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Messages - Super-Jesse

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Game Blog / Rumor: Paper Mario DS Coming in July
« on: April 16, 2008, 02:23:48 PM »

Wondering what's next for the portly plumber after he races circles around your living room? Korean internet retailers have the inside track apparently, and are listing Paper Mario DS with a July 2008 release. No confirmation of this being a legit offering, or just wishful thinking. Once official word breaks, I'll let you know!


UPDATE: After reading some more into this via other reports, it seems this would be a port available only in Korea. Check out more here.

Site Discussion / Re: What I saw when I came here this morning...
« on: April 16, 2008, 02:08:20 PM »
Hm, I see what's going on.

Seems SubSpace Emissary has now hacked into the Matrix. Oh noes.

Game Blog / The Wii Wheel Hard to Find (in Japan)
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:24:45 PM »

Akihabara retailers are having a bit of trouble keeping the official standalone Mario Kart Wii wheel on store shelves. Fortunately, Datel Japan's Racing Handle is also being stocked, which sells for less and comes in white or black. Why all the trouble over the Wii Wheel, I have no clue. All I know is that I want that table cover for my next birthday party.


Game Blog / Club Nintendo Headed to Australia
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:18:36 PM »

Why Nintendo of America doesn't start some kind of rewards club is a puzzle to me. While they do have, the goodies we get here in no way compare to the stream of awesome that is Club Nintendo. Aussie gamers can now also partake in the service, which allows consumers to redeem points for exclusive Nintendo spoils and Wii Points. This news comes courtesy of The Age's Screenplay, a blog that made the discovery while going through their advance copy of Mario Kart Wii.


Game Blog / Nintendo World Store MKWii Launch Event
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:05:14 PM »

Nintendo will be hosting a pre-launch day event to celebrate the release of Mario Kart Wii. On Saturday, April 26th, head down to the Nintendo World Store and you'll be treated to what will no doubt be a very exciting and fun time. Fans of all ages are invited to the party, which starts at 2pm and ends at 6pm. For those of you that can't attend because of the distance, be satisfied in knowing I as well will be outside of a GameStop on Sunday morning, greeted by a half-awake pimply shell of a man. For the rest, enjoy the party!


Site Discussion / Re: Merchandise Section
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:21:11 AM »
Just to be clear, stuff you got in a kids meal, for free during a gamestop/nintendo event, and stuff you buy at the store counts as Mario merch, so if you have it, just send me some pics. I might even blog it if it's really out there!

Mario Chat / Re: Something I found today while walking home
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:17:34 AM »
Wow, I had no clue that these weren't listed in the Merchandise section. I will add them first thing tomorrow!

Message me to send me cool stuff like this so I can see if we don't have it, K fellas and fellers?

Well, though I never got any toys from that series (too old and too conscious of my health), I do have a few from, like, the first Mario promo in the 80s (passed down from my dad), as well as the entire--2003 or 2004, I think--Nintendo toys line from Burger King (primarily procured as my grandparents drove down the west coast on vacation. I still feel bad about getting the final one when my brother didn't...).

SB, if you don't mind, could you take pics of those and shoot them over to me? I don't have those listed either, I believe....

General Chat / Re: High-Def Mario
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:15:12 AM »

This was the most accurate representation of a Mario hat that I could find, and it's still a bit whack.

I'm making a new hat, hopefully it will be ready by next Thursday. I'd say otherwise I'm good, right?

Mario Chat / Re: How cool would it be...
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:13:02 AM »
*singsong voice*

If you like this idea
I have something cool
for Weekend Movies
next weekend.

Mario Chat / Re: Should Mario...
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:11:50 AM »
Why should he settle for one when he can have both. At the same time. ;-)

Playing Wii, of course.

Video Game Chat / Re: Wii White VS GC Platinum
« on: April 16, 2008, 12:08:00 AM »
That is one sexy looking GC controller.

Those things only available online? Just wondering in case I can get one at Target or GameCrazy.

Well they aren't being sold in America right now, directly.

Hmm, I might hold off until next paycheck, especially since I'm driving to Dallas for the Mario Kart Wii tour, and going to a concert next Sunday. I have to buy MKWii and GTA 4 as well....Oh yeah, baby and bills, too whatever. :-P

I want that controller so badly, as the extended extension cord would be just perfect (the current one just barely doesn't reach my couch, making me crouch over instead or sit on the floor).

Game Blog / Re: Mario Theme: RC Car and Bottles Rendition
« on: April 15, 2008, 11:10:41 PM »
Grrr... I just stumbled across this elsewhere, and didn't notice that it was already up.

I may need to work harder.

Heh, well there were about 4 stories sitting on my desktop all day I needed to post. I should have just forwarded them to you :-P

If anyone sees anything, shoot it to the tmk staff e-mail way and we will work it in!

Game Blog / Re: Female Mario Bros. in Rome
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:59:04 PM »
Eheheh! Quite famous that thing! X)

I remember that when Super Mario Sunshine came out in Italy, our Nintendo made a contest to find the real "copy" of Super Mario. This contest run all aorund Italy and all the partecipants have to be really Italian, to look like Mario (having moustaches and be a little fat especially XD.) and to talk like him (mamma mia! XD). NOT ONLY! In fact they had to be very athletic (like making high jumps, running fast, etc) and to be good cookers (in fact, during teh contest, they had to cook a very good pizza in a little time).

At the end the winner had a Game cube with Super Mario Sunshine and went to Caraibi! =D

If I find teh photo of the winner, I'll post it! ;)

I must say that I believe I'd win that contest.

Yes, please send them my way if you find those pictures, I would love to share them!!

Game Blog / Own the Rockin' Mushroom Drum Pads
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:57:24 PM »

Hey dude, remember those totally rad Mushroom Drum Pads some tubular fans made for Rock Band? Well, now you can plunk down cold hard coins for them on ebay! The makers are auctioning off a total of three sets, with the average bid being about 30 American gold coins right now. Are you hardcore enough to own these? Keep in mind, Nintendo Wii is getting Rock Band (eventually).


Game Blog / Mario Karts Kompared
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:56:27 PM » has setup two videos that compare Mario Kart Wii to its console predecessors, Mario Kart 64 and Mario Kart: Double Dash!! I watched the Mario Kart 64 one , and noticed two particular differences. Firstly, billboards and character art are updated to reflect something more in line with classic Mario. Secondly, everything is definitely bright and more inviting, particularly Bowser's Castle. If you can spot anything else interesting to note, leave some replies in the Fungi Forums!

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