouted. "Don't worry, the werewolves are extinct. They died out in the koopa invasion hundreds of yoears ago. If you're interested in werewolves. I have a freind who knows all about them. goes by the name of Elvin Gadd.
To be continued...

Who am I!
I'll give you a clue!
I already know most all of you
I come here often! yes indeed!
I've to much time. a life, I need

General Chat / who am I?
« on: February 12, 2002, 08:22:42 PM »
Lets play a game. I am one of the posters in this forum and will continue to post normally. Occasionally, I will give a clue to who I am. My signature doesn't count.

Who am I!
I'll give you a clue!
I already know most all of you
I come here often! yes indeed!
I've to much time. a life, I need

Forum Games / The Pipe Zone #1
« on: February 07, 2002, 05:32:40 PM »
Welcome to the first edition of... The Pipe Zone.  *creepy echo* Today we have mario and luigi talking about there differences.
Host: Welcome Mario and Luigi.
Mario & Luigi: Hi.
Host:Luigi, how do you feel about your brother, Mario?
Luigi: He's a self centered arrogant pig who can't finish a good game without me, yet takes all the credit from me.
Mario: What! I've been in four games by myself. I don't need you! I'm completely independant. Besides you got the first big game for GCN.
Host: Okay okay! Mario, do you really date peach?

someone else answer this question and ask another.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Game Help / cinemas
« on: January 29, 2002, 07:35:00 PM »
what are all the cinema scenes in yoshi's cookie, for gameboy?

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Forum Games / whaddami doin wrong!?
« on: January 29, 2002, 07:17:28 PM »
I've tried and tried to make to make a story that people won't avoid like a pile of toxic sludge. All attempts have failed. so I'm going to ask politely,do you have any ideas. please don't statr a whole story on this post. just please give me some idea of what to write. and please tell me what I'm doing wrong in my stories. thanx!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Game Help / hidden mansion
« on: January 27, 2002, 05:36:51 PM »
after you beat Luigi's mansion, what's so different about the hidden mansion?

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Forum Games / TMK Adventure
« on: January 27, 2002, 04:46:29 PM »
I have reread my last story and came to this conclusion: It was horrible. I'm not sure how this one will turn out. but hopefully it'll be fun. this is an open story. have fun with it. in fact, feel free to mangle it out of shape.
Deezer sat at his computer, typing furiously.
"I gotta make some kinda bulletin that tells why I haven't updated in so long!" he said. then, all of a sudden, a small icon appeared under "miscellaneous". it appeared to be a small picture of Mushroom boy. he wondered who put that up. he then proceeded to click it. Deezer could never have been prepared for what was about to happen. the computer began to rattle and shake and make odd noises. he cautiously checked the moniter to see what had changed. It seemed to be nothing at first, but then the screen flicered and deezer was sucked into the moniter.
Inside, deezer noticed that he was no longer in his room, but in a strange town, yet it was familiar. he recognized it as toad town. he was in the mario universe! it seemed strange that everyone was so much smaller than he. but he soon adjusted. he explored the town wich was a mixture of things he had seen in "Paper Mario" and "Mario RPG". he was amazed at how real it looked. he got so caught up in the scenery that he didn't see where he was going and bumped into someone.
Then he was in for a shock, as the one he bumped into was david dayton!
 someone go on from here!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Forum Games / TMK Adventure
« on: January 27, 2002, 04:46:26 PM »
I have reread my last story and came to this conclusion: It was horrible. I'm not sure how this one will turn out. but hopefully it'll be fun. this is an open story. have fun with it. in fact, feel free to mangle it out of shape.
Deezer sat at his computer, typing furiously.
"I gotta make some kinda bulletin that tells why I haven't updated in so long!" he said. then, all of a sudden, a small icon appeared under "miscellaneous". it appeared to be a small picture of Mushroom boy. he wondered who put that up. he then proceeded to click it. Deezer could never have been prepared for what was about to happen. the computer began to rattle and shake and make odd noises. he cautiously checked the moniter to see what had changed. It seemed to be nothing at first, but then the screen flicered and deezer was sucked into the moniter.
Inside, deezer noticed that he was no longer in his room, but in a strange town, yet it was familiar. he recognized it as toad town. he was in the mario universe! it seemed strange that everyone was so much smaller than he. but he soon adjusted. he explored the town wich was a mixture of things he had seen in "Paper Mario" and "Mario RPG". he was amazed at how real it looked. he got so caught up in the scenery that he didn't see where he was going and bumped into someone.
Then he was in for a shock, as the one he bumped into was david dayton!
 someone go on from here!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Forum Games / back to brooklyn
« on: January 21, 2002, 07:09:00 PM »
Mario and Luigi bounded out of seperate warp pipes and onto the beach of DK country!
Luigi: a vacation from all the princess rescuing!
They walked in to the woods until they came to a small shack.
Luigi: uh... it looks different on the map.
he pulled out a brochure with a luxurious house on the cover.
Mario: Who cares? It's a place to stay, ain't it?
Luigi:Yeah, I guess.
The Mario Brothers unpacked and made themselves at home. little did they know that just outside, something shook the trees.
Meanwhile, Bowser bounded from his koopa kopter.
Bowser: Finally, a vacation from all that princess capturing.
he pulled from his shell, a map to his hotel. as he followed the map(which he incidently, had upside down), he located what appeared to be a small shack instead of a grand hotel. but he decided that as long as he could get a break, he could put up with it. he tried to turn the knob but the door was locked. he went around to the window and tried to climb in. Then, he noticed that two people were inside sleeping.
Bowser: The mario Brothers! Haha! What luck.
just then he heard a noise. he hid around the corner of the shack. Several large apes crept silently past the shack. bowser became suspicious and followed them ever-so-quietly.
they came to a fire and a large grey ape standing in front of it. the apes stared into the fire as the old one began to hoot and holler and make many unusual noises. The smoke gew thick and began to change colors soon a portal had opened up. the apes cheered as a particularly large ape and a smaller one in a tank top lead the others through.
Back in the cabin, Mario stretched his arms out.
Mario: Luigi! wake up!
Luigi: huh? It's the middle of the night! What do you want?
Mario: I heard something.
To be continued.
this is an alone topic.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

General Chat / grimsack! come out of your hiding place!
« on: January 15, 2002, 04:52:36 PM »
grimsack, I know we are not supposed to hate, spam or flame but...
Wy do you feel you have to tell people about your sick habits and your urine!!? If you cannot say something halfway intelligent, SHUTUP!
that felt good. I should yell at people more often.

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Mario Chat / need a pic
« on: January 12, 2002, 05:32:02 PM »
Can someone Pleeeeese tell me where to find a pic of tatanga! I've looked everywhere and cannot find one!

Junkian: By George kimo sabies! your smashed up freind soon be like new with ninety day warranty!

Forum Games / Mecha Mario Bros.
« on: January 10, 2002, 08:13:56 PM »
Aggh! I had this completely typed out and it just disapeared! anyone know what happened?
oh well.
sigh... A young toad sat on the docks fishing. A shadow appeared over him. he looked up to see none othe than his hero, mario!
"cool!" he shouted "Can I have you're autograph?" as he jumped up and down excitedly, mario did something strange. he picked up the toad and threw him into the water to drown. several more acts of this kind of violence were comitted by either mario or luigi, or sometimes, both of them. the chancellor soon could take it no longer and shouted "Bring me the mario, bros.!"
It was a sad day in the mushroom kindom as mario and luigi were thrown into prison for crimes that, in reality, they didn't commit.

Mean while on planet Tatanga, (Guess who) was planning an assault on the Planet of urf.
"those silly Urflings!" he hissed in his alien tounge. They've just put their only hope of survival in prison. It's wonderful! I shall have to put this in my memoirs! Hahahahah!" he turned to face, an entire army of mario and luigi. " and now my android minions, the time for our ambush is now, while the planet is defenseless! Laugh with me Hahahahahaha...hahaha..ha..." the robots stood still.
"Figure it out." he said
to be continued.
someone else go on.

I am the yin, they are the yang. I am the good and pure. they are the vile and evil. I am screech, the avenger of yitzu.

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