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Messages - smfan1085

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24 25 26 27 ... 50
General Chat / Re: New Members Post Here!
« on: November 19, 2005, 12:20:12 AM »
Master Mario XP is cool. I know him on Kirby's Rainbow Resort (as "The Creepin Kirb" or "Shyguy").

Site Discussion / Re: Welcome to the new Fungi Forums
« on: November 19, 2005, 12:01:27 AM »

This is SO COOL! I didn't expect to come back to see this!!!

General Chat / Re: Dearly missed members.
« on: November 08, 2005, 08:41:55 PM »
"Where did CashCrazed go off to?"

CashCrazed is around here not infrequently. He was here recently, and I remember that he fixed up his "wayback machine" in "View old threads?" in Site Discussion so that it became even more useful. Also he was the star of the show in the recent thread "Please Teach Me".

Edited by - smfan1085 on 11/8/2005 6:42:52 PM

General Chat / Re: Dearly missed members.
« on: November 07, 2005, 08:30:54 PM »
I have no idea what Lonic did to get banned. I just know that in an old topic called "Important New Rules" or something, Sapphira was keeping an account of people affected by the strike system that was in use back then. "B&" was written next to Lonic's name. Also, I once visited (but didn't join because I couldn't stand a lot of the people there) a Yoshi message board called TYFN, which jon and other former TMK members are or were on. Lonic is there, and he said in one post that he was banned from TMK.

Edited by - smfan1085 on 11/7/2005 6:32:26 PM

General Chat / Re: Dearly missed members.
« on: November 06, 2005, 09:04:57 PM »
Lonic the Elfinhog was banned, FYI.

luigi~lover was here not that long ago, but only for a very short time.

stupidmonkey was not marioguy. That is very nearly certain. He came back later as stupidmunkyV2.0.

For my part, I kind of wish jon was still around...

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

General Chat / Re: Amazing Unexperiences
« on: November 06, 2005, 08:54:02 PM »
"There's nothing wrong with being Gay or Bi, especially Bi. But I'd rather not get into a discussion about Religion or Politics so I'll drop it."

I disagree, assuming you were talking about people who are actively homosexual or bisexual. But I know how arguments like these turn out, and they never seem to end up changing what anyone believes, so I won't pursue this further either.

Anyway, I can see a number of things on people's lists which also apply to me.

Edited by - smfan1085 on 11/6/2005 6:55:37 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Abuse of Mario
« on: October 24, 2005, 10:04:55 PM »
EDIT: Never mind.

Edited by - smfan1085 on 10/24/2005 9:29:04 PM

Fan Creations / Re: Mario's Murder Mystery on the Excess Express
« on: October 22, 2005, 09:32:41 PM »
*kicks himself for not keeping up with the story*

Keep up the good work, TBT!

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

General Chat / Re: Amazing Unexperiences
« on: October 22, 2005, 09:27:31 PM »
Sapphira's never said a swear word or used profanity? Wow.

I rarely swear, even online, and I've almost never taken God's name in vain (I think I only did that a few times when I was a little kid), but managing to never say swear words or use profane language is an amazing feat.


j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

General Chat / Re: (insert adjective here) stories
« on: October 22, 2005, 06:34:51 PM »
If I wasn't clear about this, the contents of the diaper didn't come out when it hit "Agamemnon's" face. But it was still hilarious.

The story you just told was good. I especially liked the leg-pulling part. XD

I also looked at your other story about the Sonic doll, and you said something about a caricature someone drew of you, and about you thinking of having the image hosted on someone's site. Have you thought of using Imageshack or Photobucket?

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

General Chat / Re: Amazing Unexperiences
« on: October 21, 2005, 10:53:10 PM »
I've never died. :O

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

General Chat / Re: (insert adjective here) stories
« on: October 21, 2005, 10:47:43 PM »
Once, when I was about 11, and back when I lived in Cincinnati, I was supposed to throw a rolled-up wet diaper in the garbage. The garbage can was in the kitchen, and I was in the entryway adjoining the kitchen. I decided to just try to chuck it in from where I was standing. Over the doorway into the kitchen was a gold-colored replica of an ancient Greek mask, once thought to have represented King Agamemnon of Trojan War fame. Anyway, I chucked the diaper, and threw it way too high. It hit "Agamemnon" square in the face. I almost died laughing. Now I sometimes call him "Old Diaper-Face".

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

Mario Chat / Re: How is it possible to improve SSBM?
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:36:42 PM »
I got that image from a post on another board, so don't credit me with it or anything.

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

Mario Chat / Re: Abuse of Mario
« on: October 20, 2005, 09:33:42 PM »
Larry Flynt is a [moron] >:(

Sorry for getting off-topic.

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

~You should also apologize for swearing. ~Sapph

Edited by - Sapphira on 10/24/2005 8:48:12 PM

Mario Chat / Re: Unintelligent Rulers
« on: October 17, 2005, 09:00:06 PM »
In the Mario world, babies are born when the stork brings them.

j00r 73h r0x0r, d00d!

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