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Messages - ~Lavender

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Mario Chat / Re: In Super Mario Galaxy, Who is...
« on: November 20, 2007, 04:35:31 PM »
"Intelligent girls are kinda my thing (hey, if you don't think she's smart, play Super Paper Mario)."

I played it and beat it. She's not smart.

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: November 08, 2007, 04:31:43 PM »
You'd think I'd be overjoyed about this, but why am I not?

Neither am I....basically I just dont see the point of playing a game all over again, even if it IS with Luigi ><  I wanted him to be unlockable LEAST in the middle of the game or after you save him :\

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: November 06, 2007, 06:45:15 PM »
no offense but you should sort of make the pictures a link instead of showing it off like that...I mean, I really spoiled myself on this luigi thing too, (only because Im an impatient and curious gal 8D)  but not everyone wants to know the end of a game this quick ><

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:46:56 PM »
there's even videos of him being playable now, cuuute :] but kind of a huge exploitation  >_>

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: November 02, 2007, 06:08:02 PM »
lol, thats old news about him helping you out, but its true about unlocking him :] He jumps a lot higher but its hard to control him when you want to stop jumping ><  Im kind of surprised no one has bothered to upload a video of playing as him though, still you have to get 120 to play as him...I just don't see the point if you know how to do everything though >_>

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 31, 2007, 04:12:47 PM »
You gotta get all 120 stars for Luigi to be playable, I guess.

um, proof? ...

Mario Chat / Re: Why do we want Luigi?
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:58:26 PM »
Im a Luigi Fangirl too! :] High Fives N64 Chick!! 8D

And actually, it wasn't forest green...nor talking about his clothes.

"He's lean, he's not so mean, his fireballs are green! Everyone's favorite Brother is here too"


Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 23, 2007, 03:30:08 PM »
(Quoted From Nintendo Power)

It's surprising how Mario's scaredy-cat little brother, Luigi, keeps finding himself in the spookiest places. Ghostly Galaxy is packed with giant Boos, trap doors, and one green-suspendered knee-trembling sibling. But saving his bacon is worth the effort- once you get Luigi safely back to the Comet Observatory, he'll help you out in your quest to find more-tricky stars.

(end quote)

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 20, 2007, 05:17:49 PM »
no offense but thats old....and if you watch the video I posted above you clearly see Luigi. He even talks in it....>_>

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 19, 2007, 06:38:07 PM »
Luigi jumps when he see's Mario :] Then I guess you get to talk to him too, even the guy playing in the video says he see's Luigi, and I dont even know Japanese, 8D

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 19, 2007, 04:04:57 PM »
Actually, if you want a better source of proof that Luigi's in, why not see Luigi for yourself?

Lol its like they added a Luigis Mansion 2 in this game...he even yells "Maaaaaaaario" cute. :] *runs*

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 18, 2007, 03:22:11 PM »
I just want to know how Luigi got into space...there was no sight of him in that prologue.

Mario Chat / Re: Absolute proof of Luigi in Galaxy
« on: October 17, 2007, 04:19:50 PM »
Lol, he only joined for the question haha....

Mario Chat / Re: Mariology (serious posts wanted)
« on: August 21, 2007, 10:22:38 AM »
I have a question.....

Most people say the sports title's for Mario are spinoff's, so does that make it non-canon? I mean, it has nothing to do with the real storyline right? I always thought it was canon, now I feel sort of dumb, oh well. >_>

Mario Chat / Re: Mario's Character
« on: July 01, 2007, 12:01:37 PM »
I always thought of Mario as arrogant yet heart-loving at the same time. Luigi may show his personality more since he is not the one thats always controlled but its pretty fun determining Mario's character.

Sometimes Ive even thought of him as lazy, like in Super Mario Sunshine, the guy sweeping around in the hotel where the ghosts were at asked Mario if he could use a vacuum to get rid of them, and later he said "What, why are you looking at me like that?" but that could have reminded him of Luigi..but who can really blame him since he was forced to clean an entire island up....

I honestly think a lot of things change for the characters because of whoever is running the game. Like Luigi, isnt he supposed to be known as the intelligent type? the "Mario is brawns and Luigi is brains" thing but however it doesnt show very much in the ML series, and they make him more of a goof instead. I may be wrong though since I havent really fully played both of the games >< Thats why I think its just whoever is managing the game >_> It gets on my nerves.

In one of the MPT trophy sequences (I forgot the character who wins ><) Luigi falls and Mario (along with Peach) tries to help him get up, however Mario doesnt do a thing in M and L when Luigi gets hurt. Then, this isnt much but in the title screen for Luigi's Mario Party theme Wario is trying to attack Luigi and you can see Mario aiming to pull him back, and for MT64 he jumps in when Luigi is about to fight Waluigi in the opening sequence.

Oh, and didn't the Star Gate in PIT mention in some way that he cares about luigi?

Well, ok I hope I wasn't going off its just everyone seemed to be discussing whether he cares for luigi or not..

Mario has all kinds of traits to me though. Like..he's hyper, but also has a bad temper on some cases. Nintendo of Europe released his public diary a few years back....when they were celebrating his anniversary or something, and each page had Mario summarizing one of his adventures. One of the pages Mario even admits he gets tired of Peach getting kidnapped, but he still does it anyway and thats what makes him so kind hearted. And then on another diary entry, he was talking about when he met Lord Crump and called him a Son of a gun. I'd never expect mario to say that o.0

NOE could have just done that for fun but they made it seemed like he really wrote it from the advertising. but dont jump me or anything >< I'll try and look for it again if I can.

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