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Messages - luigi~lover

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 ... 27
General Chat / Re: if you had the chance...
« on: August 01, 2004, 05:01:15 PM »
I'd be a frog! Teeheehee!

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 30, 2004, 11:43:26 AM »
If you can shove 12 dog treats in your mouth it's free!

How funky is your chicken?

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

General Chat / Re: Got talent?
« on: July 29, 2004, 08:04:05 PM »
My talent is writing stories. Nothing but A+'s since grade 2. When I was in grade 6 my teacher told me I wrote at a grade 8 level. LOL Listen to me boast, sorry:P.

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Edited by - luigi~lover on 7/29/2004 7:06:09 PM

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 29, 2004, 03:20:32 PM »
Chasing that cat over there!

hey! Where's my hat?

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: July 29, 2004, 03:16:08 PM »
I saved my cat’s life! My cat was VERY young and it was in a shoe box near the side of the road. It was winter so they would freeze to death if they stayed out to long. So I told my parents and we took it to the Vet. The Vet said they would have to put it in a shelter if nobody adopted it. So we decided to keep it.

Now he's a very happy and healthy cat. We named him Clancy! He's an Orange American short haired tabby. I love him so much! He's very friendly towards my Bugie and Hamster, heeheehee it's so cute.

Oh, and my parents are thinking of getting a dog! We can't make up our minds, my Mom want a Pug or a Shetland Sheepdog, my brother wants a Brittany, my Dad wants a Rhodesian Ridgeback, and I want a German Shepherd. I think we are most likely getting a Shetland Sheepdog.

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: July 26, 2004, 07:47:41 PM »
Hmm.. I guess I'm in charge here while Jman's away..

*Makes herself a slushie*

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Site Discussion / Re: The new sig topic
« on: July 26, 2004, 03:21:48 PM »
I thought it was about time I got a new sig.

~*The road to success is always under construction*~

Edited by - luigi~lover on 7/26/2004 2:23:45 PM

Site Discussion / Re: Changing username
« on: July 23, 2004, 03:28:07 PM »
Well, I'm not tired of my username, I just wanna jazz it up. I know your a busy person Deezer, but if it's ok with you, can you change my name to *Lùïgí~Løvê®*?

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Forum Games / Re: Super Smash Brothers: WWE style!
« on: July 23, 2004, 03:06:12 PM »
Have a nice time in Idaho Jman! We'll miss you!

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Forum Games / Re: The circle
« on: July 21, 2004, 08:19:57 PM »
Cleaning... all day.... so tired.. must stay awake..

*falls asleep on keyboard*


~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Edited by - luigi~lover on 7/21/2004 7:20:53 PM

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 20, 2004, 02:48:21 PM »
A monkey named Bob.

Want fries with that?

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 19, 2004, 08:22:08 PM »
I don't really wanna find that out.

Where's Waldo?

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 18, 2004, 08:48:57 PM »
Yea! They smell like rotten meat!

Do you have the bunny inside?

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

General Chat / Re: I Dreamt About Two Of You
« on: July 18, 2004, 05:19:32 PM »
Well, it could have been me, if she had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

Forum Games / Re: Ask a stupid Qusestion get a stupid answer
« on: July 18, 2004, 05:11:24 PM »

What kind of music does Daisy like?

~*Sometimes I dream I''m being carried away by a giant squirrel... so does that make me a nut?*~

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