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Messages - Kinopio

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General Chat / Re: A Question
« on: June 30, 2000, 07:24:16 PM »
I think I've found the most... uhh... shall we say "mentally divided."  Lola Prue is Patty is Serena Light is Cowgirl Pete.  Yes, it's our own Mushroom Kingdom Sibyl.

General Chat / Re: A Question
« on: June 30, 2000, 11:41:06 AM »
The first day I got here I was Kinopio, but then I realized there was a Hinopio here already, so I became the Biggest Boo.  I am actually a bit nosy, so I check people's profiles.  I think there are only two people with multiple personalities around here....

Mario Chat / Re: Origins of Mario (and Luigi)
« on: June 30, 2000, 12:17:56 AM »
Lola Prue has a similar post from a few days ago called "Mario's Parents" or something like that.

Mario Chat / Re: uh-oh! Marios getting high again.
« on: June 29, 2000, 08:28:36 PM »
Actually, I asked had a post a while back which asked if any Mario elements came from Japanese folklore, and someone said that in Japanese culture mushrooms are known for bringing people to new dimensions (like Mario into the Mushroom Kingdom).  This comes from how people would trip out when they took the shrooms and think they were in another world.  Cool, huh?

Okay, clearly you are the same person as Black Yoshi.  Please organize what you are trying to say so we can understand you.  I don't know if you just doing this as a joke, but if you are, please stop because it is annoying.  If you have a legit question, though, you're totally welcomed to ask and  get a good discussion going.

Mario Chat / Re: what is peach?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?
« on: June 29, 2000, 03:43:59 PM »
Oh, come on Black Yoshi...  This post wasn't funny at all.  Use that unique brand of humor again!  We miss it!

Mario Chat / Re: What are you doing?!?
« on: June 29, 2000, 03:41:44 PM »
And to whom it may concern, there is no such thing as a "dinasure," unless my biology teacher was remiss in my lessons.  You're probably thinking of a "dinosaur," but then again, I can't begin to fathom exactly what's going on in your head.

Mario Chat / Re: What Is Poochie ?
« on: June 29, 2000, 03:30:40 PM »
Black Yoshi, please organize your thoughts so that the slower people like me might be able to understand what you're trying to say.

Yes, I get you, Kat!  It's the pinkish background where all eight Yoshis have just decided to relay Baby Mario to safety right before the practice stage.  And I'll agree there is a similarity... Hmm... Maybe you're more right than I thought about this whole music thing...

Mario Chat / Re: Mario's Parents
« on: June 28, 2000, 08:36:16 PM »
Okay, someone who _isn't_ Lola Prue might have something to say... :)  Anyway, exactly who Mario's parents are is a matter of some debate.  According to ancient history way back in the eighties, Mario and Luigi are plumbers in Brooklyn, New York, who travel down the wrong pipe and end up in the Mushroom Kingdom.  We could probably assume that the bros.' parents are two good Italian folks from that area.  According to the ending of Yoshi's Island, however, the stork delivers the twins Mario and Luigi to their parents in the Mushroom Kingdom.  It's actually a very charming scene, but all we see of Mr. and Mrs. Mario is their feet and the bottom of their nightgowns.  So there you have it.

Mario Chat / Re: What Is Poochie ?
« on: June 28, 2000, 08:30:48 PM »
Yes, Poochey is a dog.  If you couldn't tell by all the sniffing and barking and general dogginess, well, there you have it.  What I wanna know is what the hell happened to his nose?!  Has anyone else noticed that poor ol' Poochey has NO NOSE?  What kind of sick freak would create a dog but deprive him of a nose?  And how does he sniff for items...?

Mario Chat / Re: Who's the boss in SML3???
« on: June 28, 2000, 08:26:17 PM »
Whoops.  I screwed up.  I meant the boss of _Wario_ Land 3.  This is not Syrup.  It's a wierd clown thing.  Anyone?

Velvet, Culex was a boss in the Japanese FF2, for the NES.  And the composer of Parasite Eve and Super Mario RPG music is a SHE!  Yoko is one of the few female video game music composers I know of.

Kat, I usually think you're right on about most things, but I gotta disagree with you on this one.  First of all, Yoko Shimumura, who composed SMRPG (as well as Parasite Eve and Legend of Mana) has no ties with Nobuo Uematsu other than they are employed by Square, and I seriously doubt she'd sample his music.  Besides, "the Magic House" and any of the tunes in Nimbus Kingdom (Valentina's guitar-heavy theme or the music the plays after you kick her out) don't bear any more than a passing resemblence to each other.  The Gerudo Valley theme is another guitar-heavy piece with a strong Spanish influence, but the theme of Thamasa is a much more oompa-band like.  I give you that the Opera Waltz does sound a bit like the SMB water theme and the Ultros Battle Theme could be a little like Booster Hill, but I honestly don't think this is anything more than a coincidence.  Since bother composers drew the music from outside culural influence, and certain styles of music fit certain situations, there are bound to be a few freak convergences.

Regarding the Yoshi's Island tune you mentioned, exactly which one where you talking about?

Well, Mario doesn't need to breath under water... In SMB2: The Dream Machine, monsters come back even when you've killed them... No one could ever die because time ran out.  And exactly what keeps bricks and lifts and coin and such floating in the air, anyway?

Sigh... I know I'm the one who tried to lead an investigation into the nature of Peach's shroomy origins, but I think we'll REALLY nitpicking here.  It was fun, thoug

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