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Messages - BP

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Forum Games / Re: You support, you lose
« on: August 09, 2014, 06:38:17 PM »
That's not disheartening. It's 500 dollars, just about enough to... buy one good PC, not nearly enough for the materials to invent a holodeck. Or build a set for a star trek scene. I'm sure 29 people knew that, and didn't pledge money to make the cybermatrix happen, they paid to see what entertaining step this is going to take next.

Fan Creations / Re: Gallery of BP
« on: August 07, 2014, 03:39:52 PM »
Yup. No crowdfunding and no team. Except voices. Out of everything I need to do and currently can't, a variety of little Zelda-like voice bits is the one thing I don't think I could even learn to do because my vocal cords just physically aren't the ones I'd need. But Jim's are. So, just me and him. Which is just as well because games published on Steam Greenlight can only be set up to pay to one bank account, so if I only need help from one person who trusts me to give him his cut, I don't have to open a bank account for a business.

Now is the right time for doing this. Steam and Nintendo are holding out their hands for self-publishing. The tools exist for anyone willing to learn to use them. And... well, I'm not gonna say that big game companies are about to collapse under the sheer expensive weight of their own unfulfilled ambition, unfinished and unasked-for game mechanics, and needless spectacle, but if they do, cheap simple games with focus made by single people or small groups of people who do know what they're doing will be there to pick up the pieces...
@Toad Yeah it's Lemmy.

Fan Creations / Re: Gallery of BP
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:14:45 AM »
I'm making a game. A platformer. The shortest I can put the basic idea is "Super Paper Mario except not [dukar]ty"

That's Drominus Hellcleave in blue and Freddie in orange. They've each got a button for their moves. This is the punch-kick-axe-club combo you get by tapping Drom's button. You can hold the button instead of tapping to go right into the club.

Not a mock-up. I mean this is something I've been doing for the last month or so in Unity, making a little progress every day. I've gotten a lot of other things done that more or less work exactly as I'll want them in the final product but what I'm focusing on right now is the kind of stuff that will be relevant no matter where you are, so then I can build around that for stuff that's relevant most of the time. Maybe in about another month, that will all be finished and I'll be ready to make work with specific enemy AI, specific NPCs, specific levels and [dukar]. Then... then I'll be some fraction of the way done. A fifth? Even when all the coding is done (simple game mechanics that can be applied in a lot of different ways is the key to success if you ask me) that's gonna be a lot of crap to draw.

But I like drawing crap, hence the following

General Chat / Re: Songs That Get Stuck in your Head
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:40:49 AM »
oh my god i can't believe I never saw it before

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Kart 8
« on: August 03, 2014, 03:37:18 PM »
I have a real serious issue with the baby characters now. So I was doing a GP as Roy, and apparently one of the predetermined thorns for his side is Baby Peach. She was tailing me as I narrowly avoided a piranha plant on the track, and it lunged down and bit her head off instead of mine. Her little yelp made me smile. Not too long after, she caught up and rammed into the shell I was dragging. She tumbled forward and wailed a shrill scream of terror. This made me laugh. The presence of all these babies in Mario Kart 8 is either making me a terrible person who enjoys the suffering of infants, or is revealing I was one all along.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: If A Person Loves A Person...
« on: August 01, 2014, 07:53:09 PM »
props for not being about teh gayz.

And what do you mean?

Mario Chat / Re: The Silly Mario Fan Theories Thread
« on: July 30, 2014, 06:00:42 PM »
Mario Kart generates massive revenue for itself and its participants

It's often joked that there's no way that Bowser could possibly afford the manpower, real estate and materials for all of his castles. But what if he actually can? Mario Kart 8's replay-sharing system is dolled up as "Mario Kart TV" and advertised on boards on the tracks in-game, and there is a track called Mario Kart Stadium--not Wario Stadium, not Mario Circuit At Night With Fireworks. It's a track that is just about Mario Kart.

So if Mario Kart is itself an organization, then that organization getting richer and richer explains a lot. It explains each Mario Kart game's tracks becoming steadily more elaborate as time goes on. If the characters buy into it and take some of Mario Kart's money to build racetracks for mutual profit, that explains a few things as well. Bowser would have an awful lot of castles lying around, especially after Super Circuit, and Special Cup in Mario Kart 8 is almost all him. An airship course, a desert course featuring his skeletal likeness, and then the token Bowser's Castle course.

This would also explain why sometimes the theme of the track and the character it's named for don't match. Take Mount Wario for example--why would Wario want to build a ski resort? Wario likes gaudy tributes to himself and plastering his face on anything he owns. But what if that's his plan? He uses his gains from Mario Kart to buy a mountain to serve as his race track, runs a ski resort on it during Mario Kart's downtime, and the money he gains from those will go into a fund to carve his visage into the cliffside, rushmore-style.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: July 29, 2014, 04:14:22 PM »
Sakurai is one of us

Mario Chat / Re: A Theory About Mario
« on: July 28, 2014, 02:57:14 PM »
*poorly written

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:16:16 PM »
If memes are trolling, and Captain Falcon is still in the game and still in his Smash Bros. form, then, everyone who calls Sakurai a huge troll every day that he doesn't reveal Ridley are right, which means... Ridley confirmed!?

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: July 24, 2014, 01:55:45 PM »
He got unbanned, I thought--don't know when or why. I never really hear anything about competitive Brawl, only Melee, the occasional Project M, and people's predictions about SSB4's tiers that are far too early to be worth anyone's time.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:47:40 PM »
I understand that and I don't think that a different individual character works as an alternate costume, but just... maybe all of the facts that stack up to Lucina being perfectly in-character as a Marth clone also stack up to make her a bad choice for a character. What does she add to the game? It could be argued she doesn't take anything from it, either, but if "two many sword-users" is a concern, maybe she does.

Forum Games / Re: You support, you lose
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:45:09 PM »
Hmmm... but there's already a device that lets you do all of the (reasonable/possible) things he mentions in the video. It's called a PC.

Video Game Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. 4 Wii U and 3DS
« on: July 21, 2014, 04:44:51 PM »
I've never really played Fire Emblem.

But I have played Smash Bros. and holy crap Lucina is the worst. She's more of a Marth clone than Roy was (she shares one of his idle poses for god's sake) and isn't even visually distinct from him. It only matters if you can tell the difference from far away, but they look alike even up close, as Marth has become more and more androgynous with each Smash Bros...

The funniest thing is that Sakurai's reasoning for not putting Chrom in the game is "He'd just be another swordfighter like Marth and Ike." While I don't disagree that the roster can be oversaturated with a certain character archetype, and the one that is approaching that is swordfighters, this is just an absurd rationale to not include a non-clone when Lucina is as "like Marth" as possible.

Also, uh... The dialogue in the trailer had that anime-style stiffness to it, like I could practically hear the forced voices echoing off the unrehearsed scripts three inches in front of the actors' faces. Nowhere near as natural-sounding as the Kid Icarus characters. Kind of an extreme nitpick. But I mean, Sakurai helmed Uprising and its English voice cast was good. Really good. So, I mean, I guess I can't complain as long as the new voices hired for characters who haven't had them in their own games recently are good. And Ness can pronounce the word "Flash" this time

General Chat / Re: That carnivorous animal in your living room...
« on: July 21, 2014, 04:19:34 PM »
Oh boy, dogs! I know some stuff about dogs! I live with five of them (in the country with lots of space for them--is it too many? Probably). Three small dogs of various total mutt status and two australian shepherds, one of whom is larger than average and the other of whom is significantly smaller. They're great, my parents and I love each of them.

As far as barking goes, one of them, incidentally the largest and the youngest, is still basically a lively puppy. He likes to bark at the other dogs to try and get them to play with him or at the cat to... get her to die of sonic damage, I guess. So we get him to stop. He's got a lot of bad tendencies that have to be punished and trained away while he's maturing, like getting into anything that's not nailed down, including things on the kitchen table and counters... but he is getting better about that. Maybe simply growing out of it.

The other four of them don't bark unless there's a probable reason: if a car is in front of the house, or pulls into the driveway, or one of the neighbors' idiot friends stops in front of their house and honks repeatedly to get attention instead of knocking on the door or something reasonable. The neighbors' two dogs bark seemingly endlessly at nothing, probably because nobody seems to pay them any attention or ever teach them not to. It's really unbelievable. But equally unbelievable is how little attention our dogs pay to their dogs' barking. They don't bark together.

If I were living somewhere else with less or no help to take care of them, I would definitely not live with five. Maximum would be two. Having grown up with dogs around my entire life, I wouldn't ever want to not have a dog, and I do think there are certain benefits to having more than one, if it's manageable to. Manageable including living space, whether or not there's a dog door and how often it's open, how much you can afford to spend on them (not just food, but also possible medical emergencies), how much time you have to groom them, and stuff like that.

I've especially grown attached to our oldest, a tiny pomeranian-terrier-chihuahua mix. Her personality is almost all pomeranian with the terrier's instinct to (futilely) hunt vermin and almost nothing especially chihuahua-like. So I'm thinking I'd stick with poms for my next dog. For most of my life it was large dogs only and I never even knew if I'd like small dogs, but I think I definitely prefer them smaller. They don't eat as much, if they require medicine they won't need as much of it, they aren't really inherently more feisty or yappy, they can't reach the table, they're much easier to take places, and can play and run and fetch just like a large dog. Even if it's a watch dog you need, you'll at least have an alarm dog, which could be enough of a deterrent on its own even if it's no bodyguard.

So yeah. I probably made it sound like a lot of chores, and it is, but it's totally rewarding. ...Dang. That made me sound like somebody's dad.

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