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Messages - BP

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@Toad there are things like this:

As well as controllers you can connect to an iPad and hold independently of it. I would probably own something like the former if iOS had an exclusive I really wanted, although that particular model looks like carpal tunnel waiting to happen to hands like mine!

Fair enough.

-Sure it's not perfect. I know that. I don't mean to imply consoles never have any advantages. But I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me by saying retail games that went out of print, as retail games tend to do, and never got made available in a digital form that can be expected to last, are now unavailable. I know that. Retail games go out of print during the generation of the console they're for. Digital games see peaks years after the generation they were released in. That's half my point. The other half is that, sure, even though that probably has no reason not to happen on consoles if the digital market is maintained there, the Wii's Virtual Console has mostly not been brought to the Wii U eShop. They could prove me wrong and keep the eShop rolling, it just seems to me like it would all take less effort if the entire machine didn't get abandoned every five years. Although it's also true that the downloads won't just disappear from the abandoned machines. I guess you can lug out your old consoles for specific downloads anchored to them, or make a museum exhibit once you've got 20 or 30 consoles and get a lot of input switches...

-Heh, I know it's not unplayable, I played over a hundred hours of it. But being not the worst doesn't mean it's not bad. It is bad, ports that bad and worse shouldn't be considered acceptable, and I'm a bad person for accepting it anyway.

Game Blog / Re: Mini Mario is the star of new Mario vs. DK cover art
« on: March 19, 2015, 07:11:43 AM »


I agree, I'm even the kind of person who uses a controller in FPSes. A wired Xbox controller already takes care of that. Native support is common enough that you almost never have to ask if a game supports controllers. The only game I have on Steam and play with keyboard/mouse is Scribblenauts Unlimited. Everything else* I have, mainstream or obscure, has native 360 controller support and works just like it would on a console, no questions asked.

What I'd wish for would be to have Nintendo's controllers gain native support too... in my case, I'd then have three good controllers to use, two of which would be wireless. Which brings me to why I think Nintendo and Steam could be a match made in Heaven. How great would Wii U controller compatibility be for people who already have them, and get a Steam Link in November? I don't need a Steam Link, personally, because my setup already has my computer connected to my TV. But soon, it'll be easy for anybody to connect their computer to their TV from wherever the two are in their house. With the right marketing strategy (such as "guess what else you can play Mario Kart on now"), it could even become commonplace. Nintendo holds local multiplayer sacred, while it's probably PC's greatest weakness, for now. PC could benefit from Nintendo here. Suddenly we have a cheap little box that makes cheap big games playable on a TV without any need for a creative setup. People who live with the people who have this will ask, when can we play this together? In what new ways can we play this together? If Nintendo answers, they're sure to lead by example. Again, this isn't what I predict will happen, but it sure is what I hope will happen, my idea of a best-case scenario. Nintendo, PC gaming, and people who play games could all benefit.

Or they could blow it all by not getting involved with Steam, if they stubbornly cling to this "membership service" like EA with Origin and Ubisoft with uPlay. Or maybe they don't mean games are coming to PC, just that it'll be like Miiverse and be usable from them. Big waste of an opportunity and a bad-case scenario if you ask me.

*except Dark Souls 1, which has a completely abysmal port, and basically requires a mod called DSfix to work like it's supposed to. A few files dropped in where they belong and now it works like it's supposed to... except it's still a bad port, terrible optimization, even though my PC could run it at 60fps I have to lock it to 30 or I risk death by wonky elevator collisions. And the netcode is completely awful. FROM learned their lesson and DkS2 is much much better.

I am excited about this. Specifically the mention of PC there. Maybe it won't go anywhere, maybe it will. If nothing else, I take it as a message that they won't be too proud to develop games for other systems if they absolutely have to. I don't mean that with mean spirit, I am relieved that if their baskets all collapse, they won't give up on finding new places to put their eggs. That's what they should be proud of, that their games are too good to stop being made just because the way people want to play them changes.

I'll be frank, though, part of me hopes their ships sink and they focus all their money, effort and creativity on making the best games they can, and those games end up on Steam. I think there are a lot of possibilities... PC gaming is a growing market, Nintendo has a lot of power that can change it, maybe help with some of its weaknesses, even.

Maybe! Nobody knows what'll happen.

Edit: I wonder if Nintendo has thought about how many of their games are being played on PCs already, right now, at HD resolutions and sometimes with widescreen added in where it wasn't before, via illegal emulation. Sure, pirates will be pirates, but a good amount of the reason I do it is for convenience's sake and I probably would make shortcuts to individual games to run via emulation in my Steam library if I weren't afraid that someone with handcuffs would be watching me boot them. With the way the Wii VC is handled on the Wii U I'm expecting to say good-bye forever to that on the next system and possibly good-bye forever to the Wii U eshop on the one after that. How's that backward-to-N64 compatibility going, Wii U? Still 480p only and nothing you don't have to go through the Wii menu to boot? How disappointing. Why not put everything you've got onto a platform that promises nigh eternal backward compatibility for the future? 'Cause it's already on there, you're just not making any money off of it...

I have no idea what to think.

I only have four retail games for Wii U and seven for 3DS. I'm thinking I'll not get a New 3DS until... well, it proves it's worth it, or way later. I play my PC way more than my consoles now, I have loads of great unfinished games on that, and the sales for things I want just keep coming.

I have no idea what to think that they're thinking or what ends they're trying to accomplish. But, I'm probably going to be more supportive of whatever they put out for PC than anything that calls for more new systems.

Video Game Chat / Re: LEAST favorite Mario Party
« on: March 16, 2015, 05:19:15 PM »
I've only played 2, 3 and 4, so instead of weighing pros and cons I made my decision at random by rolling a 20-sided die. It landed on 7.

Go to hell, Mario Party 7.

Video Game Chat / Re: Guess who just got a 3DS?
« on: March 15, 2015, 11:51:10 PM »

Mario Chat / Re: SM64 Castle Ledge Death - Glitch or Not?
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:14:10 PM »
I dunno, seems way too difficult to do for it to be intentional. This would assume that they predicted players could make it up there, but ONLY by climbing the ledge and ONLY at that one teeny tiny point. Why include the teeny tiny point condition? A novice programmer could code Mario to die if he climbed the ledge with fewer than 120 stars at all. All you'd have to do is have the game check for the following conditions:

-Mario is above a certain altitude, slightly below the lowest ledge of the castle roof but above any that the player is supposed to be able to reach without 120 stars
-Mario does not have 120 stars
-Mario grabs a ledge, the climbing animation ends, whatever

If all are true, Mario dies.

But why even bother doing that at all? You could just put an invisible ceiling below the lowest part of the roof that disappears when Mario has 120 stars. Persistent players who understood game design might get a mixed message that getting to the castle roof is actually impossible and not ever try using the cannon, but it wouldn't be as bad as if the intention were to kill Mario for making it up there on jumping skill alone.

I don't know everything about how Mario 64 works, but looking at the video, here's my guess: Mario's climb animation goes just far enough to push him through the invisible wall, but there's more of the floor collision on the other side, so he doesn't fall. However, the only time you're supposed to be outside of the boundaries of the map is when you're falling off the world, which results in instant death. Mario doesn't display a death animation or even lose any health because there's no call for it--if you're falling forever, all you get is the cut to black, and the game spits Mario back out where it would had he died any other way.

So that's what I think, going by the logic of game developers and how the world and the player character interact with each other, and the only preventative measure to making it to the roof was to make the castle really tall. If anyone ever does some more digging to verify anything about why the death occurs, it'd be cool to see if I were close.

Mario Chat / Re: The Silly Mario Fan Theories Thread
« on: March 06, 2015, 06:34:46 PM »
They did in Mario Galaxy for some reason. Don't know why. My guesses would be to either make them easier to jump on in 3D (SM64 and 3D Land/World didn't seem to have a problem here though) or to make their behavior of just walking back and forth in straight lines look more natural. Since enemies are typically more alert and will spot and chase after the player in the 3D games, maybe they wanted the dumbest-looking Koopa possible to be the one that doesn't do that?

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: March 03, 2015, 01:59:44 AM »
Here is the rest of the puppy story.

They lived in the back storage room with the space heater and each other to keep them warm throughout January.

Spring comes early here, and they were rapidly getting too big for the nine of them to stay comfortable and not make the air unbreathable in that little room for even a day at a time. My dad and I built this fenced-in area and made a doghouse out of a crate. They learned to use the dog door on the storage room door almost instantly, and about a day after this picture was taken a plastic flap was added over the door of the dog-crate so that they wouldn't forget how to use one.

Still couldn't really identify the breed mix they are. Lily has webbed feet and a soft baggy mouth like a lab, her ears are shaped like an aussie's and she has some aussie mannerisms, and maybe some border collie... no idea what she hooked up with but the puppies have similar features to hers. All different coats, different patterns, different fur thickness and length, who knows.

I would usually hop over the fence instead of using the gate because of how eager they were to see me or my parents or their parent. They had human contact every day they were here. I think they'll prove to be friendly and very easy to train as a result.

But since there's no grass in the back, they were always awfully dirty. Especially on the days that it rained. They got the idea of keeping the area surrounding the crate clean though, and all the crap would be closer to the wooden fence.

Right before they turned 8 weeks old I put a "free to good homes" post on craigslist. One person contacted me within the hour, but that night I also got into some texts with an animal shelter urging me to let them take them and put them through a more formal adoption process, which would include all their vaccines on time, deworming, spaying and neutering. I get that there are some freaky people who'll take free puppies just to abuse them or as targets to train fighting dogs, so I agreed... but I also let the first guy and his fiance come by and take two first. They seemed trustworthy enough. So just like that, two of them found homes and five of them were taken to a foster home to live in a volunteer's backyard until about three more weeks from now, until their medical stuff is finished and they're ready for adoption. Seven of them, gone. Yeah, of course I cried, which really got my eyes burning on top of not having slept the previous night. I slept for about 16 hours after that. I don't know if Lily was anxious about seven of them disappearing, or if she was just bored, but she tore a few things up in the days following, like my old shoes.

These two were still here for one more week. Little Bear on the left, Bowie on the right, the two my aunt Pat had chosen. She has one dog already, Sunny, who is really really old, an escape artist for leashes, a cat murderer... she is really very sweet, but not a take-on-a-walk dog. My mom and I took them there on Saturday and they settled in immediately. Sunny actually seemed a bit excited to have the company, her granddaughters love them, they're reportedly "already housebroken", and I get to see them grow up.

The next day, yesterday, I took Lily on her first walk (also her first extended period of time on a leash), into the orchards behind the house. That went well, and I wanted to take her on another one today, but didn't because the side of her mouth was all swollen up. I'm pretty sure she just got a bee sting. That's what happens when you try to catch bugs in your mouth indiscriminately! She's already looking better, so I'll take her tomorrow. She's got saggy empty teats that need toning.

Latest News / Re: Gold Mario amiibo announced for USA
« on: February 27, 2015, 09:21:32 PM »
Pink Gold Dry Baby Peach, or no sale.

Game Blog / Re: Altered Super Mario Bros. appears on The Daily Show
« on: February 12, 2015, 04:59:22 PM »
Oh, I see.

Game Blog / Re: Altered Super Mario Bros. appears on The Daily Show
« on: February 11, 2015, 04:59:51 AM »

This much further? That's too far? ...really?

I mean........... really? I'd be more understanding if it were pretty much any other thing in any other game, but, what... they couldn't get anybody working on the show to jump at least 8 times over pipes, pits and goombas to get that koopa on-screen? They could get somebody working on the show to fake video footage, but not get some?

"I'm always willing to go the extra mile to avoid doing something."

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