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Forum Games / Re: The Add-One-Word Story Returns
« on: January 23, 2015, 03:46:05 AM »

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: January 18, 2015, 07:30:41 PM »
Has anyone else noticed the Melee songs getting huge parts cut out of them? It's especially noticeable in DK Rap but other songs have parts missing, like some of the best-sounding parts of Pollyanna and whatnot. Why? Why did they make the effort to make the songs worse? So they'd save space in the 3DS version? Is there a reason they needed to be this way in the Wii U version too? what...

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2 downloadable on Wii U
« on: January 14, 2015, 04:37:37 PM »
Supported resolutions: 480i, 480p

Aw... I would've paid for HD even though I already have SMG2, Punch-Out!! and Metroid Prime Trilogy. It's still a good thing these games are being made available theoretically forever, but...

Well, meanwhile, Chris-Chan has an upcoming court hearing. Why? Because he sprayed a Gamestop employee with pepper spray on his way out. Why? Because they asked him to leave because he was banned from it. Why? Because he had been vandalizing copies of Sonic Boom (both versions) warning people that they shouldn't buy it. Why? Because... Sonic's... arms... were blue... in it.

Okay. **** it. I was kidding both times before, but the truth is clear enough. Sonic causes mental problems.

A Sonic avatar?

I dunno what to blame. Inbreeding? Bad conditioning? Sonic? ???

Mario Chat / Re: New Mario Movie (Not Joke)
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:11:01 AM »
They are great characters. But the thing about them is just about everything you need to know is right there on the surface. You can look at them all in a crowd, not knowing anything about them, and get a good idea of what their roles are.

I'm sure this image isn't anything new, but I see it every day and it always makes me happy... I only wish it had been made a little later and had Rosalina on it as well.

It's not story that the characters need. It's outlets to express their personalities. Luigi's Mansion gets it, I'd say particularly in Dark Moon. You've got your support guy, E. Gadd, oozing his personality through the little exposition that the game does need. Luigi himself doesn't speak more than a few words, but shows his character in all his animations. How he moves, takes damage, idles, reacts to peeking into windows... it's perfect. Luigi doesn't have to say what he's thinking or feeling, because there it is. And you're the player, you're in the same situation as he is. It doesn't need to be cinematic, or especially detached from gameplay.

To give an example of how the games could do this more where they don't already, I'll use Super Mario 3D World. Anytime control is taken away from the player could have been dedicated to character expression. The way they fall off the screen when they die, or what facial expression and pose they'll have when about to charge into a castle level. The level clear animations are another big one where they could have expressed character, and... there are only 5 playable characters, so, there should only be 30 possible combinations of characters... 5 solos, 10 duos, 10 trios, 5 quartets. What if every combination put the characters into a unique victory pose? I'd love to see this if you cleared a level with just two players as Mario and Peach:

or see Mario and Luigi pose together in a way that plays up the "Bros." part of "Super Mario Bros."

It wouldn't have to be elaborate.

Because, again, who they are is relatively simple, and therefore pretty simple to put together.

No additional words or storylines or conflicts would be needed to get more out of the characters in 3D World. They do already have some of what I'm talking about, but it all kind of blends together and doesn't make the most of the differences between them all. It's not something the game desperately needs or is really worth complaining about, it's just that it's true, there is potential for more of what Luigi's Mansion does right with the characters' personalities that 3D World has a lot of wasted real estate for.

General Chat / Re: Winter 2012 ADVANCED Poster Awards!
« on: January 05, 2015, 06:19:01 PM »
But how, if there weren't any?

General Chat / Over the Garden Wall
« on: January 03, 2015, 02:21:37 PM »

Did anyone here watch it? It's a ten-part animated miniseries that aired on Cartoon Network over five days in late October, and is supposedly going to run again today and tomorrow. Not to get anyone's expectations up but it's so good

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: January 01, 2015, 06:18:55 PM »
I took it down after five weeks. I don't think she could have come from a GOOD place... assuming she also wasn't intentionally abandoned. Even though she was immediately friendly with me, my parents, my friends when they visited, and my sister when she came and brought her own dog over Christmas, she showed some signs of having been around people a dog shouldn't trust. She used to be extremely skittish the moment you picked up a spatula or flyswatter. She was also wary of fast or sudden movements, especially involving cupboard doors opening. It took a LOT of coaxing to get her to come into the house at all, as if she were trained with negative reinforcement to never do it. Signs point to somebody being rough with her, at best, and downright abusive at worst. She's gotten over all those things and feels right at home, now.

I can't even imagine who would hurt a dog like this. I don't mean "a dog like this" as in "it would be okay to hurt a different kind of dog or one with worse behavior", I mean that I wonder what the context even was. What reason there could have been. The things that make her such a good dog are parts of her personality. Sure, conditioning can affect personality, but a dog doesn't become affectionate and mellow out of cruel training. She would have to have been that way already--somebody saw fit to hurt this completely sweet dog. The worst thing she's done while here is shown little regard for the difference between the floor and the kitchen table... but I wonder if she'd ever even seen a kitchen table before, with how new and scary the concept of going inside a house was to her. Besides that, she probably wouldn't do it if she'd been physically punished for it, in specific. She's responsive enough to simply being told "no."

It has crossed my mind and made me feel a little dirty for how I handled the initiative to find her "real" home. Maybe five weeks wasn't long enough. Maybe there is, somehow, someone who doesn't know what Craigslist is, and also doesn't have a single friend or family member who does. Maybe no one looking for her has driven past the house and seen her in her favored spot, right in front of the front door. But the world isn't as black and white as Lily's face. There are little grayish speckles like on the side of her body, too. She's happy, I'm happy, we've gotten really attached, her puppies are safe and healthy and have a place to grow up until they're ready to be given to new homes and, with luck, be happy and make other people happy too. I feel good enough about it.

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:41:40 AM »

every last one of them has the white tail dip and white feet. There are five boys and four girls. If they inherited Lily's general shape and face they'll all be gorgeous as adults!

General Chat / Re: The HOPEFUL thread: Be happy here!
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:11:14 AM »
A dog showed up at my place a little over 6 weeks ago. I'll spare the details about how she's so smart, sweet, quiet, loving, basically perfect, and how much I love her to bits. I named her Lily and hoped nobody would call me about the Found Dog ad I posted on Craigslist.

Here she is, grinning at me the first day she got here, 11/11. I'm sure she looks scary and aggressive... which is why I made sure this was the main picture in the craigslist post. I thought it might deter people who might want to lie about having lost a dog... heh.

She just gave birth. Tonight. To nine healthy puppies. None of them have her patterns, she must have hooked up with a dog with a really dark coat. Her timing for getting here was absolutely perfect. A few hours earlier and I might have been asleep. Any number of days later and... she might not have gotten enough nourishment for the pups. This house is surrounded by orchards and is on a busy 55mph road so she could have gotten lost and died in the cold or gotten hit by a truck. Any number of completely awful things could have happened to her. But it's jackpots all around.

The jackpot for me being, well... she's just such a good dog. Unrealistically. The kind you don't have to make excuses for. She's not aggressive with new people or the other dogs, has never made a mess in the house (besides the little larval dogs just now), very rarely barks even when the others are... she hates cats, but hey, so do I. I'm gonna be moving next year and she would be a perfect city dog. My friend loves dogs and doesn't have one yet, so when his apartment's lease is up we'll find a place that'll let us have a dog like her.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: December 20, 2014, 03:22:32 AM »
I didn't have a chance to play Smash Run. But I'll put it like this: comparing Smash Tour to Mario Party is unfair. To Mario Party. It is "Random Crap Happens And Someone Is Declared The Winner" to a ridiculous degree.

Characters are dropped onto the map such that you know who's going to get them as soon as they appear. Yup, some jackoff is going to get your favorite character while the RNG decides Jigglypuff and Marth are perfect for you.

When fights happen, you might just die at the word go, because while you're busy soaking in that you're Marth, the match is going to be an "Explosive Smash," and the only in-battle item you have is a back shield, the other players are using their in-battle items that make you start with 100% and give them Hammers. You'll figure out why you died...after it happens.

The last match has one cool thing about it. Each of your stocks is a different character. Why wasn't this a normal mode where you can choose your characters!? The dumb part (other than that you're probably going to be using characters no higher than #14 or so on your favorites list) is that it's time mode. Meaning, you can go in with two characters, lose them both halfway through the match, and still win if you had enough KOs.

The entire mode will make you feel young again. In the worst ****ing ways possible. You have no power in it. Decisions are constantly being made for you. Something bad will happen, it won't be your fault, but you'll be punished anyway. The other players will get things you want. You'll be stuck with things you don't. You will want to cry and scream, "this isn't fair."

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:14:34 AM »
I don't think I have ever had less fun with a game than with Smash Tour.

Mario Chat / Re: New Mario Movie (Not Joke)
« on: December 18, 2014, 02:52:45 PM »
I do not wish to watch a Mario... I don't want to watch a Metroid either. I don't even really want to watch an EarthBound or a Punch-Out!! or a Zelda.

These things are games. They were designed as games. A lot of the aesthetic decisions for them were made because they would make them better... as games. Mario's mustache. Little Mac's height. Samus's morph ball.

It probably is a bit silly that Mario can jump so high, squishes chestnuts and kicks turtles. It might be a bit crazy that Samus' nemesis is a space pterodactyl, and she was raised by bird aliens who leveled up beyond the need to exist. Okay sure, going into a movie WITHOUT a pathetically boring, made-up, twenty-minute prologue explaining where Ness's PSI comes from would leave the audience asking some questions, and big chunks of the rest of the game would probably be boring in a movie even though they work in the game--Poo doesn't really add much to the story on top of having a name children will make fun of, so he could stand to be cut entirely. You know what I think is the answer to these problems? Not turning something designed to be played into something you watch.

If you're reading this and it's your life dream to make a film adaptation of a video game, stop. Do not do it. Make your film script but just be inspired by whatever it was you were uncreative enough to steal. And that gives you so much more freedom to do things besides shove your fanon into other people's faces, other people who probably have their own fanon that yours [dukar]s all over. Turn it into an original scenario, replace all the characters with your own. It's probably already distanced enough from what you were going to do an adaptation of anyway. Make an adaptation and you will inevitably alienate people who don't know the source material, while disappointing people who do. So make something else and design it to be watched, where everything in it is there to make it a better movie. Such that turning it into a video game would be a travesty.

tl;dr movies and video games are totally different, and it is not worth familiarity to convert one to the other. As if previous attempts haven't almost invariably screamed this.

Video Game Chat / Re: Post Your SSB4 Pics Here!
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:02:43 AM »

the trophy diorama mode is a lot more fun this time, I like it

Not a screenshot oops

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