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Messages - TEM

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Video Game Chat / Re: Weekly Releases (1-4)
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:55:06 AM »
That Matt Hazard thing is real??? I thought that picture you linked in the chat was fan made.

Video Game Chat / Re: TEM's Biweekly Video Games
« on: January 04, 2010, 11:56:22 AM »
Delicious Game Candy

Irresistible bite-sized bits of electronic fun; this is what describes "video game candy". Cheap, small, quick, fun, and usually acquired by digital means. The specific  limits of what defines video game candy can vary.

The game that can challenge one's notion of where candy ends and normal game begins is Portal. Normally retailing $19.99, this game is about two hours long for the first time player. Portal's length seems correct, but the normal price is a little higher than the normal bit of candy, myself feeling that 10 dollars is the limit. But when the game goes on sale, for perhaps 5 dollars, does it rightfully transform into the vg candy that it is? Another aspect that brings Portal at odds with its potential candy status is its high quality. While normally vg candy is fun, it usually isn't ground-breaking or brilliant, both of which are qualities Portal can be said to have.

Other less troubling examples of vg candy can be found on XBLA or Steam; they are everywhere like in candy shops.

The best source for vg candy, however, is the unknowable amount of freeware titles out on the internet. Free (or requiring a donation) bite-sized games are all over the internet, though to differentiate from flash games, you usually have to download them (and obviously aren't run with flash players). My favorite example of high quality, free vg candy is GRAVITY BONE.

The ultimate questions regarding vg candy is that of definition and allowance of variation. Where are the lines drawn: file size, price, game-play length, a combination of qualifications? And variation, is it to be allowed? If a short game goes on sale during a period of time, is it vg candy during that time? If an old game is now short in comparison to current games, and cheap, has it become vg candy?

Whatever your idea of vg candy might be, just be sure to do one thing. Once in a while, put down the 10 hour long action game, the 80 hour long RPG, spend 5 bucks, and enjoy a fun-sized bite of video game delight.

General Chat / Re: What does your room look like?
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:29:35 PM »
I will rebump this topic once I have moved into the house I'm going to rent.

About 5 months later...

General Chat / Re: Classic quotes from forum members
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:45:46 AM »
The mistake seems to be that people think Solid means it happened all at once. And for a Mario fan forum, 3 different people having children is pretty high.

General Chat / Re: 2010
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:57:44 PM »
I say two thousand ten because I'm not a ******bag who likes to be contrary for the hell of it.

Video Game Chat / Re: Left 4 Dead
« on: December 30, 2009, 12:22:58 PM »
I just played the sickest match of Scavenge ever. We were playing 5 rounds in the Mall Atrium. Each team was pretty good, and the first 4 rounds were won alternating back and forth. SO the 5th round was going to decide it. My team played infected first and stopped the Survivors at 3 cans. We rejoiced because this was almost a guaranteed won round, winning the entire game in the process. However, the enemy team came at us full force. We got 3 cans in, 2 guys on the ground, 2 on the stairs near the car. I got pulled off the ledge at the top of the staircase by a Jockey, then when my partner (who was lagging a bit) got up to help me up, the same Jockey got HIM off the same ledge so we overlapped hanging there. On the ground one of our teammates was down by unknown means, and the same Jockey got the guy trying to help him up, ending the match.

I was pooping in amazement at this Jockey, and thinking that we lost the match when we stopped the other team at 3 cans. But then the tie-breaker started and I realized we got as many cans as them at the end, and we did it in 30 seconds to their 2 minutes, winning us the round and the match. It was a freak fest.

Video Game Chat / Re: DUEL STIX vs. PC Point & Click
« on: December 28, 2009, 08:01:05 PM »
With the point & click system, you can unnaturally swing a gun around as fast as you can move the mouse and focus your sights directly at your target(s) with the utmost ease. After shooting real firearms, that's just not how it works.
Grabbing an imaginary badge of authority, I'll start off by stating I've also shot real guns. Realism as a point of judgment is faulty, it isn't the point. Superior accuracy is the goal, despite what you may think, the greatness of the mouse doesn't result in perfect aim, the user still has faults. Why increase this fault by having purposefully clunky control? Anyone who has played with both mouse&keyboard and dual analog sticks an equal amount must agree that the mouse&keyboard are superior. Console gamers who played Half-Life on their friend's computer that one time don't count.

Video Game Chat / Re: Anyone else play Team Fortress?
« on: December 25, 2009, 09:11:15 PM »
I just got two caps in one life as a Heavy on Double Cross. I took out sentries both times without a Medic. When I ran home with the second intel cap my team was cheering me on. The second cap won the game. Feels good. (I killed quite a few people in the process)

Video Game Chat / Re: Anyone else play Team Fortress?
« on: December 25, 2009, 03:51:07 PM »
I find that the best way to go about that is for a more knowledgeable friend to train you in an empty server.

Video Game Chat / Re: Why You JRPG-Lovers Suck
« on: December 24, 2009, 12:08:34 AM »
I'm not really going to bother reading all of the article or most of this thread.
Not fully digesting the source material of the discussion because you THINK it's against your personal opinion yet still entering said discussion is not intelligent.

Video Game Chat / Re: Anyone else play Team Fortress?
« on: December 23, 2009, 10:21:33 PM »
He may not have killed you, but he did chase you back to your own base. I love the Equalizer, and I'm not so sure about the Demoman with the Chargin' Targe and Eyelander being overpowered anymore. I think it's because everyone is still in WAR mode and wants to play Soldiers vs. Demo, but with that shield the Demoman becomes a soldier's nightmare. However, the Demoman has no boosted defense against good old-fashioned bullets, and when using a Heavy (not to mention a Heavy with a Medic) the HP-deficient Eyelander Demo is deadmeat.

General Chat / Re: Wallpapers you have used
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:45:30 PM »

Video Game Chat / Re: Bleedthrough
« on: December 23, 2009, 09:44:02 PM »
You pour it into an engine for an unknown purpose (except for the Mall one).

General Chat / Re: Wallpapers you have used
« on: December 23, 2009, 12:09:12 PM »

Video Game Chat / Re: Bleedthrough
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:08:30 AM »
The 6th floor of the University Hall building is painted stark white with the occasional bright red pipe or door.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like I forgot that I already documented this on the page before this one.

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