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Messages - TEM

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22 23 24 25 ... 309
General Chat / Re: I think it's about time ... we saw each other.
« on: May 08, 2010, 07:57:32 PM »
Mega awesome prom suit. ShadowBrain.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: April 29, 2010, 12:57:02 PM »
Me neither. Isn't that bull[dukar]?

Video Game Chat / Re: Personal Bests on non-Mario titles
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:38:48 AM »
First and only time through: 22 Deaths, 7:08:15

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Mario Crossover
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:21:23 AM »
Link ftw.

Video Game Chat / Re: The Best Game About Jesus Ever Made
« on: April 19, 2010, 12:05:17 PM »
I got all 12 after like 3 tries. Looking up a speed run for this game is the noobiest thing I've heard this year.

Video Game Chat / Re: Personal Bests on non-Mario titles
« on: April 17, 2010, 11:27:30 AM »
Visual logic.

Video Game Chat / Re: Silver Surfer
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:42:50 AM »
I don't think outdated technology gets valuable until it gets REALLY old. Like one thousand years old. Otherwise it's just an old piece of junk.

Video Game Chat / Re: Silver Surfer
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:35:38 AM »
I was wondering why Chupperson was discussing this game, it having been covered by the AVGN as stated earlier. But then I realized that he was saying it was a good game and that we should be manly and man up to the difficulty.

Video Game Chat / Re: God of what is this i dont even
« on: April 01, 2010, 09:17:10 AM »
That's so retarded why would they continue the series like that? In the middle of the video I knew it would be fake but I did expect a joke trailer or something so I kind of got fooled? that was so lame.

Video Game Chat / Re: TEM's Biweekly Video Games
« on: March 31, 2010, 04:44:55 PM »
Is there a preferable option?

This is referring to Game Conforming to Player vs. Player Conforming to Game.

Video Game Chat / Re: TEM's Biweekly Video Games
« on: March 31, 2010, 01:23:08 PM »
Difficulty: Turn It Up To Eleven or Slow Your Roll?

Video games with difficulty settings offer staggered levels of challenge for the player. Let's examine two reasons why this reoccurring video game staple exists and discuss what it can offer.

There are two main reasons for difficulty scaling in video games: Game Conforming to Player and Player Conforming to Game.

Game Conforming to Player

People have different amounts of skill at certain video games and the first reason to include and use a difficulty scaling option in a video game is for the player to adjust the game to them. Now this not only refers to lesser skilled players lowering the difficulty of any video game for the purpose of increased enjoyment (or for truly struggling players, simply making the game playable); but it also refers to players with greater skill increasing a difficulty setting to more suit their abilities, the purpose being to make the game enjoyable if it is initially too easy.

An obvious problem occurs when a game is too difficult for a player on its easiest difficulty option and too easy for a player on its hardest. Both situations offer two potential conclusions. The unskilled player can challenge themselves to becoming better at the game. The skilled player can submit to the boredom. The option open to both situations is to of course abandon the game all together.

Player Conforming to Game

The second reason for having a difficulty scaling option is similar to the unskilled player forcing themselves to adapt to the game, except this player can master a given difficulty setting but wishes to force themselves to be able to master a higher level of difficulty. At its root this reason exists by a player's desire to meet a challenge, to forge themselves in its heat, and overcome. This contrasts drastically with the root cause of the former reason, which is that of enjoyment gained from the game by first tailoring the game to oneself.

Resulting Questions: Is there a preferable option? Should games be enjoyed regardless of the means, or is it only admirable to truly challenge yourself to the extreme? Does beating a game constitute a victory, or does it only truly count as domination when the game is overcome at its highest difficulty setting? Does victory or overcoming challenges reign supreme or should only personal enjoyment of the video game matter?

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: March 31, 2010, 10:06:30 AM »
Ares the God of War is FFFFFFFFFF on God mode. But I can taste the victory close at hand.

General Chat / Re: Lizard Dude
« on: March 28, 2010, 10:23:30 PM »
I can't think of any meaningful things to say here.

Site Discussion / Re: Mr. Face?
« on: March 27, 2010, 10:37:40 AM »
I've forgotten who Mr. Face is and I couldn't care less.

General Chat / Re: TMK Group Therapy
« on: March 27, 2010, 10:29:53 AM »
Using the internet for "group therapy" is super counter productive. Cease using the internet for any and all social function and force yourself to interact with people in real life as much as possible.

1. You have a job, be friendly (but not a spaz) and make small talk with coworkers, don't let yourself act withdrawn and brooding.
2. Look up local clubs or organizations in your area that are centered around something you are interested in. Such things can be found on college campuses or local community centers.
3. If you feel sorry for yourself you are only going to exacerbate the problem. You have to realize that no one can really help you but yourself. You have no right to rely on the rest of the world to care about you and save you from your loneliness. If you rotted away and died the world would not blink, this is a fact you have to come to accept. Make yourself realize that you have to be your own reason to want to exist and be happy.

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