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Fan Creations / Re: Make Some Nice Pictures
« on: January 06, 2007, 11:02:20 PM »
Well, back to the point of this thread:

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Here's hoping you can tell what it is.  It looks a little better in notepad, though

Video Game Chat / Re: I Made This Topic On The Internet Channel!
« on: December 27, 2006, 10:24:35 PM »
I guess it's my turn to post here, though I'm doing so from a hotel (so not a permanent connection).  It took some finagling to input my password (with inconsistent capitalization).

Fan Creations / Re: TMK's Art Museum: Show us your stuff!
« on: December 21, 2006, 06:29:40 PM »
I guess this could go here...

It's a bunch of Yoshi kids who built a raft:

I made it a couple o' weeks ago.

Game Help / Re: Mario vs. Donkey Kong- all 90 stars
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:02:03 PM »
I believe I have the right to illustrate whatever I see fit.

Besides, figuring things out and explaining them happens to be something I enjoy.  I'm the type who gives "10 second explanations" for all the Mario Party minigames to newcomers.

I also happen to be a fan of hand-drawn video game aids, especially maps.
...Not that anybody actually draws maps anymore.

Game Help / Re: Mario vs. Donkey Kong- all 90 stars
« on: December 16, 2006, 07:58:39 PM »
Visual aid, comin' up!

Step 1:
Jump on the plaftorm, handstand-jump (or turnaround-jump, which I think is easier) onto the upper platform, ride up, hit yellow switch, fall down, collect present.

Step 2:
Get across to key, hit blue switch.  Wait patiently.

Step 3:
Carry key up to yellow switch.  Hit switch.

Step 4:
Carefully throw key onto the right side of the platform.  Handstand on key.  Wait until upper platform comes near, then handstand-jump onto it (requires careful timing!) and double-jump up to grab the present (remember: don't hold left until the jump starts!)

Step 5:
Beat level (should be pretty easy at this point.)

Game Help / Re: Mario vs. Donkey Kong- all 90 stars
« on: December 16, 2006, 02:25:38 PM »
Okay, 6-mm time :

I'm sure you know well enough how to beat this one, so let me give you a few time-saving bits of advice:

- When you're leading the Mini-Marios off of the first conyeyor belt, that'd be a good time to hit the yellow switch.

- To get down the ladder quickly, press B to let go (but press up again near the bottom, or else you'll get knocked-out).

- The fastest way to get to the Mini-Marios on the left is to run right through the lasers (but they're going the correct direction for this).

- When leading the Mini-Marios through the blue-block passage, grab the garbage can.  Throw it straight up before you climb the ladder (or turnaround-jump up, whichever).

- Go up ahead of the Mini-Marios on the spring to the right (and bring the garbage can).  They won't follow you if you're quick enough.

- And finally, make sure the garbage can is close enough to the ledge.  Mini-Marios aren't very bright.

Game Help / Re: Mario vs. Donkey Kong- all 90 stars
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:55:52 PM »
5-3, then:

The first part is actually very (well, kinda) simple, it just has to be very precise.

Grab the key immediately, throw it on the conveyor belt, and follow it under to the left.  Grab the key again, then stomp the conveyor belt switch, jump on the spring, and hit the yellow switch.

Throw the key on the second conveyor belt and follow it under again to the right.  Grab the key once more, then jump on the yellow block and toss the key straight up, onto the conveyor belt above.

Walk (don't run!) off the yellow block to land on the belt switch (quickly, though, before the key falls off the top belt).  Ride the bottom conveyor belt under to the left, reverse the belts again, and hit the red switch (turn around at that point; there's no need to jump on the spring).  The exit should then be wide open to you (just make sure you get to your key in time).

A well-executed run should earn you about 96 seconds.

The second part is actually pretty simple, too.  It just has to be pretty precisely-executed as well (but that goes for most of this game, hm?)

There are two things to keep in mind about bob-ombs:
- They'll always jump out the opposite side of Mario.  If you're trying to hurry a bob-omb somewhere, wait on the appropriate side (but not too close, or no bob-ombs'll appear).
- Wait until the BOMB blast is COMPLETELY gone.  It's no fun dying on the second half of a level, and you're not in THAT much of a rush here.

That said:

Run immediately into that little hole to the left.  The bob-omb will break the blocks.  Use a second one to break the next blocks (of course), then grab a third one (wait on the cannon's right side), bounce up off the spring and toss it right in the nook of the blocks.  While you're waiting for this bob-omb to go off, go ahead and climb up to the top, and run over and grab the present (you can run off the right side to get back, just don't fall ALL the way down at once).

At this point, a fourth bob-omb should just be poking out of the cannon.  Go ahead and grab it, bounce up, and toss it down to destroy the blocks on the left (now, if you're feeling REALLY daring here, you can actually do a turnaround-jump off that bob-omb's head and grab the last present.  But, again, you aren't in THAT much of a hurry here).  Once you hit the blue switch, you can go back up and turnaround-jump to get the last present.

After that, it's just using the top bob-omb cannon to blow up the bricks between you and the Mini-Mario.  Simple enough, no?

EDIT : Man, 6-mm is an annoying level to best... what's the target score on that one?

Game Help / Re: Mario vs. Donkey Kong- all 90 stars
« on: December 16, 2006, 12:57:41 PM »
Okay, I think I got 4-3 for ya (that's one nasty level!)

you'll have to do a handstand on the bottom moving platform the first time it comes around.  That way you can jump up to the second moving platform without any switches pressed.  Once there, leap over to the left, hit the yellow switch, fall down to collect the present, and fall again to return to the bottom of the level.

Next you ride the bottom moving platform across, grab the key, hit the blue switch, and wait oh-so-patiently for the moving platform to return.  Get on the platform, then use the blue blocks to get to the second moving platform (of course).  Get off on the left side, and hit the yellow switch.

This is the part that gets tricky.  From the left side of this little ledge, throw your key down to the right, so that it doesn't fall off.  Do a handstand so that you end up on top of the key.  You'll need to wait for the third moving platform to come by, then you jump on it, and double-jump off to the left to get the present (when double-jumping out of a handstand-jump, make sure you don't start holding left before you actually double-jump, or it might not work.)

Anyway, you should get the present, land next to the key, and be right on time to take the second moving platform back to the right, where you can climb up and beat the level.  Perfectly executed, this should leave you with 94 seconds.

The second half of the level is pretty straightforward, I think, you'll just have to be kinda quick about it.  One thing to note, though, is the last set of blue ghosts?  You will NOT have to use them at all.  If you can avoid hitting the blue switch up there, just make a jump for the ladder.  And chances are the last red ghost will already be in a perfect position.

*whew*... I hope that helps.  If it's too nebulous as text, let me know and I'll try to make a visual aid.

And I'll get to the others later.

Forum Games / Re: Roundabout Riddles
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:57:06 AM »
Ah, I got it...

So then it'd be 31131211131221, right?

What an odd sequence.

Video Game Chat / Re: Cheat codes
« on: November 24, 2006, 07:23:38 PM »
Well, there are a number of cheat codes that have always stuck in my mind for various reasons.  The first was a password for the Sega Master System (SMS) game "Golvellius".  In the game, you have to go through seven dungeons to defeat seven boses, after which you can purchase seven magical crystals that permit you to enter the last level.

But the password
Code: [Select]
started the game from a debug file, where SOME of the bosses and crystals were taken care of, but SOME (like the second) had the crystal yet unbought, and SOME (like the first) had the boss completely undefeted.  The rest of the file was also consistently inconsistent like that.

Next, we have the SMS game "Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap", which had a notorious debug code
Code: [Select]
3YGU PYZ ZY7K NRRWhich allows the player to be play as Wonder Boy's human form (normally impossible past the first part of the game), and gives the player all weapons, armor, and shields, as well as an obscene amount of gold and infinite magic.

The best part of the code, though, is that you can FIND it in the game's instruction book, in a screenshot that shows how, in the game, you retrieve a password.

Then we have another SMS game, "Quartet".  I don't remember the exact code, but my older brother was playing around, making up fake codes:  "Then I push pause 3 times, reset twice, hold up-left and 2 on controller 2 and... Hey! That wasn't supposed to work!"  The code opened up a little bonus stage that was played before the main game.

And finally, this last one is a code that I had heard of once as a li'l-un, and since have doubted that it was even real.
Until hunted it down just now:
(read down, it's not about Wind Waker).

...and those are all the most memorable codes to me.

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: November 21, 2006, 01:13:54 PM »
Twelvis (a chorus group comprised of one dozen Elvis impersonators).

General Chat / Re: Ultimate Birthday Compilation
« on: November 10, 2006, 12:40:54 PM »
Thanks, pt_peach, though it was actually my 24th.

Forum Games / Re: Mario Word Association
« on: October 28, 2006, 07:08:36 PM »
Eternal Daughter

Site Discussion / Re: More Cameos NOT Included
« on: October 27, 2006, 03:08:52 PM »
Anybody else see "Sally Forth" from yesterday/today?

Don't blame me for the coloring, I had nothing to do with it.

EDIT - Wait, does "Mario Cameos" only refer to references in other games?  Regardless...

Video Game Chat / Re: Do you read the manual?
« on: October 22, 2006, 11:57:47 PM »
I usually glance through the manual a bit before playing the game.  I like to see if there's anything interesting or vital to know aforehand, but I don't usually read too in-depth, lest I find out too much about all the items/areas/what have you.
If a friend just bought the game and is playing it for the first time, I'll leaf through the manual a bit more and point out little tidbits that he may find interesting/helpful.
After I've played through the game to the point that I no longer worry about the manual spoiling anything unneccessarily, there's usually a time when I'll read through the whole thing and scoop up whatever info it's got left.

So I guess yeah, I do kinda read manuals.  Just in stages.

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