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Messages - CoconutMikeNIke

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General Chat / Re: "Why?" Sequels
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:43:06 PM »
I'm not really a fan of the computer generated movies.  Shrek had its moments, and I did like the Ice Age movies, but other than that, they don't really grab my interest.

I've never seen any of the Land Before Time movies under my own free will, though when I was watching my cousin once, he had it on.  I don't know how they could keep making more...

I only liked one scene in Fievel Goes West, and that's when the cat (don't know the name) was learning how to bark in the mine.  That part still makes me laugh.

Mario Chat / Re: About Bowser..................
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:36:02 PM »
Wow, you get really defensive when you realize you've talked yourself into a corner. 

Site Discussion / Re: The new sig topic
« on: August 09, 2006, 06:23:50 PM »
Theme parks don't have carnies, they have Themies...

I consider carnies anyone that works for a travelling carnival or fair, even larger events.

Mario Chat / Re: Super Smash Bros. Character Suggestions
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:33:33 PM »
How about the main hero from Secret of Mana?  Though Nintendo would need permission, since it's a SquareSoft game, it would be pretty cool.  Plus, there would be a lot the companies could choose from for his attacks.  Here's what I could come up with.

B-Sword of Mana: Basic sword attack, kinda like Marth/Roy, can be charged, but maybe faster.
Smash B-Whip: longer range, moderate strength attack, which knocks the enemy away.
Down B-Blaze Wall: It's one of the girls magic attacks, it engulfs the enemy/enemies in flame, kinda like Lip's Stick in Melee, though it would last a little longer.  To make it fair, you'd have to face an enemy to make it work.
Up B-Flammie Drum: Dragon quickly flies up, you hang on for a second to boost yourself up, and Flammie hurts all Enemies it touches.

He could use his weapons for the A attacks as well, like forward smash could use the Glove attack, down smash has the Sprite spin low with the Axe, and Up smash could use the Lance/spear.

He would be best as a middle wieght, I think, with average speed, maybe a little faster.

Personally, I don't want too many third person.  I'm not a huge fan of the Metel Gear franchise, but Snake is fine in the game.  Maybe Sonic, too, but other than that, I want some major Nintendo characters to have the spotlight.

Mario Chat / Re: About Bowser..................
« on: August 09, 2006, 02:04:26 AM »
Actually, as i've said before, look at the piture of the kappa (link to it on page 1).
 Now, if that were fatter and walked on two legs, all you'd need to do is give it spikes on its shell and the only difference would be the facial features.

So, just change everything but the color, and it's ALMOST IDENTICAL!  That Amazing! </sarcasm>

Seriously, you're practically saying yourself that they are completely different.

General Chat / Re: Wallpapers you have used
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:43:38 PM »
Goodgame is something a friend downloaded, it's a word file talking about what makes a Good Game.

The file Mario is where the stuff for the desktop, like the images and what the images do, and the Mario File is where I keep all my random stuff, though it originally only had, you guessed it, Mario things.

Edit: Here is the site I got it from

Mario Chat / Re: Sequel Problem Solved! (Alot of rumors were wrong!)
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:38:38 PM »
Please read my post before criticising it please.
I said if it has "2" or something in front f it, there is no debate about it being a sequel. For most games, the next game in the series is the sequel, such as Zelda games, but now there are so many diffent types of Mario game we can't say that any more.
Actually, Zelda games don't work like that.  There has been a lot of ideas about what the order of the games is.  Some, like OoT, have a direct sequel, in this case, MM.  But there is no definite idea when one happens in the Zelda timeline. 

Mario Chat / Re: About Bowser..................
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:20:32 PM »
ok... nobody listens to those guys in wikipedia, so don't worry :d. By people saying he was based on one, I meant peole like me.
Right. Look at the evidence again.
Bowser looks like a kappa.
Though his name is from a korean dish, it sounds like kappa. Don't you think that there's a slim chance that just perhaps koopa was picked for a reason other than it sounded like food?
There is no evidence against him being based on a kappa.

So, as we can see from this, until Nintendo says otherwise it is safe to assume that koopas ARE based on kappas, especially Bowser

No, plain out, no.  He is supposed to be a large, spiked, fire-breathing, TURTLE.  Or more likely a tortoise, since he's not a fan of water.  NOT a Kappa.  It's more likely the name of Koopa came after they designed him, so the idea that the similarity between the two names doesn't work. 

General Chat / Re: Wallpapers you have used
« on: August 08, 2006, 02:01:19 PM »
I got this one a few weeks back.  Its actually larger, but my screen isn't big enough.  The boxes and enemies are all clickable, though no coins come out, and the Koopa doesn't knock out the Goomba on the right.  The first mushroom does fly out, and you can squish the Goombas by clicking them.

Mario Chat / Re: Is Game Boy dead?
« on: August 07, 2006, 03:46:22 PM »
I believe I read an IGN article some time ago, around E3, that Nintendo wouldn't release any more GBA, variations of old ones, or new kinds.  I would like it to continue, except that I rarely see any games not based on movies, TV shows, toys, or a combination of the three.  If there were more new (As in new ideas) games, that would be good.  Otherwise, I'll just stick with the DS

Mario Chat / Re: Super Mario RPG GBA/DS Remake?
« on: August 07, 2006, 03:39:29 PM »
But Nintendo likely wouldn't do that.  They would try and cram new stuff into the game, which needs nothing more than what was on the original.  I'd rather that it wasn't remade onto the DS, or at all, just because there would be some cheap way to include the touch screen.  but it doesn't matter what I want, since even if it was released again, I wouldn't buy it; I'd rather play it on the SNES.

Video Game Chat / Re: "So, all you do is play video games?"
« on: August 04, 2006, 02:05:08 PM »
The only people that have given me any trouble about my love of video games are a few people at school.  Though I don't think anything of it, since they're really dumb...18 years old in freshman classes dumb.  Other than that I either don't mention gaming, or have just have a quick discussion with some of my friends.  My parents used to play the NES, but that's about it.  Even though they don't play now, they've never had a problem with the games I play.  Every so often I'll talk about different systems with my father, since he hears about the X-box and PS2 from the people at his work, though we stick to the basic pros and cons of each system. 

Video Game Chat / Re: Have video games ever made you cry?
« on: August 04, 2006, 01:28:59 PM »
I can honestly say that I haven't cried at any point in Field of Dreams.  Yes, it had some touching moments, but nothing that I think I would cry over.  Either way, you read the title wrong, since this is about Games that made you cry, not movies.

I don't think I've ever cried over a game ending or sad moment, though a younger me has gotten close to crying out of annoyance.  Trying to get Ness on SSB was one.  Course, now I handle loss a lot better.  No tears shed, I just walk away (while swearing and calling the game a cheater).

General Chat / Re: None Like It HOT!
« on: July 14, 2006, 05:57:16 PM »
Well, there is some effect of Global Warming, as so far this year has been the hottest in US since record keeping began, according to  My house has 5 window ACs, though we don't use them for much more than fans.  Not to save the planet, but to save some cash.  Oh well, I guess it works out right in the a way.

Video Game Chat / Re: Pain from Video Games
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:08:39 PM »
Snes-Street Fighter 2:World Warrior.  I only just got a Super Nintendo, and I bought a few games, including Street Fighter.  I was playing as Ken, and while doing his fireball attack and the spinning kick attack, I was sliding my thumb, and the D pad gave me a blister on my left thumb.  Then I got another one when I was playing Marvel Vs Capcom, but this time trying to do the Hyper combos.

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